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After reading the 2 sections on Reconciliatio et Paenitentia and Sollicitudo Rei Socialis
present your understanding of structural sins/social sins to the lyrics of this song.
Pope St. John Paul II offers a number of definitions of social sin in his apostolic
exhortation Reconciliatio et Paenitentia. He refers to social sin in his encyclical Sollicitudo Rei
Socialis as "structures of sin." "by virtue of human solidarity, which is as cryptic and elusive as it
is real and tangible, each individual's sin in some way harms others," he adds as a starting point
In the same way that our good deeds assist to strengthen the Church and the world, our evil
deeds bring damage not only to the entire body of Christ but also to each individual soul. This is
because our good deeds help to strengthen the Church and the world. This practice is rather
common in tatsulok, and it is especially prevalent among the disadvantaged members of society
who are struggling to make ends meet despite the inequalities that exist in their society.
Politicians still maintain their grip on the reins of power, just as they did not all that long ago.
The general public has the impression that individuals who work for the government lack
compassion; as a result, they are reluctant to offer assistance to our economically challenged
nation. This is a prevalent misconception. Members of our society are going hungry as a direct
result of this, which has led to an upsurge in instability in certain regions of the country. As a
direct result of this, everybody is obligated to pick the most privileged and advantageous person
for every task, assistance, assurance of safety, and objective opinion that needs to be done.
According to the second interpretation of the word "social sin," the category that contains
the phrase "a direct assault on one's neighbor... on one's brother or sister" is part of the category
of "social sin." This encompasses "any sin against the rights of the human person," as the
aforementioned statement is mentioned in the text. According to the adage that states, "the
person against the community, or by the community against the individual," it is probable that
both sides are guilty for this social ill. He went on to say that the relationships between human
civilizations "are not always in line with the purpose of God," who wants there to be justice in
the world along with freedom and peace among individuals, groups, and peoples. He went on to
say that the relationships between human civilizations "are not always in line with the purpose of
God." Disagreements that emerge inside a nation between the many socioeconomic groups that
are present there are one illustration of this social flaw. It is probable that there is a link between
the two, given that "Tatsulok" recognizes severe poverty as a significant factor contributing to
armed conflict in the nation. This raises the possibility that there is a relationship between the
two. It is common practice to refer to a system of social stratification as a "social pyramid." In
this type of system, those with higher social status are located at the top of the pyramid, while
those with lower social status are located at the base of the pyramid. The term "social pyramid"
is commonly used to describe this type of system.
2. Identify 5-10 social or structural sins (social problems) in Philippine society. List them down
1. In both the historical and present contexts of the Philippines, racism may be seen in a
variety of guises.
2. The Philippines is a country that is struggling to overcome the effects of widespread
poverty and unrestrained population expansion across all society due to great inequality.
3. The problem of malnutrition and short stature among children in the Philippines.
4. The low level of education offered in the Philippines is one factor that contributes to
the high unemployment rates seen in the nation.
5. Assassinations of village and community leaders in the Philippines are sanctioned by
the government as part of an anti-leftist, anti-communist operation.
6. The Philippine society is marked by social injustice and encourages the commission of
harmful acts.
7. In Philippine society, more and more Filipinos are falling into extreme poverty.

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