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Names: GUZMAN, Jomar C.

Section: ARTS 1 B1
Student Number & SAIS ID: 2015-65181, 10070605 


The “Fountain” is not a work of art because according to the formalist theory of art,
one can’t simply define art because it has a form. This is due to everything around us has a
form. There has something special about the form that represents it as an art form. Further
more Bell defined this using the theory of Significant forms, which accroding to Bell, the
object should be imbued with special value that will help with its identity. To argue, for me, it
is not an art since I can’t identify with it as a fountain and I do not understand exactly what I
am looking at like for example, if it was not labeled or mentioned that it is called fountain, I
will not be able to distiguish it. On the contrary, when you say fountain, tipically an image
can be view in our minds what an actual fountain looks like.

Speaking of forms, an achitechtural structure I could think of that our country is well
known for are the Rice Terraces of Banaue. Although Rice terraces are prominent in different
places in south east asia, the Banaue Rice Terraces in the Philippines holds a great value to
both locals and toursit in the country. It currently holds a cultural service for the people, but
prior to that, the Terraces are built on a simple purpose: Proper irrigation of water for the rice
paddies. As time passess, as the natives or indigeneous community found other forms of work,
the paddies are neglected but it functions also change over time. From an agricultural form to
an esthetic, and tourism. Today, many visit the Terraces for its pictureques view.

Using the attached photo (see Figure 1), arts can be a sociohistorical in the sense that it
is grounded within society and history. The image is a comic style of art depicting recent
events. To say that art is embeded in society is that people display art through visual
illustration showing current event through metaphors and figurative illustrations. To say that
are is dialogic, means that the art conveys a message, rhetric, or argument to their audience.
For this example, it shows the message of how we need to respect and acknowledge the effort
done by our instructors and profesor for they too adjust with us with this remote learning set
up. To some it maybe funny for the case of the student who was playing while the professor
was teaching but again, its insight dialogy among its audience. What does both sides say
about the given scenario. Art as a construct because, most of art comes from our own
thinking, our imagination that how we perceive and understand our suroundings. The artist of
this comics depicts the reality of the difficulty faced by both professors and students and that
the audience should be able to see as the artist sees it. This means that art can also be a social
import base from our own experiences. These comics, memes make us relate because through
art, the artist relays their experiences and so too the audience can relate with.
Figure 1 Art by Zaragoza, Bea,. Posted by We the Pvblic. “Sending Love to our teachers for their sacrifices”. Facebook, 24 th
March 2021, 5:00PM, 25th
March 2021.

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