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Name : Aina Syamira

NIM : K011201080

1. According to thisbarticle, is jet lag worse when you travel eastward? Why?
Answer : yes because on its way to the east, the body has to adjust by shortening its days,
against the body's natural inclinations. This is what causes a lot of suffering from
2. What cause jet lag ?
Answer : There are three main causes of jetlag, the first is that people are often tired when
traveling, so they are already exhausted when boarding a plane. The second is that
long-distance travel often has a few drinks to kill time, the third and unavoidable
from jetlag is the fact that long-distance air travel interferes with your biological
3. What can you do to minimize jet lag?
Answer : What can be done to minimize jet lag is getting enough rest and eating a healthy
diet before embarking on a long flight.
4. Is there any quick cure for jet lag?
Answer : There is, but research has shown that none are effective

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