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Student Name: Lara Fox

Student Code: hyp360

Supervisor: Mr Wuttke

Name of Project: Podcast series on environmental sustainability in action.

Goal Statement: My personal project goal is to create a series of podcasts to examine ways
in which people across the world can positively impact the health and sustainability of our

Word count: 3,500


Investigation 3

Planning 6

Taking Action 9

Reflecting 12

Alphabetical Bibliography 16
Academic Honesty Form 18

Appendix #1: - Process Journal Entries 20

Appendix #2: Criteria 32

Appendix #3: To Do List 33

Appendix #4: Timeline 35


Goal and Global Context:

My personal project goal is to create a series of four podcasts examining ways in which
people across the world can positively impact the health and sustainability of our planet.
The Global Context of globalisation and sustainability relates to my goal because I want to
inform individuals about environmental sustainability world-wide. Ultimately making people
more aware of current environmental threats and how our actions and habits can change to
sustain the planet. (see Appendix 1)

My goal changed during this project because I altered my topic three times, and this
impacted my time management. Ultimately, I achieved my goal by producing four high-
quality podcasts. I changed my goal and topic because my original choice was too broad,
overwhelming and I didn’t have a clear idea about what I would do. Once I decided to do the
podcasts on the planet, I immediately became eager and interested in this topic which
helped me explore new ideas about my current topic. (see Appendix 1)

Prior knowledge / Subject-specific knowledge:

School STEP lessons influenced me to make four podcasts about the environment. My class
undertook a task of emptying five full landfill bins on a tarpaulin and sorting this rubbish
into four different garbage bags representing the following categories; co-mingled recycling,
green waste, soft plastics and landfill. After sorting, only five items remained in the landfill
bin instead of hundreds of items. This task inspired me to create and develop my global
contexts for my personal project. (see Appendix 1)

Challenges I faced to achieve my goal of creating a series of podcasts were testing and
maintaining the sound quality and consistency of the voice recordings of the interviews,
creating interesting and informative interview questions, recruiting people to interview and

providing interviewees with the questions in advance so that they could give considered
responses. I needed to create podcasts with the purpose of educating the public on practical
ways to help make the environment more sustainable for everyone. (see Appendix 1)

Before I began my personal project, I had previous knowledge about the environment
through STEP, Humanities and Science. For example, in Science I learnt pollution causes
oceans to become acidic due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This affects
plankton, corals and crustaceans. I observed large quantities of air and rubbish pollution in
2017 when I travelled to Europe. In Humanities we studied deforestation and its negative
impact on global warming. Activities in the STEP programme have influenced me because
they were related to recycling and reducing our landfill waste. (see Appendix 1)

Outside of school, I continuously learn from my family about being more environmentally
aware. I discussed with my older brother wastage in the medical field. As a trainee
paramedic, he uses up to 20 pairs of gloves a day, because they are single use items. Prior
knowledge gained from Speech and Drama studies inside and outside of school taught me
about voice projection, clear speech and speaking at a reasonable pace. My English and
Drama studies assisted me to develop relevant questions for the four subtopics and elicit
detailed answers from the interviewees. I wrote scripts for each podcast to guide the
direction and content and timing of the interviews. (see Appendix 1)

Research skills:

Having never conducted an interview before, I realised I needed to improve my research

skills to create probing questions. I researched on the internet including how to structure
podcasts prior to planning and conducting interviews. Important skills I developed were
setting up for interviews and editing the content. Research helped me to create scripts and
questions for the interviews. I chose accurate and reliable websites from which I collated
and wrote factual notes. Using these notes, I drafted a series of questions for my podcast

Interviewees ranged in age, occupation and experience. The interviews were a reliable
source of primary information about how people are applying what they know. I elicited
different perspectives about how members of society respect the environment. Internet
research provided information relevant to my topic and statistics to back up information
given in my podcasts. (see Appendix 1)

Antecedently to my research, I had little idea about floating garbage patches polluting our
oceans and atmosphere, exporting garbage to poorer nations and industries using recycled
material being to make everyday items including outdoor furniture and sporting equipment.
The people I have interviewed, the podcasts I have heard and the research that I have done
will continue to influence how I live my life. From my daily living activity, my education, my
shopping habits and my consumer choices, I am sure that I will always endeavour to
consider the environment. (see Appendix 1)

I was inspired by the Little Green Pod Environmental Podcasts on ABC and my STEP activities
emptying bins and sorting through the rubbish for landfill. We put rubbish into four
categories reducing waste instantly. At the conclusion of this exercise, there were only five
items in the landfill bin which astounded me. The concept Think Globally, Act Locally often
attributed to Scottish town planner; Patrick Geddes became real for me. (see Appendix 1)

I worked to develop my confidence in research skills and am now more independent with
my learning. I have broadened my skill base to focussing on looking for specific answers, for
example, I write all of the information down but now know how to pick out the key points
and narrow down the rest of the information. My newly developed research skills enabled
me to seek internet information sources about why the environment under is threat? What
is BPA and how does this affect people? Why is recycling so important? Is there a correct
way of recycling? I produced a survey for the year 10 cohort to complete. The survey had 10
environmental questions to answer regarding what they think society can do to help protect
the environment and make it more sustainable. (see Appendix 1)



I included five main criteria. The criteria are; engaging content, podcasts impact, creating
conversation, informing people and sound quality. Based on my research, I believe these
five criteria express and outline the central elements that my podcast series will need to
contain. (see Appendix 2)

I set my criteria to achieve the characteristics of a high-quality outcome by ensuring there is

a detailed description of each criterion level. There are five different levels Excellent,
Substantial, Adequate, Limited and No Evidence which does not require an explanation of
the level because this means that nothing has been accomplished. (see Appendix 2)

Little Green Pod gave me helpful ideas on how to create a good podcast and construct my
criteria utilising mind maps to demonstrate some of my critical thinking skills. Website
sources recommended using high-quality equipment that I did not have. For example, a
high-quality microphone, Bluetooth headphones and other technical items not suited to the
beginner podcaster. (see Appendix 1 and 2)

Using my own criteria rubric with its five-level structure guided me step by step to create a
product to meet the expected requirements. I decided to alter my original criteria because I
thought that I needed to add an extra criterion to make the product more complete. I added
detailed information in each criterion to make the self-assessment process less complicated.
Sound quality was added because I believed this is critical to success of the podcasts. (see
Appendix 2)

Planning and Development process:

