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the effects of mobile games to the academic performance of senior high school

students of ama east rizal

Mobile games have become increasingly popular among students, and while they can be
a fun way to pass the time, they can also have negative effects on academic performance.
Research has shown that excessive use of mobile games can lead to reduced attention
span, poor time management, and decreased motivation to study. These effects can result
in lower grades, missed assignments, and even academic failure. Additionally, mobile
games can be addictive and students may spend more time playing them than studying,
leading to a lack of focus and poor academic performance. While playing mobile games
in moderation may not have a significant impact on academic performance, it is
important for students to prioritize their studies and limit their use of mobile games.

The effectiveness of online class of ama in post pandemic era

The post-pandemic era has seen a significant increase in the use of online classes as a
mode of learning. The effectiveness of online classes in this era largely depends on the
quality of the online platform used, the teaching methodology employed, and the level of
student engagement. Online classes offer several benefits such as flexibility,
convenience, and accessibility, which can help students overcome geographical and
economic barriers to education. Additionally, online classes can provide a more
personalized learning experience, allowing students to work at their own pace and receive
individualized attention from instructors. However, online classes can also present
challenges such as technical difficulties, lack of face-to-face interaction, and distractions
from the home environment. Despite these challenges, the effectiveness of online classes
in the post-pandemic era can be enhanced by providing necessary resources and support
to students, ensuring high levels of student engagement and interaction, and
implementing effective teaching strategies that promote active and collaborative learning.
how the technology help us shaping the way we organize, collaborate and

Technology has revolutionized the way we communicate, collaborate, and organize in the
contemporary world. With the advent of social media platforms, instant messaging apps,
and video conferencing programs, it has become easier than ever before to interact and
share ideas with people from all over the world, without the constraints of time and
geography. Additionally, technology has facilitated improved collaboration among teams
and organizations, as it is now possible to work together on projects and assignments,
even across different time zones. Lastly, technology has transformed how we organize
our personal and professional lives, with the use of digital calendars, task management
apps, and cloud-based storage for documents and files, among others. In short,
technology has fundamentally altered how we communicate, collaborate, and organize in
the modern world, and its impact will continue to shape our lives in the years to come.

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