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Title: loaded voltage divider lab 4: Experiment to examine a variety of resistive loads.

Equipment used: breadboard, crocodile clips, required resistors, D C voltage source, and a

Sample calculations:

R1,R2=1Kohms R1,R2=10Kohms


The experiment was conducted satisfactorily and all required results were obtained. I began working
the breadboard, I added the required resistors to the breadboard. However, the resistor 5.1k was
nowhere to be found so I used two resistors to make up the resistors 3k9+1k2). Once I finished using
the voltage supplier to calculate the resistors I wrote and calculated the results in the diagram.


-the experiment was conducted satisfaction. The voltage was found in each resistors and the voltage
calculated matches the same voltage using the formula.

- the diagram was completed

-only issue encountered was finding two resistors to make a 5.1 k


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