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I choose to focus on what I can control and let go of what I cannot control

I believe that life is unpredictable, and there are many things that are beyond my
control. Instead of getting caught up in the things that I cannot control, I choose to
focus my energy on the things that I can control. This mindset allows me to stay
calm and centred, even in the midst of chaos.

Focusing on what I can control means taking responsibility for my own life and my
own choices. It means setting goals, making plans, and taking action to achieve
those goals. It means being proactive and taking charge of my own destiny.

I have found that when I focus on what I can control, I am able to make positive
changes in my life. I am able to overcome obstacles and nd solutions to
problems. I am able to take steps towards my goals, and ultimately, create the life
that I desire.

By letting go of what I cannot control, I am able to release the burden of worry and
anxiety. I am able to accept the things that I cannot change and focus my energy
on the things that I can change. This allows me to be more present in the moment
and enjoy life to the fullest.

I know that life is full of uncertainties, but by focusing on what I can control and
letting go of what I cannot control, I am able to navigate these uncertainties with
grace and resilience. I am able to stay grounded in my own power and nd peace
and contentment in every moment.

So, I choose to focus on what I can control and let go of what I cannot control.
This allows me to live my life with purpose, intention, and joy.

Further Reading

1. "The Serenity Prayer" by Reinhold Niebuhr - This short prayer has become a
popular mantra for those seeking inner peace and guidance on how to
navigate life's challenges. It is a reminder to focus on the things that we can
control and to have the wisdom to know the di erence.

2. "The 7 Habits of Highly E ective People" by Stephen Covey - This classic self-
help book teaches readers how to take control of their lives by focusing on
what they can control, rather than being controlled by external factors. Covey's
seven habits are based on timeless principles that can be applied to personal
and professional growth.

3. "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl - This memoir details the
experiences of the author as a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp during
World War II. Despite unimaginable hardships and loss, Frankl found meaning
and purpose in his su ering by focusing on his inner world and the values that
gave his life meaning.

4. "The Art of Possibility" by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander -
This book encourages readers to shift their perspective from one of scarcity to
one of possibility. The authors o er practical tools for cultivating a mindset of
abundance and creativity, and for letting go of limiting beliefs and self-doubt.

5. "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz - This book outlines four simple yet
profound agreements that readers can make with themselves to transform their
lives. One of these agreements is to always do your best, regardless of the
situation, and to let go of attachment to outcomes that are beyond your


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