Brainstorming ideas in my planning process allowed ideas to flow and be documented

without specific sequence. From this I generated mind maps. This strategy was vital in the
development stage to formulate the main ideas. From these initial processes, I expanded
my thoughts and ideas to explore further issues and topics. The to do list function on
ManageBac was helpful to “tick off” completed tasks. The checklist was flexible enabling me
to add tasks, edit and make changes along the way but was limited by not keeping date
order. For longer term planning I used timeline and criteria templates for providing evidence
to support my journal entries. I used ManageBac to set short term- goals like writing
questions for my supervisor to prepare for upcoming meetings. I also listed tasks or items I
needed to create for my podcasts including write scripts, write interview questions, contact
and record interviewees. (see Appendix 1, 2, 3 and 4)

Twice my original topic changed after conducting preliminary research. I became less
engaged with sports shoes and face painting. This highlighted my expectation to be
passionate and engaged with a topic to manage the researching challenges. Changing topics
put me behind schedule which was a small price to pay for a finding a topic about which I
have passionate. (see Appendix 1)

Self-management skills:

At the beginning of the personal project, I doubted my self-management skills. Interestingly,

I noticed a strong improvement in how I managed this longer-term project. I was able to see
how well my self-management skills were continuing to develop through the timeline and
regular meetings with my supervisor. The personal project day at the beginning of the year
was beneficial because teachers gave advice and tips for the global contexts, planning and
the investigating processes. Subsequently, I re-focussed on my global context which
changed my proposal from cultural aspects of face painting to local impact on global
environmental sustainability. (see Appendix 1 and 4)

Time management was essential for me to maintain control of my project. I dedicated time
for research in the library but found all of my best global and statistical resources online. I
pursued interviewees and needed to be ready with my questions and scripts when they
were available. My supervisor had four other students and I needed to be prepared for him
to review my work in progress. (see Appendix 1)

My process journal formed a crucial part of displaying evidence. I completed weekly journal
entries to document my ideas, issues, concerns, mind maps, and compiled emails with
teachers to demonstrate communication. I uploaded my criteria, final product and timeline
to this journal for my supervisor to track my progress. (see Appendix 1, 2 and 4)

The challenges of managing this large project by using self-care and self-management
techniques including; walking and talking with friends or discussing the assignment to
debrief about worries and concerns with my supervisor. I recorded ideas and feedback from
these conversations in my process journal. Essential self-management skills I relied upon
were setting smaller achievable goals and timelines, utilising mind maps, to do lists and
checking items of lists. (see Appendix 1, 3 and 4)

Taking action

Final product/ outcome:

Upon finishing my research, I decided upon four areas for discussion, one for each podcast.
Why do we need to change? Recycling, changes made by businesses and consumers and
finally, the economic impacts of change and the added benefits of going green. I recruited
people of differing ages for the interviews. The interviews were scripted which helped
greatly to stay on topic and keep to time limits. Podcasts were recorded on a laptop with
screen recording software, Quick Time Player. For editing the content iMovie software was
used. All podcasts were published on Managebac and were viewed by a small test audience
before considering publishing to a wider audience. (see Appendix 1)

Thinking Skills:

At the outset of the project, brainstorming and producing mind maps were beneficial to
collate, sort through and organise my broad ideas. Writing ideas in my process journal
helped me to develop my topics, research questions and identify resources needed and the
time it would take to investigate them. (see Appendix 1)

I chose to create podcasts as they are easily accessible, free or affordable, are portable, can
be developed in different languages and are popular will different age groups. I considered
other presentation options including a webpage or blog, video documentary, PowerPoint
and writing and performing in a role play. I enjoy podcast style delivery and so decided upon
this format. When I considered the other options, I found webpage to be less interactive
and personal while a role play scenario may not be realistic enough achieve the desired
impact on viewers. (see Appendix 1)

Creative thinking skills were implemented when brain storming ideas during the
investigation and planning process. Transferrable skills developed from previous IB Drama

and English classes included creative script writing, speech and drama techniques for vocal
interviews, staying on topic, time management and building rapport with others.

My research and organisation skills assisted me with my criteria, note taking, journal entries
the “to do checklist”, making my timeline and most importantly my mind maps and lists of
people to interview. (see Appendix 1, 2 and 3)

Whilst undertaking the personal project, there were challenges I addressed. These included
meeting face to face with interviewees during COVID-19 restrictions. I contended with social
distancing impacting on sound quality and background noise. I extended my basic skills
acquired from Media lessons in Year 8 to edit and fine tune the recordings. The final product
was better than I expected. (see Appendix 1)

Social and communication skills:

From the start of the project my communication skills felt strong. I documented
conversations with my supervisor in my process journal. I kept a record of emails sent to set
up and organise meetings and interviews. Writing this report has been one of the most
rewarding aspects of the personal project. I view it as the culmination of all the work done
prior but report writing, and assignment language has always been a difficult challenge for
me to meet. (see Appendix 1)

Throughout the project, I interacted with many people which has been different to other
solo assignments. I negotiated with my supervisor, Mr Wuttke. I sought advice and feedback
from my parents, my adult brother and the interviewees. For example, I would write the
scripts for the podcasts and received feedback and advice on how to make my script better
and more interesting. I found the feedback helpful because I could implement changes for
other podcast scripts. (see Appendix 1)

I had to be efficient and effective to interview eight people in a variety of employment

sectors. They included specialist science, economics and business teachers, school students,

a social worker and an accountant. All these people have their own views and perspectives
to contribute on environmental sustainability. I had discussions with my brother, who is a
student paramedic, that the health and emergency sectors use single use items every day. I
understand these items are for protection and hygiene, however I can critically analyse this
to be wasteful from a resource perspective. We need to develop sustainable reusable and
recyclable equipment. This has become evident in the current COVID-19 crisis. Particularly
in Victoria where all adults are currently required by law to wear protective masks in public.
The increased demand for and use of sanitising hand wash and PPE (Personal Protective
Equipment) places further stress on the environment. This is likely to become a common
practice for the foreseeable future. (see Appendix 1)


Evaluation of the project:

Upon Identifying a need I generated criteria by which to measure the success of my product.
At the commencement of my project I specified my podcasts would be engaging,
interesting, and have informative content of an educational nature. I expected that it would
promote people sharing conversations about how they could apply this information in their
daily lives to promote action on sustainable living for a healthier environment. I planned for
the delivery method to be easily accessible, understandable, relatable and of a consistent
quality and structure. (see Appendix 1 and 2)

