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Slater, Eulyssis P

BAFM 3-1

The first video I watched was titled "What is management?" Doc. Luisito Masanga explained it very well, and the thing is
that he explained how it will work and how to do it basically in a tutorial. Coordination and administration of tasks to
achieve a goal, such as setting the organization's strategy and coordinating the efforts of staff to accomplish these
objectives through the application of available resources.

The second video that I watched is tutorial video about What to do Before, During and After an Earthquake. As students
when we were in grade school, high school, until our college level we knew about what we were going to do if an
earthquake happened because we all have a mandatory earthquake drill every year. But that’s all we know, with the
help of Doc. Masanga you will be enlighten because he explains it to you one by one on how you are going to do help
you not to panic and do the things calmly to keep you safe and your family
The third video was an interesting one because if you have some knowledge when to comes on how you market or
strategize your market you have a very high advantage. If you watch this video by Doc. Masanga you will acquire great
knowledge about marketing channels, he explains critically to understand what is happening and what are the strategies
about marketing channels.

The fourth video was Basic concepts of Disaster tutorial by Doc. Masanga. Doc explains the potential for loss of life,
injury, or destroyed or damaged assets to occur in a system, society, or community over a specific time, as determined
probabilistically as a function of hazard, exposure, vulnerability, and capacity.
The last video that I watched was very helpful, because we are generally affected and it’s happening in real life. The
lesson is, even if no one is watching you, you should do the right thing don’t easily fall into temptation. Doc Masanga
explained the set of practices and policies that businesses use to guide them through financial decisions, negotiations
and deals, corporate social responsibility, and other issues. Without a strong set of ethics, a business can run afoul of the
law, face financial difficulties, and face moral quandaries.

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