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Chapter 6 Learning

Directions: Read chapter 6 in the book Psychology, Principles in Practice. While you are
reading each section answer the following questions in complete sentences.

Section 1 Classical Conditioning (pages 158-162)

1. What are the basic principles of classical conditioning?

One stimulus calls forth the response that is usually called fourth by another response.

2. How might classical conditioning help people or animals adapt to the environment?

A dog might associate a location with food so it knows and remembers where to find food.

3. In Classical conditioning, what is meant by extinction?

When a conditioned stimulus becomes disconnected with another stimulus.

4. How might taste aversion be put to good use?

Your brain will know what makes you sick so you don’t accidentally eat it again and get sick.

5. What are some applications of classical conditioning?

It can help people remember and avoid potential dangers.

Section 2 Operant Conditioning (pages 164-171)

6. How are operant conditioning and reinforcement related?

They are both conditioning the patient to learn a certain skill.

7. What are the main types of reinforcements?

Positive, Negative

8. How do rewards and punishment shape learning?

It affects the persons way of thinking what is acceptable and what is not.
9. How do a schedule of reinforcement influence learning?

How quickly a behavior is acquired, the strength of the response, and how frequently the
behavior is displayed

10. What are some applications of operant conditioning?

To explain a wide variety of behaviors, from the process of learning, to addiction and
language acquisition.

Section 3 Cognitive Factors in Learning (pages 172-176)

11. What is Latent Learning?

The retention of skills/knowledge that is not reinforced/demonstrated until reward

12. In what situation does observational learning take place?

Childhood is when observational learning is most common

13. What are the effects of media violence?

Teaches children that this type of behavior is acceptable

14. What learning principles are involved in behavior modification?

Reinforcement and punishment

15. What are some ways in which cognitive learning principles are used to modify people’s

Learning new behavior, strengthening skills, minimizing negative behaviors.

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