It was both satisfying and met my criteria when my test audience, after listening to my
podcast series, engaged in conversation about their actions as I had intended. This conveyed
that not only had they engaged with the content but that it was impactful and informative. I
received positive feedback on the speech clarity of the podcasts and their educational and
informative content. (see Appendix 1 and 2)

Despite the poorer sound quality recording and logistical difficulties of voice recording while
meeting social distancing requirements, it was gratifying to have positive audience feedback
to allay my concerns. I believe that this could contribute to a grade in the 5-6 band because
some of the sound quality is less than I would have liked as I had to interview people from a
minimum 1.5 metre distance due to the COVID-19 virus restrictions. A further reason for
identifying this grade is that I have included relevant information but due to my initial delays
from change of topics and then time restrictions I was unable to develop and gather further
research from primary sources such as interviewing healthcare workers. Again COVID-19
restrictions were challenging as they impacted both my time and accessibility to people. The
podcast series delivery method was an effective medium to reach people. It was easily
accessed by people from school age to old age even during COVID-19 restrictions. (see
Appendix 1)

Professional equipment (microphone, Bluetooth editing headphones) and training to use
these items could improve sound quality. Nonetheless I was impressed by the clarity of
recording despite some unavoidable background noise. At the beginning of each podcast, I
stated facts that were aimed at motivating the audience to join the sustainable living
movement. I shared my podcasts with family, friends and teachers. I know conversations
were started as a result of my podcasts. At a recent family event, three of my aunties were
discussing environmental issues raised in my podcast series. (see Appendix 1)

My podcasts met criteria I set at the beginning of the personal project. I worked diligently
to edit background noise and feedback. In the third podcast some pauses remain as I was
unable achieve content flow without impacting on the rest of the audio file. I decided to
include the pauses because of the greater risk of losing all of my podcast audio. (see
Appendix 1 and 2)

Extension of knowledge, topic and global context:

Through my project my understanding of the environment has been extended. I was able to
answer my own questions about; why do we need to change? What and how much do we
recycle? What changes can and have businesses and consumers made? Then finally can we
see economic impacts of these changes and their benefits? Interviewees sharing their own
experiences make these topics relatable and change achievable. The most impactful fact I
wanted to share is the size and scale of the great Pacific garbage patch to which we have all
contributed even though it is located between Hawaii and California. (see Appendix 1)

My understanding of the global contexts, globalization and sustainability has been

expanded because of my research. I have sought to explain and suggest ways in which
humans can act to contribute to sustainable environmental solutions. Humans can do
simple things to replenish the environment. We can save energy by turn the lights off and
opening blinds, save precious water or work electronically instead of printing on paper. I

have been more observant of all the rubbish going into the ground, saving energy in my
house, buying less packaged goods and reducing consumption of goods. (see Appendix 1)

Reflection on your development as an IB learner through the project:

Mind maps were used to build my inquiry and navigate my way through the topics to be
covered in my podcast series. I wrote content scripts and interview questions with
knowledge gained from my research. Through my research and the interview process I was
open-minded to be able to ask questions, offer solutions and actions we can take to make
the environment more sustainable. With a focus on being balanced and reflective, I
expressed my thoughts, feelings and ideas and documented these in my process journal.
(see Appendix 1)

My communication style and organisation served as a strength when meeting with teachers
and people I interviewed for the podcast episodes. I used e-mail to add meetings to my
outlook calendar. I experienced challenges in researching information and collating current,
relevant and Australian statistics. I sifted through many out of date statistics. I took risks in
using unfamiliar digital software and editing tools to create my podcasts. Although time
consuming and creatively challenging, it was exciting to see how this improved my end
product. I gained confidence in approaching and interviewing people. I found this
challenging because I have never interviewed before and was nervous about how people
would respond to my facts and questions. (see Appendix 1)

Transferrable skills gained from the project have been inquiring and reflecting upon
researching new information about my topic and how to present facts and statistics,
scripting and editing interviews and podcasts. I have thought creatively to solve problems
and meet resource limitations including working within time limits, limited technical
resources and interviewee availability. I have also learnt to be open minded aids exploring
new ways of caring for the environment through our actions. I have worked on being an
independent worker who can set realistic goals, identify solutions and achieve them. I am
proud of the podcast I produced as it presents information in an engaging and creative way.

It is based on the principle of taking responsibility for our own actions and their
consequences and I believe I have integrated this into my daily practice. (see Appendix 1)

Before I started the research for my podcasts, I was aware of the fact that that there was a
movement to protect our environment, however I had not been overly successful in caring
for the environment due to lack of know how. The issue always felt like it was somebody
else’s problem and that people were being a bit over dramatic about the issue. I think
differently now about protecting our environment. This project has not only impacted my
critical thinking, but it has also impacted the way I live my daily life. I am acutely aware and
passionate about my responsibility to recycle and reduce waste. I have become motivated
to influence other people to adopt the practice of recycling, reducing waste, reusing instead
of scrapping and being aware of our impact on the environment. This project has given me
insight into the fact that if enough people globally do their part then we can together make
a positive difference to environmental sustainability - “Think Globally, Act Locally”. (see
Appendix 1)

Alphabetical Bibliography
1. (2016). History of Australian Recycling – Allround Recycling. [online]
Available at: [Accessed 17 May
2. (2020). The benefits of an environmentally friendly business | Business
Queensland. [online] Available at:
business/environment/environment- business/benefits#:~:text=Improves%20sustainability,chance
%20of%20long%2Dterm%20success. [Accessed 3 Jun. 2020].
3. Chan, J 2020, pers. comm., 5 May.
4. Cho, R 2019, How climate change impacts the Economy, N/A, N/A, viewed 13 June 2020,
5. Conserve Energy Future. (2016). What is Recycling and Why is Recycling Important?. [online] Available
at: [Accessed 17
May 2020].
6. (2020). Waste to Resources Policy 2010 | EPA. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 1 Jun. 2020].
7. Facts on Recycling in Australia That You May Not Know 2019, N/A, N/A, viewed 17 May 2020,
8. footprint/ [Accessed 1 Jun. 2020].
9. Gasper, R, Bolohm, A & Ruth, M 2011, Social and Economic impacts of climate change on the urban
environment, N/A, N/A, viewed 13 June 2020,
10. (2020). Tips to Use Less Plastic - Green Education Foundation | GEF |
Sustainability Education. [online] Available at:
less-plastic.html [Accessed 24 April 2020].
11. Healthline. (2020). What Is BPA and Why Is It Bad for You?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jun. 2020].
12. James, S 2020, pers. comm., 6 May.
13. Jones, L 2020, pers. comm., 26 May.
14. Lake, R 2018, Positive Effects on the Environment From Going Green, N/A, N/A, viewed 14 June 2020,
15. Little Green Pod’ 2019, Workin' it for the planet, Podcast, ABC Listen, 26 March, viewed 26 March,
16. Marks, G. (2014). 10 Huge Ways Running a Business Has Changed in the Past 20 Years. [online]
Entrepreneur. Available at: [Accessed 2 Jun. 2020].
17. N/A, T 2017, The environment and you: 5 ways you can make a difference, N/A, N/A, viewed 13 June
2020, <>.
18. Neilson, M 2020, pers. comm., 23 May.
19. Pennsylvania Conference for Women. (2014). Green Your Business: 7 Ways to Reduce Your
Environmental Footprint - Pennsylvania Conference for Women. [online] Available at:

