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EM1: Paperman

Write your answers on a ½ crosswise paper. Then, submit it on

April 14 before 5 pm at Faculty A.

Watch the video and answer the questions that follow.


1. What was the film about? Answer it in three sentences.

- The film is about a guy who experiences “love at first sight,”
wherein he wants to keep the interaction with the girl he meets
in the station because it lifts their mood, but the girl is in a rush.
He meets her once again in the other building, and his hope
lights up and starts making paper planes to send signals to the
girl, but we can say that fate has its way. All those paper planes
missed reaching her in the other building and finds a way to let
them meet again.

2. Did you like the film? List the reasons.

- Yes, because of their chemistry, the man’s commitment,
courage, perseverance, impact, and storyline.

3. Which part of the film did you like best? Which part did you
not like? Why?
- I enjoy the whole film, that is why I don't have any part that I
don't like. Also, the scene wherein the paper planes that he
carefully made help them meet once again really caught my
attention because it made me believe that all things will happen
at the right time.

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