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Essay: First of all, I find both videos helpful and both have shown relevancy.

The two videos

tackled the importance of taking care of our Mental Health but doing so in the middle of a
pandemic can be really tricky. I can say that after reading all the tips and techniques they
provided, it gives me more knowledge on how to keep my mental health in check. In
comparison we also see them having differences and similarities. 

           Let's start with the first video, The Mental Health Care in Pandemic: Dealing with
Anxiety and More. First, It stated that we should start our day well, as we all know a lot of us
browse our phone first thing in the morning but we should have a quick simple mindfulness
exercise first. Second, planning your day ahead, creating positive new routines and writing a
list of activities and tasks or what we call 'to-do list' most of the time can help us be
productive, focused as well as motivated for the rest of the day. Third, stay informed, not
overloaded. Keeping informed is important but managing our social media and information
intake can make a big difference to how we feel. And lastly, getting ready for bed, no matter
how hard it is, It's important to drop all our unhealthy sleeping habits and aim for a regular
bedtime for all of us to get a good quality sleep. 

            Now with the second video, The Mental Health Tips to Use During the Coronavirus
Pandemic. First, take a break from the news and social media because constantly hearing
news about the Pandemic can be really distressing and it can also trigger our anxiety. Taking
a break from it is a must. Second, stay social with technology as It is the safest way to
communicate with people outside. Third, stick with a routine. Do all the things that we
normally do in our everyday life and create a schedule to keep in touch with ourselves. The
next one is taking care of our body along with doing activities we enjoy, and lastly staying

            All things considered, the tips and techniques from the two videos are both helpful
and useful. Although we can say that the first video has been more clear and detailed
compared to the second video. Moreover the first video emphasizes dealing with anxiety
while the other one doesn't but the second video mentioned considering calling a mental
health hotline if the anxiety and stress gets too much for us to handle while the first one
doesn't. As for the similarities both videos mentioned the limitation of social media and
information intake. Both videos emphasized that we should avoid negativity and leave some
room for positive thoughts.

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