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NAME : Kadek Ayu Mustika Dewi

SID : 2502009684

1. Explain the importance of the sustainability aspect in architectural design. (Value

20%) (LO1: (C2) Comprehension: explaining the importance of sustainability in
architectural design)
2. Explain at least 3 aspects of the 6 green building principles according to the DKI
Jakarta government. (Value 40%) (LO2: (C2) Comprehension: discuss the issue of
sustainable principles in architectural design)
3. Give examples of the application of the green building principles to the
precedents you study. (Value 40%) (LO3: (C2) Comprehension: give examples of the
application of sustainable principles in architectural design)

1. the importance of the sustainability aspect in architectural design.

Sustainability in architecture is a development process that uses environmentally

friendly processes and materials during the construction process. This will also affect the
environment and location where the building will be built, constructed, or renovated and
incorporate these characteristics into the building. that way the building can be adapted to
the surrounding environment. this is in order to minimize the impact of a building on the
environment through the energy consumed and make full use of the development space.

However, this is not only about the surrounding environment, but the goal is to be able to use
natural materials that can be recycled and reused as a renewable energy source.

There are five fundamental elements of sustainable architecture:

A. Optimization of resources and materials.

B. Reduction of energy consumption and use of renewable energies.
C. Reduction of waste and emissions.
D. Reduced maintenance, operation and use of buildings.
E. Increased quality of life for building occupants.

Sustainability Elements (source:

Why do we need sustainable architecture? to ensure low wastage during the
construction process and to save on the use of materials and their harmful impact on the
environment. In recent years, sustainable architecture as an architectural design has gained
traction among design and architectural professionals. There are many alternative statements
to sustainable architecture that you may have heard. For example, go green, act green, be eco-
friendly, etc. have become much more popular slogans that encapsulate sustainable
architectural design ideas.
7 elements of Sustainable Architecture :
Sustainable architecture consists of a form of architectural design in which natural resources
can be used to minimize environmental impact

1. Natural lighting
natural light is energy saving. It is also an architectural quality that is highly valued by users in
buildings and homes, as it promotes well-being and comfort.

2. Harvesting technology
Another goal of this type of architecture is to avoid excessive heating.

3. ECCN Building
Renewable sources allow for almost zero energy consumption and their use in homes gave the
name to what are now known as ECCN buildings (from the acronym Almost Null Energy
Consumption Buildings). According to the European Directive on Energy Efficiency of Buildings,
by 2020 all public buildings with new construction must become ECCN.

4. Home automation
Unstoppable new technological advances have made connected homes and smart homes
possible. So, through automation, energy management, safety and comfort at home are
Of course, the facility must ensure regulatory compliance and quality supported by AENOR. In
particular, and as the Spanish Association of Home Automation and Real Estate guarantees,
they must comply with certain procedures before being launched into the market.

5. Removal of the thermal bridge

They are also called "temperature leaks" and, as the name suggests, they impede energy
efficiency and are waterproof.

6. Vertical garden
They are beautiful and very fashionable, but also contribute to the restoration of the
environment and the environment and promote insulation as they cover walls, walls and
facades. Another advantage, vertical gardens filter harmful gases, regulate temperature, and
produce oxygen.

7. Material reuse
Reducing human impact on the environment is one of the basic pillars of sustainable
architecture. That's why he advocates recycling natural materials (slate, stone, wood, etc.) and
some plastics or aluminum.
2. 3 aspects of the 6 green building principles according to the DKI Jakarta
1. Air Conditioning & Ventilation

At this time modern buildings are designed wholly or most of their parts are closed, this is
because the occupants are interested in avoiding direct contact with the outside environment. Using
an AC (Air Conditioning) system to create thermal comfort in the room to make it feel cooler. However,
traditional buildings usually use air from outside through windows/ventilation as air conditioning.The
DKI Jakarta area is an area with a tropical climate so that thermal comfort in a room is important, as
air conditioning, ensuring clean incoming air, and reducing humidity in a room.

