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Republic of the Philippines

Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic University

College of Teachers Education


I personally believed that we are all entitled by our own actions, opinions, and
acts of kindness towards other people, however we also have to consider that
everything has its own limitations. This lesson helped me realized that being sensitive
on the things that we do is important simply because in every situation that we are
involved, good and bad results are always the options, and being conscious to it will
also help us to make sure that we are doing the right thing. It was mentioned that
making real people a priority is a must, I agree on that because not all the time we can
trust people fully. Although we are entitled by our own opinions, we must still used
respectful language and words whenever we react or say something to people around
us, remember respect is gained and not given. Another thing that I like doing related to
these netiquettes is that, whenever I share something to people, I always make sure
that it is based on my discretion, because I know that people have different take aways
on the things the we share to them either personal or not. This is the reason why I
always choose my circle of friends wisely without making other people feel that they are
excluded on my standard and preference.
I strongly believed that, respecting someone’s privacy is very important, this is a
way for us to make them feel that we are trying to know them deeper and even better.
On the other hand, as an ICT student I consider myself active in social media or in using
the internet as whole, but of course everything is in purpose. Sharing some news, posts,
images, announcements etc. on the internet is really my thing but checking the
information thoroughly is very important for me. I always make sure that all the things I
spread and share on social media are relevant and true because this is me being
responsible enough in posting information on the internet. Lastly, is being responsive on
the emails and texts that I received from other people, as long as it is beneficial and
won’t cause any harm to anybody.
To sum it up, these netiquettes are very important and beneficial to us people.
This can serve as our guide in doing things right towards others. I think if we can do
these things more often, it will be easy for us to socialize and make a life. This can also
keep us away from uncertainties. Bottomline, I encourage everyone to be responsible
enough in everything that we do in order to leave good impact and influence on others.

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