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Open Position

(PhD or Postdoc)

The Institute for Multiscale Simulation of the Cluster of Excellence ”Engineering of

Advanced Materials“ at the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg conducts cutting-edge research in
the field of particle-based simulation methods and offers a vacancy for a research
project in the field of

DEM Simulation of Granular Matter

for Additive Manufacturing
Working field: An important additive
manufacturing technique is the
selective binding of granular materials.
The properties of the resulting
products substantially depend on the
characteristics of the underlying
powder beds which are, in turn,
determined by the deposition process
and the properties of the individual
particles of the powder.
The aim of the project is to understand
the deposition procedure and the properties of the resulting powder beds by means of
numerical simulations. This involves discrete element (DEM/MD) simulations of
complicated shaped, deformable particles in geometrically complex, moving domains
where, additionally, triboelectricity and electrostatic interaction need to be considered.

Profile: Candidates should hold a degree or doctorate in physics, computer science,

computational engineering or a related subject with a strong back- ground in numerical
simulations (preferably MD/DEM). They should have experience in software
development (preferably with C/C++), basic knowledge of Unix (Linux), command of
written and spoken English, a strong motivation and commitment to research.

Conditions: The position is offered for two years, with the possibility of an extension
depending on success and funding. The salary is due to the German public service
scheme TV-L E13 (66%-100%). Documents should be sent as a single pdf-file
including a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications (if applicable)
and the contact details of at least one referee. Review of applications begins
September 10, 2015 and continues until the position is filled. 

Further Information can be found at

Please send your application/questions to: Prof. Thorsten Poeschel

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