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Bullying that targets an aspect of a person’s appearance, such as their size, height, or disfigurement, the

way they look, or the way that they look different or unique, is known as appearance-focused bullying. It
is often thought of as the most common reason why children experience bullying. There is no one
definition of beauty. I’ve learned that the hard way. Obsessively fixating on how you look is limiting
beyond belief and prevents you from appreciating everything that is beautiful about you. Being different
from others in terms of looks, size, and shape is being called “uniqueness.” Never let others tell you that
you’re not beautiful when in fact you’re just a unique and one-of-a-kind human being. Accepting the
way you look and the way you are is the first thing you need to do to not let what others say about you
affect you. Affirm your needs and take care of yourself first. Spend time with people who love you, not
with those who are just trying hard to let other people down; do things that bring you joy; and lastly,
heal your emotional self and accept who you truly are.

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