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Madeleine Nash

Dr. Kane
Philosophy of Assessment

Assessment is an essential component of any educational program as it helps to gauge

the progress of the learner and the effectiveness of the teaching process. In this paper, I will
outline my philosophy of assessment, including the use of formative and summative
assessments, strategies for social-emotional learning (SEL), and universal design of learning

My philosophy of assessment emphasizes the use of both formative and summative

assessments. Formative assessment refers to ongoing assessments that occur throughout the
learning process, and which are designed to provide feedback to learners and instructors. These
assessments help to identify areas of strength and weakness, allowing learners to adjust their
learning strategies and instructors to modify their teaching approaches.

Both formative and summative assessments are necessary for effective teaching and
learning. Formative assessments are administered periodically and routinely throughout a
learning unit. This type of assessment helps learners to stay on track and adjust their learning
strategies as needed, while summative assessments provide a measure of overall achievement
and help to evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching process.

Summative assessments, on the other hand, are typically administered at the end of a
learning unit or course and are designed to measure the extent to which learners have achieved
specific learning objectives. These assessments provide a final evaluation of the learner's
knowledge and skills and can be used to make decisions about progress, behavior, or
differentiation in content delivery.

Another important component of my philosophy of assessment is the incorporation of

strategies for social-emotional learning (SEL). SEL refers to the process of developing social and
emotional skills, such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills,
and responsible decision-making.
Assessments for SEL should focus on evaluating the learner's ability to develop and apply
these skills in various contexts. These assessments should be designed to be developmentally
appropriate, culturally responsive, and inclusive of diverse learners.

Finally, my philosophy of assessment includes the use of universal design of learning

(UDL) principles. UDL is an approach to teaching and learning that emphasizes the importance
of creating accessible learning environments that are inclusive of all learners.

Assessments designed using UDL principles should be flexible and adaptable, allowing
for multiple means of representation, expression, and engagement. This approach ensures that
all learners have equal opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge and skills, regardless of
their background or abilities.

In conclusion, my philosophy of assessment emphasizes the importance of using both

formative and summative assessments, strategies for social-emotional learning, and universal
design of learning principles. These approaches ensure that assessments are equitable, inclusive,
and effective in promoting learning and growth for all learners. By incorporating these
principles into assessment practices, we can ensure that assessments serve their intended
purpose of guiding teaching and learning.

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