20. Recycling- science topic 2020, N/A, N/A, viewed 16 May 2020,
21., V. (2018). How a Landfill Works + Facts and Statistics for Kids - [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 April 2020].
22. Rubicon: Smart Waste and Recycling Technology Company. (2017). 6 Most Common Recycling
Questions, Answered. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 16 May 2020].
23. Small Business - (2020). The Effects of Business on Consumer Behavior. [online] Available
at: [Accessed 2
Jun. 2020].
24. Snowden, S. (2020). 300-Mile Swim Through The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Will Collect Data On
Plastic Pollution. [online] Forbes. Available at:
garbage-patch-will-collect-data-on-plastic-pollution/#216a20c6489f [Accessed 17 May 2020].
25. Society, N. (2019). Great Pacific Garbage Patch. [online] National Geographic Society. Available at: [Accessed 17 May
26. The Ocean Cleanup. (2020). The Great Pacific Garbage Patch | The Ocean Cleanup. [online] Available
at: [Accessed 15 April 2020].
27. The Podcast Host. (2019). Best Podcast Equipment: Your Ultimate Guide to Podcasting Gear. [online]
Available at: [Accessed 3
May 2020].
28. Think Globally, Act Locally: How Communities Influence Worldwide CSR (2018). Available at: (Accessed: 30 June 2020).
29. Townsend, S. (2020). 88% Of Consumers Want You To Help Them Make A Difference. [online] Forbes.
Available at:
help-them-make-a-difference/#77793b216954 [Accessed 2 Jun. 2020].
30. (2020). Recycling Facts Australia Needs To Know In 2020 (Infographic). [online]
Available at: [Accessed 8 April 2020].
31. Wisdom Jobs. (2020). TOP 250+ Climate Change Interview Questions and Answers 22 April 2020 -
Climate Change Interview Questions | Wisdom Jobs India. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22
Apr. 2020].
32. (2019). 17 cool products made from recycled plastics. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 17 May 2020].

Academic Honesty Form

MYP community project/MYP personal project

(Delete as appropriate)

name 1 .!: ora r;:o'f..
Student number
School name
School number

name , v\
Student: This document records your progress and the nature of your discussions with your
supervisor. You should aim to see your supervisor at least three times: at the start of the process
to discuss your initial ideas, then once you have completed a significant amount of your project,
and finally once your completed report/presentation has been submitted.

Supervisor:You are asked to have at least three supervision sessions with students, one at the
start of the process, an interim meeting and then the final meeting. Other sessions arp
rrnilleu but do not need to be recorded on this sheet. After each session, students should
make a
s. anrl vou <:ho• lid sian and datP tbP<: croroDvmt"
Date Main points discussed Signatur;/initials

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Meeting 1 Student:

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Meeting 3 Tvesda
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Supervisor comment

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Student declaration

I confirm that this work is my own and this is the final version. I have acknowledged, in the
body of my work, each use of the words, work or ideas of another person,whether written, oral
or visual (hard copy and/or electronic materials).

Supervisor declaration

I confirm that, to the best of my knowledqe, the material submitted is the authentic work of the _
Student's signature Date 'I_ \ - - 20

I Supervisor's signature I


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Appendix #1: - Process Journal Entries

March 22, 2020 2:41 PM

Today I completed my personal project proposal:

How can we protect our planet?

My personal project goal is to create a series of podcasts to examine ways in which people across the
world can positively impact the health and sustainability of our planet.
Global Context(s):

Globalization and sustainability

What actions are people taking to protect our environment and what impact are these having on the
sustainability of our planet?

I think that this is a very interesting topic that I am going to research.

I also made my checklist and I feel like I have made a lot of progress in only two days of work.

December 2, 2019 8:03 AM

Today is Monday and I awoke with a question in my head in relation to my personal project. I thought....
'Are shoes designed differently for specific genders in relation to health injuries or are they just a fashion
statement?' The second question that I thought of was 'Do shoes differ for different shaped feet?''

January 18, 2020 3:11 PM

Today is Saturday. I decided to change my idea for my personal project because I found that I didn't really
have much of an interest in it. The idea that I came up with was designing appropriate face painting
design that suit younger children, teenagers and adults. The reason why I decided to change my topic for
this assignment was because I thought that my original idea/ plan was too confusing and overwhelming. I
also have an interest in younger children and face painting so I thought that this would work very well. I
also have a bit more experience in this topic than the other topic that I chose for my personal project
because I took a face painting course about three or four years ago to learn all the maintenance and the
techniques that you need to know about face painting. I am also very excited about learning new things
about face painting if any specific culture inspires certain designs.
March 21, 2020 9:28 PM

Today I had a chat with my Dad about what I did in STEP the other day. We had to sort through five
rubbish bins and sort them into four different bins including landfill, soft plastics, compost and hard
plastics. This was a fantastic way of reducing the food waste that go into the landfill bin. The food that
goes to the landfill bin is likely to end up in the ocean and this has a huge impact on marine animals. This
inspired me to find out how we recycle all our products and also how we save the environment and
reduce gas emissions.

