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Name of lesson: Calorimetry

1. The measurement of the quantity of heat is

a. Heat capacity
b. specific heat capacity
c. Calorimetry
d. latent heat

2. 1 calorie is approximately equal to

a. 4.2 J
b. b. 2.4 J
c. c. 1000 J
d. d. 4200 J

3. The absolute zero in kelvin scale is

a. 0 K b. 273 K c. 373 K d. 100 K

4. The S.I unit of heat capacity is

a. cal ⁰C⁻¹ b. cal K⁻¹ c. J K⁻¹ d. J kg ⁰C⁻¹

5. The S.I unit of specific heat capacity is

a. J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹ b. J g⁻¹ K⁻¹ c. J g⁻¹ ⁰C⁻¹ d. cal g⁻¹ K⁻¹

6. The specific heat capacity of water is

a. 4.2 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹ b. 2100 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹ c. 2100 J g⁻¹ K⁻¹ d. 4200 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹

7 The specific heat capacity of water is

a. 2100 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹ b. 210 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹ c. 4200 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹ d. 21 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹

8 The specific heat capacity of water is

a. 46 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹ b. 460 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹ c. 4600 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹ d. 4.6 J kg⁻¹ K⁻¹

9 The specific heat capacity is maximum for

a. Water b. ice c. oxygen d. hydrogen

10 From the following which one is incorrect

a. Specific heat capacity = heat capacity / mass of the body
b. Specific heat capacity = mass of the body / heat capacity of body
c. heat capacity = Specific heat capacity * mass of the body
d. Specific heat capacity = Q / m x t

11. The change from solid to liquid is known as

Melting b. freezing c. vaporisation d. solidification

12 A body requires 500 J heat energy to raise the temperature by 10 K. The heat capacity of the body is
a. 5 J K⁻¹ b. 50 J K⁻¹ c. 500 J K⁻¹ d. 1000 J K⁻¹

13 The change from liquid to solid is known as

a. Melting b. freezing c. vaporization d. solidification

14 The change from liquid to vapour

a. Melting b. freezing c. vaporisation d. condensation

15 The change from vapour to liquid

a. Melting b. freezing c. vaporisation d. condensation

16 The direct change from solid to vapour

a. Melting b. sublimation c. vaporisation d. solidification

17 The change from vapour to solid

a. Melting b. sublimation c. vaporisation d. solidification

18 The melting point of ice decreases by the

a. Decreases in pressure b. increases in pressure c. remain the same d. none of

19 In the presence of impurities in a substance, its melting point

a. Decreases b. increases c. remains unchanged d. none of these

20 In addition of impurities to water, the boiling point

a. Decreases b. increases c. remains unchanged d. none of these

21 If common salt is added to water, it boils at a temperature

a. Equal to 100 ⁰C b. lesser than 100 ⁰C c. higher than 100 ⁰C d. none of these

22 Which of the following is correct?

a. 1 cal g⁻¹ = 4.2 x 10³ J g⁻¹ b. 1 cal g⁻¹ = 4.2 x 10³ J kg⁻¹
c. 1 cal g⁻¹ = 1 J g⁻¹ d. 1 cal g⁻¹ = 1000 kcal kg⁻¹

23 The specific latent heat of fusion of ice is

a. 3.36 x 10³ J kg⁻¹ b. 33.6 x 10³ J kg⁻¹ c. 336 x 10³ J kg⁻¹ d. 3360 x 10³ J kg⁻¹
d. none of these

24 In water, the specific latent heat of fusion is _____________ the specific latent heat of freezing.
a. equal to b. less than c. greater than d. either less or greater than

25 Snow on mountain does not melt all at once because,

a. ice has a low specific latent heat of fusion

b. ice has a high specific latent heat of fusion

c. ice has no specific latent heat of fusion

26 Which one of the following is correct? When a solid changes into a liquid, without any change in
a. the average kinetic energy of the molecules increases
b. the average kinetic energy of the molecules decreases
c. the potential energy of the molecules increases
d. the potential energy of the molecules decreases

27 It is generally more colder after a hail-storm than during or before the hailstorm, because
a. ice absorbs the heat energy
b. ice liberates the heat energy
c. ice has low specific latent heat of fusion
d. none of these

28 Identify the correct statement.

a. The volume of 1 g of ice at 0 ⁰C is equal to the volume of 1 g of water at 0 ⁰C
b. The volume of 1 g of ice at 0 ⁰C is less than the volume of 1 g of water at 0 ⁰C
c. The volume of 1 g of ice at 0 ⁰C is greater than the volume of 1 g of water at 0 ⁰C
d. None of these

29 The boiling point of water increases due to

a. the decrease in pressure
b. the increase in pressure
c. the constant pressure
d. none of these

30 At high altitudes, the water boils at a temperature

a. equal to 100 ⁰C b. higher than 100 ⁰C c. lower than 100 ⁰C d. all the above.s

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