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Goal 6/ Part 1

1. What does it mean to be a professional?

Professionalism is the way the candidate behaves and represents themselves. They make

decisions based on knowledge of research-based early childhood practices, promote high-

quality childcare services and always try to improve knowledge and competence.

2. Describe 5 ways that you can promote quality in early learning services to children

and parents.

 protect the confidentiality of the children, their families, and the childcare program.

 Always conducts her/himself in a professional manner.

 Advocates for the needs of children and families

 Learn about new laws and regulations affecting childcare, children, and families.

 Takes opportunities for professional and personal development by reflecting, joining

professional organizations, and attending meetings, training courses and conferences.

3. Why is it important to continue your education and what are some ways that you

can update your knowledge and expertise yearly?

It is important to learn about new laws and regulations affecting childcare, children, and


 You continue to gain knowledge about child development and childhood best

 Maintains an active membership in an early childhood association.

 Seeks information relevant to the needs of the children from professional

resources (such as journal, community college course, workshops, online


 Participate in Professional Learning Communities with colleagues and community


 Seeks feedback from trusted mentors and coaches.

 Continues to increase knowledge about child development to help children and

parents deal with issues.

 Stay informed about the latest developments.

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