I was listening to a few podcasts when I was in the car and they were about people using bulk foods and
how this helps to reduce plastic and other bad things for the environment I also listened to
another podcast about recycling. I came up with an idea to produce a documentary about the importance
of changing behaviours to help save the planet. I came up with 6 categories that I can speak about in my

1. Why do we need to change?

2. Recycling
3. Changes by businesses and Changes by consumers
4. Economic impacts of change and the added benefits of going green

For my final product, I plan to make four 10-minute podcasts on each topic- sub question and interview
people for each podcast.

I decided to choose this topic instead of my Face painting topic is because I think that the environment
needs to change, and people need to change their habits on how they treat the planet. Many people
believe that they do enough, but they could be doing more. It makes me realise that the environment is
one of the most important things in the world and we need to treat it with respect. I wish to find all
the avenues for recycling in order to improve the environment and upgrade sustainability.

I think that the four podcasts episodes will go a long way and I may be able to post them up on YouTube
or some form of platform so that my podcasts are available to the public and they can change their
actions and become more aware of the environment.

1. In your house, what are some of the things you do to reduce waste?
2. How can we make a positive change to the environment?
3. Why do you think it is important to look after the environment?
4. Do you think we learn enough about environmental protection at school?
5. What do you think will happen to the environment if we don't protect it?
6. What do you think of our public transport system? Do you use it?
7. Does your family use single-use plastic bags from shops?
8. Do you grow any fruit or vegetables at home?
9. Do you recycle bottles and cans at home?
10. How do you think business has changed to protect the environment during your

June 4, 2020 9:32 AM

Source Analysis #2

Authority: I have accessed this information on a website, and I found this very reliable because it talks
about the chemical BPA. I used this information for my third podcast changes by business and changes by
consumers and I spoke about why BPA is harmful for the environment. i think that this information is
from an expert because the website that I used is called Healthline and they obviously know about the
things that they have talked about in the article.

Accuracy: I think that the information is accurate because I have researched this through many other
sources and the websites had some of the information that this website had. i have documented all the
websites that I have used for my personal project and you can view this in the alphabetical bibliography
that will be handed up in the report.

Objectivity: this website included facts and a lot of information on BPA. this was more a website that
informs and explains that BPA is found in products that contain plastics. the facts and information that is
in this website are reliable, truthful and up to date as this is from a website that is about being healthy
and making sure that the environment stays healthy.
Currency: the information on this website is from the year 2018. but apart from that, I don't think
that this website has been updated since the year that the author wrote it.

June 2, 2020 8:04 PM

These are the questions that I have sent to my mum and dad:
Matthew questions:

1. Do you need a licence for your job?

2. Given the current level of importance for the environment, does the day to day operation of your
business change?
3. If changes are not made, will this cause any harm to the environment?
4. Have you and your business clients learned to work smarter with respect to your environmental
5. Is there a goal for your business to reduce the impact on the environment?
6. Do your clients care about your sustainability practices?

Catherine questions:

1. Do you identify with companies who are active in making a difference to the environment?
2. Do you believe that if we all play a part as consumers, we can make a positive difference to the
3. Is the message/ advertising clear enough to consumers?
4. Are bigger businesses doing enough nationally/ globally
5. What products do you consume that are environmentally friendly?

March 23, 2020 11:09 AM

Today, I was working on my personal project with my tutor and we listened to little green pod working' it
for the planet. I wrote a lot of notes based on all the information that was in this podcast. I am about
halfway through that podcast. I found this podcast very informative, but I think that the presenters of This
podcast were a bit giggly and I also thought that they presented the information to casually. Hopefully I
will finish this podcast by the end of this week.

March 26, 2020 12:36 PM

I have finished listening to Little Green Pod Workin' it for the planet. I have written some notes and I am
very happy because I had finished this earlier than expected. I am feeling very organized and I have a
clear idea in my head what I want to achieve this week I am aiming to start the next podcast and write

some more notes about the next one as part of my investigation/research. I am hoping to start the third
podcast this weekend.

22, 2020 2:41 PM

Today I felt like that I got a lot of work done because I started my criteria considerations and I also
started to make a script of my first podcast episode. I also came up with some questions to ask in the
first podcast (Why do we need to change?).

April 28, 2020 12:09 PM

Today I have started to make my assessment criteria, but I have not completely finished it. I am feeling
very positive because I am very passionate with this topic and I feel very confident where I am going with
this project. I am hoping to finalise the assessment criteria on the weekend, and I will upload it on my
worksheet on ManageBac afterwards.

April 30, 2020 4:03 PM

Today, I emailed Miss Chan my interview questions for the podcast and I have also asked her when she
would like to meet to record the interview. I am looking forward to asking her the questions because I am
interested to see what her answers would be. Some of the questions that I have come up with are fairly
easy and straight forward questions, but they can have a detailed answer.

May 2, 2020 2:51 PM

Today, I have dedicated some more time to complete the final version of my personal project timeline.
This was one of the main goals that I have on my list. I feel very happy that I have completed this for the
project because it took me a long time to construct the timeline as there are many components of the
personal project. before I only had a few of the things on my checklist but now I am pretty sure that I
have included most things on my checklist which is up on ManageBac. I think that I am ready to upload
my timeline so that my personal project supervisor, Mr Wuttke can see it and I will also organise an
individual meeting so that he could check my timeline and my assessment criteria.

May 3, 2020 4:15 PM

Today I went to JB-HI - FI to look for a microphone to record my podcasts. There was limited stock
because I needed a specific microphone that had a USB so that it could plug into my laptop. one of the

problems were that the microphone was way out of my budget but then I realised that my brother's use
a headset on the PlayStation, so I decided to record my podcast with that, and it worked perfectly fine!

May 4, 2020 4:50 PM

Today I had my first personal project meeting for term 2. I found this meeting very useful because Mr
Wuttke checked in with me, what I am up to with the project. He showed me a very important document
called assessment template. This covered what you need to put in your process journal and it also had
the 4 criterion’s that we are getting marked on. This was a very detailed sheet and I found this session
very useful. I also checked with Mr Wuttke to clarify the bits that I was not sure about the criteria. I
thought that I had to do 8 specifications because it said to do that in one of the sheets on the teams, but
he told me to at least have 4-5 specifications. This made me feel happy because I was very confused, and I
had also put off doing the criteria because I wanted to double check. This was one of the things that have
finally completed. In this session I also added some more items on the to do list.