Based on comfortable standards for the DKI Jakarta area, it requires at least an indoor
temperature of 25 degrees Celsius and has a relative humidity level of 54% -66%. Ventilation is the
process of fresh outside air entering the room replacing the previous air in the room and reducing the
stuffiness of the indoor air, this is an important element of the air conditioning system to produce
comfort in a room. Naturally ventilation can be generated through airflow from windows or other
openings, or through fans as an alternative. With this, indoor air quality can be maintained because it
can refill oxygen and remove moisture, smoke, heat, odors, and bacteria in the air. Based on many
studies, increasing the level of ventilation can have a positive impact on the health and productivity of
the occupants in the room. This increase occurred ranging from 0.62% to 7.3%. If more air enters, the
energy can be used to cool and remove humidity in the room, so this increases the energy use of air
conditioning and ventilation systems. "Regulation of the Governor of the Province of the Special
Capital Region of Jakarta Number 54 of 2008 concerning Indoor Air Quality Standards (KUDR)" is proof
that ventilation is important for various types of buildings. In addition to the above, indoor comfort
can be done with other alternatives, namely: Reducing Cooling Load, Commissioning, Thermal Zoning,
Absorption Chillers, Magnetic Drive on Compressors, Chiller Sizing, Maintenance, Building Automation
System, Piping and Ducting, Cooling Tower Design and Operation, Natural Ventilation, Energy Recovery,
Maintenance and Ceiling Fans.

2. Lighting System

Comfort in a room is not realized only by the temperature in the room, but also supported by light.
Light also has a role as a visual comfort for the occupants in the room. The main sources of natural
light to date that we get are from the sun and sky. The natural light that we get during the day can be
put to good use if the building is well designed too. However, lighting from electricity is also important
for a room at night or during the day for rooms that are not exposed to openings or rooms that require
more lighting. Lights use electricity to produce light which generates heat, thereby increasing the
cooling load on a building. Every 3 watts of light reduces 1 watt of cooling energy. However, this ratio
depends on the type of building, operation and design. Total energy in deep Jakarta buildings is
reduced by up to 10.2% when applied to careful design, efficient equipment, and good control.

Significant reductions in lighting energy can be made by:

A. Utilizing natural light (daylight)
With the use of a lot of natural light is the most significant way and good utilization.
Buildings that have good natural lighting are not only valuable in terms of area, but also
increase the productivity and health of the occupants in them. In several studies, it has
been proven that people who work in rooms with more ventilation or windows can spend
more time than those in rooms without ventilation or windows. By utilizing optimal natural
light, it can be done in two different ways, namely by natural lighting design and natural
lighting control. Orientation windows, window/skylight size, glass properties, glass
shading, high head heights, floor layout and space layout can be factors in creating good
natural lighting in the room.

B. Reduction of installed lighting

Design on good lighting can be produced by using relatively low lighting power without
reducing visual comfort so as to save operational energy.

C. Use efficient lamps and fixtures

To create a comfortable and pleasant room, you need to choose the right light source.
There are several characteristics that can be an alternative in designing lighting, namely
Luminous efficacy, lamp life, color rendering index, and correlated color density. The Light
Output Ratio (LOR) recommended by SNI 6197 is at least 60% which can sometimes be
found on the manufacturer's packaging or website.
D. Use of lighting controls
Turning off or dimming the lights when not in use can save energy use and is done with
lighting control. Installing light controls such as switches can be installed easily and
inexpensively. however, if the switch is not placed properly and the occupants do not turn
off the switch when not in use then this will be in vain. By placing several switches in the
right and different locations, you can save energy use so that occupants do not
immediately turn on all the lights simultaneously.

3. Landscape Management
DKI Jakarta area is one of the cities with the lowest green area among other big cities in Asia,
which has a green area of only 2.3 m2 per capita of Jakarta. Green open spaces in cities are
very important for social, economic development, as well as the urban environment. however,
over the past 50 years there has been a drastic decline, in government master plans from 37%
(1965-85) to 41% (2005-10). The regional government of DKI Jakarta has targeted green open
space in 2030 to reach 30%.
At the design stage, landscapes are often forgotten by some projects. Landscape can be useful
for outdoors whose role is to help modulate airflow in buildings.

some important points in the correct greening design:

a. Receiving runoff and captured water directly can be realized with landscapes.
b. Rainwater is filtered and cleaned by placing and designing the landscape with the right
c. Utilizing plants in the parking area as a rain garden can be through retention ponds or
bioretention ponds.
The type of plants chosen must be suitable for the given microclimate and its water

Several alternatives for green building construction:

a. Top layer can be stored for reuse on site if the project is larger than 1 hectare of land.
b. Defense is required in soils with a pH value ranging from 6.0 to 7.5 and an organic content
of at least 1.5% by mass.
c. Mark all vegetation in conducting a tree survey.
d. Tree preservation must be developed so that reforestation must be proportional to 1:5 in
e. The drainage pattern must be maintained so as not to change any values around the
f. Recycling is an option for using landscape products.

