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University of Bucharest

Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies

Department of Antropologie Culturală şi Comunicare

Field of Studies: Media and Communication Studies

Study Programme: Master Studies: ”Media, Public Communication and

Course Syllabus
Academic Ethics and Integrity

Course status: compulsory

Study level: Master
Study year: First
Semester: I
Course lecturer (Academic title and name): Professor Marian Popescu

Number of hours/Evaluation/Credits
Lecture Seminar Laboratory Project Examination Credits
14 Written 3

A. Course objectives (Objectives will be formulated in terms of professional


C1. Identifying moral dilemmas and behave accordingly in the academic milieu

C2. Ethically building own education process

C3. Writing a research paper according to ethical values and norms and integrity

The goals of the course are:

- To assist students in acquiring the skills to critically relate to and study the
Academic Ethics and Integrity
- To provide the theoretical background to study Academic Ethics and Integrity
- To offer students tools to analyse Plagiarism and other forms of Academic
- To help students in achieving a honest and sound research

The objectives of the course are:

- To introduce to students concepts, theoretical models related to understanding
the difficult matters of Moral Codes in university
- To define and comment on key concepts such as Ethics, Moral Values, Norms
and Rules in Academia.
- To ensure a better understanding of Right and Wrong drives in students’
- To ensure a good understanding of Academic Integrity
- To evaluate the impact of new technologies of information and
communication on the academic conduct.

B. Course prerequisites (Mention should be made of the courses that should have been
previously attended.)

C. Specific competences (Concern the competences provided by the master studies to

which the course belongs.)

D. Course content
a) Lecture

Chapter Contents Nr. of hours

Chapter I 3
Mapping Academic Ethics
and Integrity
Key concepts, Framework,
Challenges after the ‘90s
Chapter II 3
Academic Misconduct
Typologies, Ethics
Management, Norms and
Principles of Academic
Chapter III 4
Students’ Ethics and
How to avoid misconduct
when working on a paper
Forms of cheating
Chapter IV 3
Level of awareness about
Academic misconduct:
teaching staffs and
Course evaluation 1
Total no. of hours: 14

Total no. of hours: 14

E. Evaluation (Specification of evaluation methods, forms and their respective share

in the calculation of the final grade. Minimal performance standards will be
mentioned, as compared to the competences defined under A. ”Course objectives”)
For the course: written examination (2 hours)

Minimal standards:
After the completing the course the students are supposed to:

- Define key concepts in Academic Ethics and Integrity

- Map correctly moral dilemmas
- Understand the nature of moral behavior
- Realize the damage of academic misconduct

F. Didactic methodology (Strategy, teaching aids, resources)

Interactive lectures
Use of theatre communication techniques

Resources: a video projector

G. References (Minimal required readings will be mentioned.)

Minimal required readings:

- Pecorari, Diane (2013) Teaching to avoid plagiarism: how to promote good

source use, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 978-0-33-524593-2
- Tauginienė, L, Gaižauskaitė, I, Glendinning, I, Kravjar, J, Ojsteršek, M,
Ribeiro, L, Odiņeca, T, Marino, F, Cosentino, M, Sivasubramaniam, S. (2017)
Glossary for Academic Integrity. ENAI Report 3G [online]
- BBC What is Ethics?
- Working with Research Integrity—Guidance for Research Performing
Organisations: The Bonn PRINTEGER Statement (2018), Springer

Take advantage of the following websites:

Romanian: (look for « Carta Universității din București », « Codul de etică ») (Centrul de Acțiune, Resurse, Formare pentru Integritatea

Academică, Universitatea din București)
(Universitatea din București)
EU: (Council of Europe,

ETINED platform) (International Institute for Educational


Other bibliographical items provided by teacher according to students needs

Course Prof. Marian Popescu

Date of Department approval: 29.09.2019

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