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1. You can search historical data in Yahoo Finance (there are other sites where you can also get historical data).
2. Type the company’s name in the search box.
3. Click on the Historical data menu.
4. Enter Start date 01/01/20xx and End date 31/12/20yy - DONE

5. Frequency: set as Monthly (other options: Daily, Weekly)


You will get an excel file.
8. Highlight column Open - High - Low - Close then right hand click and choose delete – entire column. Repeat for Volume. So
now you have 2 columns: Date and Adjusted close. (**Adjusted close price adjusted for both dividends and splits)

9. Check if there is any “null” in adjusted price column. If there is a null, do as the picture below (at this point you may use a
calculator). However, if there are so many nulls, my suggestion: find another company with available data.

(0.605 + 0.585) ÷ 2 = 0.595

Or you can use formula in excel to calculate the approximate figure to replace the null.
Put the symbol of = in the null box , click open bracket (shift 9), click 0.605 (at B9) and
put + in the equation, click 0.585 (at B11), click close bracket (shift 0), click “/” then “2”
and click Enter. You will see the equation appear in the upper box.
10. Final step, save the excel file. Save as type Excel Workbook. (The original file is .csv type)

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