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Fusha: Gjuhë Lënda: Shkalla: Klasa:

dhe Anglisht e tretë VII

Tema mësimore: Veprimtaria e të nxënit:
Free hour (Revision) Reading for fun.

Rezultatet e të nxënit sipas kompetencave kyçe

Rezultatet e të nxënit të kompetencave të fushës sipas temës Fjalët kyçe:

Tall, bad, short„ souvenirs, film,1
- - Identify different adjectives for describing people
watch, brilliant, DVD,
- Recommend a film to a friend and form a dialogue in pairs.
Pocahontas, drive, drive a car,
- Read some of the texts in the book and revise new words.
giant, Fin MacCool etc.
- Conjugate present simple, present continuous, past simple.
Burimet: Lidhja me fushat e tjera ose me temat
Text book
Metodologjia dhe veprimtaritë e nxënësve
Lidhja e temës me njohuritë e mëparshme të nxënësve:
Before starting to complete the revision. I am going to ask students to identify some of topics that
we have discussed during the first and the second lesson like: Types of sports, animals, adjectives
for describing people, recommending a film, Fin MacCool, heroes etc .

Ndërtimi i njohurive të reja

Students then start to revise those things learnt. First they are going to mention types of sports
and animals that they have learnt in unit 1: Cricket, Tennis, Elephant etc Later students will give
some personal details about themselves forming some short dialogues in pairs ex: Hello, what is
your name'? John. How old are you? Twelve etc. Students will also revise different kinds of
ADJECTIVES and try to describe some of their friends by just looking them ex : This is my
friend John. He is tall with dark hair etc. They will also read some of the texts learnt and
revise some of the new words in Pocahontas and the Gian Casaway Finn MacCool Students
should revise the use and the formation of verbs in present simple, present continuous,
past simple etc.
Prezantimi dhe demostrimi i rezultateve të arritura
To reflect on those tenses students are going to try to conjugate some of the verbs I am going to
give them in present simple, past simple, present continuous.
I will evaluate students based on their performance.
Make a short description of what happened in the first two episodes of monster trackers.

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