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(ICT – Related Terms)

Analytics data generated by user engagement with content and assessment that can provide insight and
guidance for intervention if required (
Android is an operating system developed by Google for smartphone (
Animations a series of slightly different pictures, photos or illustrations that are viewed rapidly in succession to
create the illusion of movement similar to that of a video or film. (
Domain in the context of networking, refers to any group of users, workstations, devices, printers, computers
and database servers that share different types of data via network resources. (
E-mail Mail that's electronically transmitted by your computer. As opposed to snail mail, e-mail sends your
messages instantaneously, anywhere in the world. It has the capability to send messages at any time
and to anyone. (

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) The standard method for downloading and uploading files over the Internet. With
FTP, you can login to a server and transfer files (meaning you can "send" or "receive" files).

Homepage is the default or front page of a site. It is the first page that visitors see when they load a URL. Web
managers can control the home page as a way of directing the user experience. (

Hyperlink is an element in an HTML document that links to either another portion of the document or to another
document altogether. On webpages, hyperlinks are usually colored purple or blue and are sometimes
underlined. (

An underlined word(s), phrase(s), or graphics on a Web page that transports the reader to additional
or related information on the Internet. (

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) The abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is the set of rules by
which Web pages are transferred across the Internet. (

Internet an electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer
facilities around the world – used with the except when being used attributively. (Merriam-

Internet Protocol Address (IP Address) is a logical numeric address that is assigned to every single computer,
printer, switch, router or any other device that is part of a TCP/IP-based network. (

iOS is an operating system developed by Apple for smartphones (

Offline not connected to the internet (

Online connected to the internet (

Simulations virtual representations of real-world scenarios and tasks (

Touch screens a computer display screen where the user interacts with the computer by touching pictures or words
on the screen; this includes the keyboard which exists as software in a tablet (

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) an addressing scheme that is used on the Internet to locate resources and/or
services on the World Wide Web. Basically the URL is the address of a computer file that has been
put on a computer server to access the Internet. (

Web Browser a piece of software such as Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer that allows a computer to access
and display documents, view pictures, hear sound, and view video clips from the World Wide Web.

Website a group of World Wide Web pages usually containing links to each other and made available online by
an individual, company, or organization. (

World Wide Web (www) a part of the Internet accessed through a graphical user interface and containing documents
often connected by hyperlinks; also called Web (

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