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Fusha: Gjuhë Lënda: Shkalla: Klasa:

dhe Anglisht e tretë VI

Tema mësimore: Veprimtaria e të nxënit: Communication

Rezultatet e të nxënit
sipas kompetencave kyçe

Rezultatet e të nxënit të kompetencave të fushës sipas temës Fjalët kyçe:

Flag, nationality, person, name,
At the end of the lesson student will
Russia, Poland, Greece,
- Identify the flags n the picture and elicit which country
they are from. favourite, subject, sport etc
- Listen for specific information
- Ask and give personal information
-Write a short text introducing themselves to their friends.

Burimet: Text book Lidhja me fushat e tjera ose me temat


Metodologjia dhe veprimtaritë e nxënësve

Lidhja e temës me njohuritë e mëparshme të nxënësve:
First of all students are going to mention in a cluster as many nationalities they know and they
have learned in the previous books: ex Albanian, Spanish, American etc.

Ndërtimi i njohurive të reja

Then students are going to look at the flag and they are going to identify some of them by
eliciting their nationality ex. This is a Italy's flag. It is Italian. This is Turkey's flag. It is Turkish.
Student listen and say the nationalities that they hear. Then students are going to listen to a
recording and they will try to find specific information while hearing and completing the exercise
5 on the text book. Ex. Juanita Vasquez. Age 12 years old. Country: Mexico etc.
Students will also learn how give personal information to people by formin dialogues: Hello.
What is your name? Ricardo. Where are you from? I am from Spain etc.

Prezantimi dhe demostrimi i rezultateve të arritura;

After learning how to give personal information students are going to write a short presentation
of themselves: Hi. My name is ....... I am .......old. I am from...... etc

I am going to evaluate students based on their participation. .
Detyrat dhe puna e pavarur:
Write a short introduction of yourself.

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