May 4, 2020 4:55 PM

This is Miss Chan's email that she sent to me:

Hi Lara,

I am so sorry – I forgot we had parent-teacher interviews tomorrow. Is it possible to reschedule our

meeting? I have parent-teacher interviews starting at 2 pm but need to get all the phone numbers for the
parents which will take some time. Is it okay if we schedule it for Friday lunch 1 (start)? I am so sorry Lara.
I totally forgot about parent-teacher interviews until lunch time today. So, so, so sorry.

Miss Chan

May 6, 2020 2:14 PM

Today I met up with Sienna James at lunch and I recorded the interview. The interview went really well,
and I am very happy with the result. It took the whole lunch to record the interview because I had a small
issue with the sound, but I eventually figured it out. to record the interview, it took 3 goes to film. on the
weekend I will put the first podcast together and edit it. I am very exited

May 18, 2020 12:48 PM

Today, I have an individual personal project meeting with my supervisor Mr. Wuttke. I am very excited to
show him my first podcast and I will also show him the assessment criteria. I am very happy with my
progress with the whole project and I am also feeling very positive because I am very passionate about
my topic. At the moment, I am up to the start of my second podcast, and on the weekend, I started to
write the script for the second podcast.
My goal is to make four 10-minute podcast, but I have six topics that I want to talk about. I am thinking of
merging two topics together so that I don't have to make 6 podcasts. I want to check with Mr Wuttke to
see if this is a reasonable idea.

My goal for the end of the term is to complete all the scripts for my podcast, editing the podcasts and
also analyse the 3 sources. If I have more time, I would also hope to complete my draft for my report so
that I will have it marked by the end of the school holidays.

May 18, 2020 5:26 PM

had my personal project meeting today and Mr Wuttke had a look at the success criteria and he said that I
needed to change a few things like the format and I also have to add the criteria. He also had a look at
part of my podcast and Mr Wuttke said that it is very great. He also spoke to me about analysing the
three sources and he got me to have a look at the step by step guide. He also said that I may have to add
another column to the assessment criteria based on the quality of the podcast e.g.

• sound quality
• microphone
• equipment for a podcast
with analysing the three sources, Mr. Wuttke said that I can just answer the questions in my process

May 21, 2020 5:36 PM

I have been e-mailing Mr jones to try and make a time for me to interview him about recycling:

Hi Lara,

Thanks for making contact! Great work on focusing your personal project on such an important topic!

Would love to help any way I can and am very happy to have a chat for your podcast. Please let me know
what you would like me to help you with and I’m all in.

Kind regards,
Mr. Jones Hi

Lara, Sounds


Very happy to chat at recess or lunch next week. I am free in all breaks other than Wednesday.

Kind regards,

Hi Mr Jones,

I am very glad that you can work with me. I am very excited to learn some more about the environment.

I have attached some questions that I will ask you in my podcast. The interview will go for approximately
4 minutes. I was also wondering, which days you are free at lunch or recess?


Lara Fox

May 31, 2020 11:17 AM

I thought that Miss Chan was a very reliable source for my podcast because she is a qualified science
teacher at my school. she gave very scientific answers to the questions that I had asked her during the
interview. it was very evident that she knew what she was talking about because it was very clear that
she was confident. The accuracy of the information was up to date and she also covered all of the
content for all of the questions. If I were to do some further research, I could research all the information
that she talked about in the podcast and I could also make sure that the facts and statistics are up to
date, accurate and truthful. Miss Chan gave me a lot of relevant information regarding the podcast topic
and I had the interview on Tuesday the 12th of May. she knew all of the answers to the questions that I
asked her from the top of her head and I honestly thought it was very impressive.

May 31, 2020 11:30 AM

I have been using every single spare minute I have to do some work on my personal project, and I have
very happy because I have achieved a lot. I am in a very good position because I have about 13 things left
to do before I have completed this entire project

• complete podcast #3 script

• complete editing #3 podcast
• complete source analysis #2
• complete podcast #4 script
• complete editing #3 podcast
• complete #3 source analysis
• complete podcast #4 script
• interview people for podcast #4
• complete editing #4 podcast
• record bibliography
• complete draft of the report - start by the end of week 9
• edit report draft
• hand up the entire project

June 2, 2020 8:03 PM

Tonight, I have completed the script for my third podcast, and I have also made a time to interview my
mum and dad tomorrow night so that I can get this podcast out the way. I also need to make some slight
changes to the previous podcast because I have merged the last four podcasts to together to make two
podcasts. in total there are four podcasts instead of 6.

June 13, 2020 10:45 AM

Today, I have finished my third podcast, and this includes the editing. I am very happy with how it turned
out, but the only thing that I think that could be improved is cutting the time. Something that I am not
hugely confident is putting the podcast together without background noise and pauses within the
conversations of the people that i interview. I have asked my youngest brother Sam if he would like to be
featured in the last podcast and he said that he would love to and this made me very happy, because this

makes it more convenient for me because I don't have to find other people and chase them up. I have
found it hard to interview some people and this is due to COVID 19, but I have ended up interviewing
some great people and my product has turned out really well at this stage.

June 16, 2020 10:05 AM

I have emailed Mrs Marinelli about the last interview I have to do and I also sent her the questions that I
will ask her in the interview

Hi Mrs Marinelli,

For my Personal project I am doing a podcast on the economic impacts on the environment and I was
wondering if it would be ok to interview you?

The interview is going to be roughly 3-4 minutes and the questions that I will ask you will be attached

1. Does it cost a lot of money to change industry to more sustainable practices?

2. If we don’t change the way that we do things, will the economic cost be greater than the cost of
3. What are some of the economic costs of environmental change?
4. Do you think that governments should offer subsidies to support changes to environmentally
friendly practices?
5. What is an example of an economy that is benefiting from environmental change?
Thank you, Lara

June 20, 2020 3:03 PM

Authority: I recorded an interview with my dad for the third podcast and he covered content about the
changes by business and how they can make a difference to the environment. The information that he
provided was very accurate and he also has a qualification in business as my dad is an accountant.

Accuracy: The information that my dad spoke about in the interview was accurate because he mentioned
that he owns his own business and he has a had many experiences in the workplace. I think that the
information is correct because all of the content that he covered in the interview was very reliable and he

also spoke about what's happening to businesses and how they can improve to make the environment a
better place for us to live in.

Objectivity: Some of the information that my dad talked about in the interview were factual and he gave
a few examples to back up his evidence which I thought was very reliable.
Currency: the information is very relevant to my topic and the information is up to date because my dad
spoke about what it is like to own a business and how to maintain a business. My dad also spoke about it
from his perspective in the current days.

