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Final Test

Name: ___________Ospina Navarro Francy Lorena __________ Date: ___29/06/2022____


VOCABULARY (10 Points / 0.5 each)

1. Choose the right preposition to describe the picture.

1. The cat is NEXT TO / ON the armchair.

2. The lamp is ON / UNDER the table.

3. The clock is NEAR / ON the wall.

4. The ball is IN / UNDER the table.

5. The flowers are BETWEEN / IN the vase.

2. Write the name of the food and the food containers below every picture

Cheese Watermelon Bread Meat Tomato

_____Bread __ _Meat__ _Cheese__ __Tomato _ _______


3. Complete the phrases with A,AN,SOME or ANY 4. Fill in the gap with HOW MUCH or HOW MANY

1. There isn't A / AN shopping centre in this town a. How MUCH / MANY money do you need?

2. Is there SOME / ANY office near here? b. How MUCH / MANY places do you know?

3. There are A / SOME books that you can read. c. How MUCH / MANY does that book cost?

4. There aren't A / ANY cookies left, sorry! d. How MUCH / MANY sugar do you eat every day?

5. There's A / SOME  house next to the river e. How MUCH / MANY books are in your bag?

GRAMMAR (10 Points – 0.5 each)

5. Choose the right comparative.

A. James is MORE STRONG / STRONGER than Paul

B. Mick is MORE OLD / OLDER than Tom

C. James is MORE HEAVY / HEAVIER than Tala.



6. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentences.

1. Yesterday, my father GO / WENT to work by car. 

2. DO / DID Kelly travel to Mexico last summer? 
3. My sister DO NOT / DID NOT clean her room last Saturday. 
4. The birds FLY / FLEW over our heads a minute ago.
5. Last week, my family did not BUY / BOUGHT a new table for the dining room. 

7. Choose A, AN, THE or nothing. 8. Choose the right word.

1. He wanted A / AN new bicycle for Christmas. 1. She HAVE / HAS worked lately.

2. Jennifer tasted A / THE birthday cake her mother 2. I have WAS / BEEN to the coast many times.
had made.
3. Angela has GONE / WENT to her hometown.
3. The children have A / AN old dog called Max.

4. A / - people who are less stressed, live longer. 4. They HAVE / HAS visited my brother twice this year

5. Dad turned on the radio to listen to A / THE news. 5. You have ATE / EATEN a lot.


9. Read the text and answer true (T) or False (F)

Louis Braille was the son of a French worker. He

had an accident and went blind at the age of 1. Louis’ father was born in the U.k ( F )

three, when he was playing in his father’s room.

2. Louis’ father had an accident when he was 3 ( F )
But Louis was very intelligent. Though he couldn’t
see, he wanted to be a musician, so he learned to 3. Louis Braille studied music ( T )
play the cello, and at the age of ten he won a
scholarship to the National Institute for blind 4. Louis studied in France ( T )
Children in Paris. He could play the cello, but he
couldn’t read or write. In 1819 a French soldier, 5. “night Writing” was an instrument to read ( T )
Charles Barbier, invented “night writing”. He used
special points on paper so that soldiers could read 6. “night Writing” was invented in the 19th century ( T )

at night. Louis Braille understood the importance

7. Louis worked on the “night writing” ( T )
of his invention for blind people and when he was
fifteen, he began to develop it. In 1829 he started 8. Louis died after his invention was famous ( F )
to use it at the Institute. By 1932 “Braille” was in
all over the world, but Louis died in 1852 and he 9. The “Braille” system is only for kids ( F )
never knew the importance of his invention. In the
present the “Braille” is still the system that people 10. The “Braille” system is used everywhere ( T )
who can’t see use to read.

WRTITING (20 Points)

10. Write a paragraph about your last vacations. You can talk about where you went, what you did,
places that you visited, people you were with, food, buildings, etc. (WRITE MINIMUM 75 WORDS)

My last vacations were the most incredible, I was in Santa Marta with my family last month, although I had a
fun time with them, I spent a lot of money on the trip, I did many activities with my family, I went camping
with my brother near a beach, besides, I went out dancing and drinking with my parents, I also swam a lot in
the hotel pool with some friends.

I have had many vacations in my life, but the last one I had was the coolest of all, I visited monuments that
were near the beach, I also ate fried fish which was delicious, finally we visited the largest building in the
city, this one was called “Torres de Colón A”. In conclusion, I had the most amazing vacation of my life.

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