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Main Task 6

a. It is very important to discuss the grading system to the students and their
parents at the beginning of the school year, because grades are used as
evaluation of student work, it’s important that grades accurately reflect the quality
of student work and that student work is graded fairly. The purpose of a grading
system is to give feedback to students so they can take charge of their learning
and to provide information to all who support these students-teachers, parents
and others. In some communities the transition to proficiency-based grading and
reporting can become a source of misunderstanding, tension and conflict. For
this reason, it is critically important that districts and schools develop effective
ways to explain new grading systems to their students, parents, families and
b. Is it necessary to have grading and reporting system?
Grading and reporting are not essential to the instructional process. Teachers do
not need grades or reporting form to teach well, and students can and do learn
many thing without them. It must be recognized, therefore, that the primary
purpose of grading and reporting is other than facilitation of teaching or learning.
At the same time, significant evidence shows that regularly checking on students
learning progress is an essential aspect of successful teaching. Grading and
reporting, however, typically involve judgment of the adequacy of students’
performance at a particular point in time. As such, it is primarily evaluative and

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