June 22, 2020 10:56 AM

Authority: I used Survey Monkey to ask a few questions that relate to my topic so that I could get a bit of
an idea of what people think of the environment and how we humans treat it. I decided to only survey
the year 10 cohort, but I receive a total of 35 responses which was enough to collect some data.
Accuracy: I guess the information was very accurate because I got some information and different
responses from different people because it was mainly from their perspective on the environment,
businesses, recycling and other topics that I included in my podcasts.
Objectivity: Out of the 35 people I surveyed, I did receive answers that were from many perspectives and
I thought that this was very good because then it will also make me think of the environment and how we
all treat the planet.
Currency: The information that I received is up to date because I surveyed the people around the end of
March to the beginning of April, this year

June 24, 2020 7:44 PM

Today I have organised to interview my last person for my podcast series tomorrow. I am interviewing my
10-year-old brother because I wanted to hear it from a different perspective and compare the differences
from each generation that I interviewed.

June 25, 2020 8:50 AM

Today I had a speech lesson and I worked on teasing out the outline of my report and now that I have
done that, I think I had a better idea of what my response is going to be in the first part of the report. The
way that I did the brainstorming really helped me because it was getting all my thoughts and ideas down.

June 26, 2020 9:51 AM

yesterday I interviewed my brother Sam about the added benefits of growing green. He gave me some
interesting answers that I was not expecting a 10-year-old to answer. His answers were also very detailed
which was excellent.

June 25, 2020 8:31 AM

June 27, 2020 7:04 PM

Today, I have finished editing my last podcast and I am very happy with the result. The only thing that I
have to do is write my report draft and I am worried about it but I am going to use some of my support
lessons at school this week to write some of it. I will also use some time in the July holidays to complete
the report. I am hoping that I will get the draft in because it is extremely important.

June 27, 2020 7:06 PM

I was talking to my older brother Lucas today and he suggested that I put my podcasts up an apple
podcasts so that the public can hear them. I thought that this is an excellent idea, but the only thing is
that I have to check with the teachers that I interviewe

Appendix #2: Criteria

Excellent My podcast My podcast The podcast I want people to My podcast has

includes information, will get style will find my excellent sound
stories, people’s demonstrate podcasts quality,
conversations and attention excellence in its informative, equipment to
7-8 examples aimed at and purpose to start interesting, record a
getting an engender an conversations educational, podcast and
excellent level of excellent about the entertaining the microphone
engagement and level of environment in and is at a
following from motivation to an engaging motivational. reasonable
teenagers and join the way and to also people will level.
young adults. movement inform people describe the
to help save on how listening
the everyone treats experience as
environment. the planet. excellent.
Substantial My podcast My podcast The podcast I want people to My podcast has
5-6 includes will get style will find my a substantial
information, stories, people’s substantially podcasts level of sound
conversations and attention demonstrate a informative, quality,
examples aimed at and purpose to start interesting, equipment to
getting a engender a conversations educational, record a
substantial level of substantial about the entertaining podcast and
engagement and level of environment in and the microphone
following from motivation to an engaging motivational. is at a
teenagers and join the way and to also people will reasonable
young adults. movement inform people describe the level.
to help save on how listening
the everyone treats experience as
environment. the planet. substantial.
Adequate My podcast My podcast The podcast I want people to My podcast has
3-4 includes will get style will find my an adequate
information, stories, people’s adequately podcasts level of sound
conversations and attention demonstrate informative, quality,
examples aimed at and purpose to start interesting, equipment to
getting an engender an conversations educational, record a
adequate level of adequate about the entertaining podcast and
engagement and level of environment in and the microphone
following from motivation to an engaging motivational. is at a
teenagers and join the way and to also people will reasonable
young adults. movement inform people describe the level.
to help save on how listening
the everyone treats experience as
environment. the planet. adequate.

Limited My podcast My podcast will get The podcast style I want people to find My podcast has a
1-2 includes people’s attention will limitedly my limitedq level of
information, and engender a demonstrate podcasts sound quality,
stories, limited level of purpose to start informative, equipment to record
conversations and motivation to join conversations about interesting, a podcast and
examples aimed the movement to the environment in educational, the microphone
at help save the an engaging entertaining and is at a
getting a limited environment. way and to also motivational. reasonable
level of engagement inform people on people will level.
and following from how everyone treats describe the
teenagers and young the planet. listening
adults. experience as

No evidence

Appendix #3: - To Do List: (Short Term Planning)
Jul 7, 2020
Design and research my podcast episodes
Jul 7, 2020
Develop questions for all podcast episodes
Apr 28, 2020
Make a list of people to interview
May 3, 2020
Make a list of equipment that I will need to record my podcasts
Apr 28, 2020
Create my assessment criteria
Jul 7, 2020
Update process journals weekly
Mar 30, 2020
Listen to podcasts on my topic
May 3, 2020
Research where waste is ending up at the moment
May 17, 2020
Research ways households can reduce waste
May 10, 2020
Research how to create a podcast
Jun 30, 2020
Develop interview questions
May 17, 2020
Make a survey Monkey on What households are currently doing to reduce waste -
May 17, 2020
Determine my survey sample group - year 10's
May 1, 2020
print out websites- for research
Apr 13, 2020
Design a timeline
Mar 30, 2020
watch ABC Podcasts- little green pot x4 and take some notes
May 12, 2020
Read student Guide
Apr 13, 2020
Find out information about The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Apr 13, 2020
Research tips on how to reduce plastic waste
Jul 7, 2020
Record an alphabetical Bibliography
Apr 30, 2020
Email Miss Chan interview questions
Apr 30, 2020
Email Sienna James interview questions
Apr 30, 2020
Email Mr Wuttke about personal project meetings for term 2
May 12, 2020
Email Mr Wuttke to have an individual meeting mainly focused on the assesment criteria
May 3, 2020
Write podcast #1 script
May 16, 2020
Record the script for podcast #1 and edit podcast
May 17, 2020
Record interview with Miss Chan and Sienna James
Jun 1, 2020
Write podcast #2 script
Jun 1, 2020
Record interview with Aunty Michelle and Mr Jones
Jun 1, 2020
Record the script for podcast #2
Jun 1, 2020
Edit podcast #2
Analyse 3 sources- most used
May 11, 2020
Continue to work on Criteria - 4-5 specifications
write journal entries about Affective skills and organisation ATL's
May 7, 2020
Meeting entry - assessment template
May 10, 2020
print out assessment template
May 4, 2020
double check with Mr Wuttke about criteria (do we do 8 specifications or less)?
May 7, 2020
write journal entry on the interview with Sienna J
May 18, 2020
Write journal entry about interview with Miss Chan
Jun 1, 2020
Write about personal project meeting with Mr Wuttke today
Jun 13, 2020
write podcast #3 script
Jun 13, 2020
record interviews with dad and other person
Jun 13, 2020
Update the people who i am interviewing
Jun 13, 2020
record the script for podcast #3
Jun 13, 2020
Edit podcast #3
Jun 14, 2020
write podcast #4 script
Jun 30, 2020
record interviews with Mrs Marinelli and Sam Fox
Jun 30, 2020
record the script for podcast #4
Jun 30, 2020
Edit podcast #4
Jun 30, 2020
Start report draft by the end of week 9 this term
Jun 30, 2020
Send interview questions to Mrs Marinelli and Sam
Jun 23, 2020

