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Remember: It is a collaborative project.

All the members of the group should work in the same direction and with the same

The results will be considered acording to:

- Your daily work

- Your job during the clases
- The final exposition
- The final product you make

So they can be different for each member of the group.

This Project will give to you the oportunity of improving your global mark of the year as a
máximum of 1 point.

You will have a digital source (computer or tablet) for your group.

You have to look for the information you are requiered.

You have to structure all the information and make a presentation, it can be digital or in
cardboard, as you prefer.

Try to be creative, original, give it a good aspect.

In the exposure to your mates I don’t want you just reading but explaining to your mates what
you have made.

- Ukraine War.
- Israel - Palestine conflict (Fátima Morabyt)
- Irán – Israel and USA
- Sirya
- Central African Republic
- South Sudan
- Yemen
- Afganistan.
You have to analyse

- Chronology
- Main events
- Main people
- Causes
- Consequences of the conflict in people until today.
- International involvement.
- Possible connection with topics we have studied this year.
- You can guess a possible solution to the conflict.

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