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1. New words (children will copy the words from the text book)

2.Word meanings
a. pluck(verb) -to take hold of something and quickly remove it from its place
b. build(verb) - construct
c. sigh(verb) - emit a long deep audible breath expressing sadness
d. delicious(adjective)- having a very pleasant taste or smell
3 Synonyms
a. weak - fragile
b. delicious- delectable
c. busy- preoccupied
d. swing- sway

a. climb - descend
b. delicious - distasteful
c. build - demolish

5.Frame Sentences
1. hungry 2. pluck 3. enjoy (children will frame their own sentences)

6.Answer the following questions

a. How did the boy have fun in the play “The Giving Tree”?
Ans- Every day the boy would visit the tree, would climb up its trunk and swing from its
branches. Thus he used to have fun .

b. How did the tree help the boy to earn money?

Ans- The tree asked the boy to pluck all its apples, sell them in the market and earn money.

c. Was the stump of the tree useful? How?

Ans Yes. The stump of the tree helped the old man to sit and rest on it.
7. Reference to context
Read the extract given below and answer the following questions
‘The young man cut the trunk of the tree and sailed away in a boat. The tree was left only
with a stump and after a long time, the young man came back again. Now, he was an old
man but the tree recognized him.”
a. What did the young man do with the trunk?
Ans The young man cut the trunk of the tree, made a boat and sailed away.
b. Why do you think the tree allowed the boy to use it so often?
Ans The apple tree was lonely and whenever the boy came to it, the tree felt happy and
needed. Since the tree loved the boy a lot and had known since he was very young, the tree
was always ready to help the boy any way it could.
c. Find out a word from the extract which is an antonym of forget.
Ans Recognize
1. New words (children will copy the words from the text book)
2.Word Meanings
a. wallop (verb)- hit or thrash
b. hay(noun) - dried grass
c. corn (noun)- tall growing grain that produces yellow seeds
3.Value based question
Is it right to hit pet/ domestic animals? Why? (Children will write their own answer)
Punctuation is the system of symbols that we use to separate written sentences and parts of
sentences and to make their meaning clear.
The most important punctuation rules are-
We always use capital letters at the beginning of the sentence for proper nouns.
1. We always end sentences with a full stop (.) a question mark (?) or an exclamation
2. We usually put a comma (,) between items on a list.
3. Apostrophe (‘) is used to show possession or used in contractions.
4. Quotation marks(“-----” )are used for direct speech.

Rewrite the sentences using proper punctuation marks.

1. has deepti submitted her project

2. kashmir is the heaven on the earth in india.
3. hurrah india has won the cricket match
4. we plan to visit the taj mahal in agra and the red fort in delhi
5. delhi chennai kolkata and Mumbai are the largest cities in India.
6. i am so excited to see you Yohan said to Roopa.
7. did you have breakfast asked aryas mother
Adverbs of manner tell us how an action happens. They are usually placed either after the
main verb or after the object.

• She spoke gently.

• He plays the game expertly.

• He ate the chocolate cake greedily.

[1] Usually you make an adverb by adding “ly” to an adjective

quiet + ly = quietly
poor + ly = poorly

[2] If the adjective ends with “y” then you drop the “y” and add “ily”
easy (‐y) + ily = easily
angry (‐y) + ily = angrily
[3] Some adverbs have the same form as the adjective
‐late ‐early ‐hard ‐fast
He arrived early.
Don’t drive fast.
Choose the correct adverbs of manner to complete the sentences

1. The dog ____ ran after the ball. (quickly, well)

2. She stood up _____ (fast, slowly)

3. It is raining _____ (daily, heavily)

4. They _____ ate the food. (always, happily)

5. He plays the flute ____. (bad, beautifully)

6. She spoke very _____ with her mother. (politely, quickly)

7. The bomb squad proceeded_____ to the suspect bag. (carefully, kindly)

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