Appendix #4: Timeline
Term 4

week Description Resources required

6 N/A N/A
7 N/A N/A
8 N/A N/A

Summer holidays

week Description Resources required

1 N/A N/A
2 N/A N/A
3 N/A N/A
4 N/A N/A
5 N/A N/A
6 N/A N/A
7 N/A N/A

Term 1

week Description Resources required

1 N/A N/A

2 N/A N/A

3 N/A N/A

4 N/A N/A

5 N/A N/A

6 N/A N/A

7 N/A N/A

8 N/A N/A

9 • Changed the topic of • Computer
personal project- How we • Personal project
protect the planet • Internet
• Brainstorm • ABC Podcasts
• Mind map • Stationary
• Global context • Paper- to write some
• To do list notes
• Listening to podcasts

10 • Gathering research • Internet

Research how to create a • Computer
podcast Paper- to write some notes
11 • Gathering research • Internet
Research how to create a • Computer
podcast Paper- to write some notes

Autumn Holidays

week Description Resources required

1 Read books and continue to
gather research • Internet
• Computer
• Paper- to write some
2 gather research • Internet
• Paper
• Pen
• Websites
• ManageBac

Term 2

Week Description Resources required

1 • Create criteria • Student guide
• and write the script/ interviews • Laptop
• Develop interview questions/podcast • ManageBac
episodes and write the script/ (worksheet)
interview special guests for the • Recording equipment
podcast • iMovie
• Edit podcasts • internet
• research • people to interview
• question sheet for the
• interview script
• microphone (inbuilt into the
• headphones

2 • Create the assessment • Student guide
criteria • Laptop
• Develop interview questions/ • ManageBac
podcast episodes and write (worksheet)
the script/ interview special • Recording equipment
guests for the podcast • iMovie
• And research • internet
• people to interview
• question sheet for the
• interview script
• headphones
• Microphone (inbuilt to the
• camera

3 • Develop interview • Student guide

questions/ podcast episodes • Laptop
and write the script / • ManageBac
interview special guests for (worksheet)
the podcast • Recording equipment
• Edit podcasts • iMovie
• And research • internet
• people to interview
• question sheet for the
• interview script
• camera
4 • Develop interview questions • headphones
/ podcast episodes and write • Student guide
the script / interview special • Laptop
guests for the podcast
• ManageBac (worksheet)
• Recording equipment
interview special guests for
• iMovie
the podcast script/ interview
• internet
special guests for the podcast
• people to interview
• Edit podcast
• question sheet for the
• And research
• interview script
• microphone (inbuilt into the
• Camera
• headphones

5 • Develop interview questions/ • Student guide
podcast episodes and write • Laptop
the script/ interview special • ManageBac
guests for the podcast
• Edit podcast
• Recording equipment
And research
• iMovie
• internet
• people to interview
• question sheet for the
• interview script
• microphone (inbuilt into the
• Camera
6 • Develop interview questions/
podcast episodes and write • headphones
the script/ interview special • Student guide
guests for the podcast • Laptop
• Edit podcast • ManageBac
• And research (worksheet)
Make a survey Monkey on • Recording equipment
What households are currently • iMovie
doing to reduce waste - year • internet
10’s and collate results • people to interview
• question sheet for the
• interview script
• microphone (inbuilt into the
• Camera
• headphones

7 • Develop a script for podcast • Student guide

and write the script/ • Laptop
interview special guests for • ManageBac (worksheet)
the podcast • Recording equipment
• Edit podcast • iMovie
• And research • internet
Make a survey Monkey on • people to interview
What households are currently • question sheet for the
doing to reduce waste - year interview
10’s and collate results
• interview script
• microphone (inbuilt into the
• Camera
• headphones

8 • Develop a script for • Student guide

podcast and write the • Laptop
script/ interview special • ManageBac (worksheet)
guests for the podcast • Recording equipment
• Edit podcast • iMovie
Make a survey Monkey on • internet
What households are currently • people to interview
doing to reduce waste - year • question sheet for the
10’s and collate results interview
• Notes (research)
• Internet
• ManageBac
• Laptop
• Survey Monkeys

• interview script
• microphone (inbuilt into the
• Camera
• headphones

9 Write the report draft • Student guide

• ManageBac(worksheet)
• Internet
• Grammarly
• Journal entrees
• The example report
• The student guide step- by-
• Headphones
• The report template

10 Write the report draft • Student guide

• ManageBac(worksheet)
• Internet
• Grammarly
• Journal entrees
• The example report
• The student guide step- by-
• Headphones
• The report template

Winter Holidays

Week Description Resources required

1 Writing report draft • Student guide
• Laptop
• ManageBac(worksheet)
• Internet
• Grammarly
• Journal entrees
• The example report
• The student guide step- by-
• Headphones

2 Hand in Report draft (Monday • Notes (research)

start of second week of • Internet
holidays) • ManageBac
• Laptop
• Report template

Term 3

Week Description Resources required

1 • Get draft marked • Student Gide
• Edited/ make final • Research
Adjustments and edit on • ManageBac
Grammarly • Example Report
• Bibliography
• Journal entries
• Grammarly
• Report draft
Report template
2 • Get draft marked • Student Gide
• Edited/ make final • Research
Adjustments and edit on • ManageBac
Grammarly • Example Report
• Bibliography
• Journal entries
• Grammarly
• Report draft
Report template
3 • Hand up final product and
Report (Monday)- use USB
for final product


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