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Name: Muhammad Sohairi Bin Basri

Date: 4 november 2020

Day: Wednesday
Lecturer: Madam Durga

Journal Third week


today I learned about the adverb he taught me by Madam Durga.

Madam Durga gave us training work is adverb training and taught us
about adverbs. Madam Durga tells the meaning of adverb is An adverb is
a part of speech that provides greater description to a verb, adjective,
another adverb, a phrase, a clause, or a sentence.

A great way to pick out an adverb from a sentence is to look for the
word ending in -ly. Although that's not universally true, it's a good place
to start. Also, given their function, these fundamental elements of the
English language are usually placed right before or after the verb in the
And Madam Durga explain about a comparison adverb. As in the case
of adjectives, adverb also have three degrees of comparison . Study the
table below carefully.

So far I have only learned about the adverb, I would like to thank
madam durga who has taught us a lot. with that I go ahead with thanks

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