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Name : Aina Syamira

NIM : K011201080

Unit 6 Exercise 4

1. Topics : A new kind og jogging shoe

Main idea : A new kind of jogging shoe has lights on them for night safety
Because the purpose described in the paragraph is about how a runner can feel safe
walking along the road in the dark because of the shoes like this and also based on the
topic at hand
2. Topics : Quieting macines
Main idea : Quietting machines reduce noise at work and at home
Because the essence of the paragraph is about how we can remove sound waves from the
air especially for the close environment of a very noisy factory
3. Topics : A new laser potato peeler
Main Idea : A new laser potato peeler reduces waste in factories
Because by looking at the existing topic as well as the explanation in the paragraph about
a special type of laser potato peeler has been developed to eliminate almost all waste

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