3. examples of the application of the green building principles to the precedents you
green building is a building that has a green concept in the application of the building.
The function of green building itself is green buildings help reduce the negative impact on the
natural environment by using less water, energy and other natural resources. Using renewable
energy sources and environmentally friendly materials. and reduce emissions and other waste.
Example of the green building that I study is Five of the green systems used in building
engineering are radiant floors, gray water recycling, solar power, geothermal systems, and
energy efficient window systems. These systems working together can achieve the owner's
energy and water conservation goals while reducing utility bills.

A. Radiant Floors : Luminous floors are the best alternative that can be used to heat
a room efficiently with less energy. This can also be done with renewable energy,
such as solar, for a greener method that puts less pressure on the network. A
radiant floor may use electrical piping in the concrete floor, which conducts heat
that is piped to the occupants from the ground. They can also contain water pipes
that are heated from solar panels which collect solar energy and send it to the
pipes in the form of heat. This helps occupants meet their comfort level more
quickly than traditional heat delivery by air systems where heat rises to the ceiling
and is wasted.
B. Gray Water Recycling : What is gray water? Gray water is water that drains from
the condensate from air conditioning units and other water-using appliances.
One of the natural resources most used by buildings is water. In fact, water use in
our buildings and facilities accounts for up to 12% of the water supply. That's why
water conservation is becoming an increasingly important part of conservation
efforts, and recycling building gray water is a great way to achieve this. Often, this
water is disposed of with wastewater. Unlike wastewater, gray water can be reused
for boiler fuel, hydronic cooling equipment, and even crop irrigation. New
sustainable design-build methods find ways to maximize resources, including
C. Solar Power : With the price of solar panels dropping, solar energy is becoming
one of the most cost-effective, as well as practical ways to install renewable energy
sources in commercial buildings. Many solar companies also simplify the process
by handling installation and managing the process of applying for incentives for
buildings that qualify for discounted solar power. This helps the building owner
deal with the initial investment up front.
how this solar system works is the working principle of solar cells starting from
particles called "photons" which are very small particles of sunlight. When these
photons hit the semiconductor atoms of the solar cell, they can generate a large
amount of energy to separate electrons from their atomic structure.
D. Geothermal Systems : Geothermal systems are one of the best alternatives to
efficiently heat or cool a building with renewable sources. It uses the naturally cold
temperatures underground to cool the water in the pipes and then circulates it
through chilled water coils, much like a chilled water system. It can also be used
for heating by a similar process. Water flowing in a closed loop absorbs heat from
the ground and releases it to a heat pump, which in turn delivers warm air to the
building. It can also be used to warm radiant floors and for household hot water
E. Energy Saving Window System : Windows account for 25% of heat gain and loss
within a building, usually from heat flow through window panes and around
tightly closed frames. Energy-saving windows provide glass in the form of double
and triple panes which are designed to block the flow of heat. This type of window
has two or three panes with argon gas in between which prevents heat from
escaping or entering a room. This, combined with hermetically sealed frames,
helps secure the building envelope and prevent heat loss and gain.

The building above is a green building located in Colombia. This building uses
the green building concept, using concrete, brick, wood, and steel, materials that
endure over time and whose texture and color help us achieve our goal. The
most important thing for us is to link the outside with the inside, that’s why each
apartment is surrounded by green, A green of different species that produces
the feeling of living on a first floor.

The building above has many openings such as windows for natural
light and air entry. This building also uses solar panels as an alternative source of
electricity obtained from the sun. the way this solar panel works is that the solar
panel will work during the day to absorb energy from sunlight. The energy that
has been collected will then be converted into direct current electric energy or
what is called DC.

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