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Name : Risma Rahmawati

Number : 29
Class : XI MIPA 1

Thousands of years ago before Covid-19 had spread the disease that became a pandemic
including Black Death and Spanish Flu, a pandemic is a plague that has spread throughout the
During a pandemic, people are required to stay alone in isolation or quarantine in their
homes to suppress the spread or break the chain of viruses or bacteria that cause this
pandemic. During the Pandemic many people carry out activities that can be done at home so
as not to get bored during quarantine periods such as reading books, listening to music,
meditating, praying, playing, drawing and doing other things. This pandemic has also
infected many people around the world and many have died as a result. The pandemic that
occurred gradually or rapidly continued to peak so that people continued to try to fight this
pandemic so that it would soon end.
  When the pandemic ends and people find themselves grieving over death and making new
choices and dreaming new visions and creating new ways. alive and fully

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