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Yesterday I needed to go to my friend in Poznań and we were stuck in traffic because there was a

crash. At the roundabout we took the first [ferst] exit. Atfer that we had a clear road so we dedicated
our time to relax on/at the parking (lot). Next we went to the ring quickly to him to sacrifice our time
together. If I were you I would take a train.

weird- dziwny It would be weird if it was other way around.

other way around- na odwrót

for now- na razie


grow a crop- uprawiać

amount- ilość bigger amount

encourage- zachecać

prevent- zapobiegać

treadmill- bieżnia I practice/run on a treadmill.

(do/have) warm-up- rozgrzewka warm up- rozgrzewać się

they are just like that- tacy po prostu są

Sometimes we go to a restaurant. going

at home

visible- widoczny

in an open space- na otwartej przestrzenni, nie zabudowany


thin- cienki

simple- prosty

dough (doł)- ciasto na pizzę

We can move outdoors

We can do the same but at home.

make time- znaleźć czas

ready meal- gotowy posiłek

avoid- unikać

cope with/ deal with/manage- radzić sb

topic- temat (rozmowy, wypracowania)

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