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Week 7 Lesson 1
Worksheet 1
Topic/sub-topic: Population growth and natural resources
1. The type of growth pattern shown by the graph below is most likely

A. exponential
B. logistic
C. predator- prey
D. boom- bust curve
2. What can cause a population to grow?
A. The birthrate becomes higher than the death rate.
B. The birthrate stays the same, and the death rate increases
C. The birthrate becomes lower than the death rate
D. The birthrate and the death rate remain the same
3. What is the period of rapid growth called?
A. logistic growth
B. k growth
C. carrying capacity
D. exponential growth
4. As a population reaches its carrying capacity, resources become scarcer. Which of the
following would increase within the population?
A. birthrate
B. nesting sites
C. competition
D. available shelter
5. Which of the following is NOT a challenge to a growing population?
A. overcrowding
B. overuse of resources
C. housing shortages
D. increased food supply
6. If a disease destroying barley plants in a field swept through an ecosystem, what would
happen to the barley eating bird population in the field?
A. the bird population will definitely increase
B. the bird population will remain the same
C. the bird population will fluctuate
D. the bird population will decrease
7. What is likely to happen in the picture shown below

A. it will continue to grow

B. the population will start to die off to return to carrying capacity
C. the population will go extinct due to lack of resources
D. the population will stop immediately
A common example of exponential growth is seen in bacteria. Five hundred bacteria were
placed in a bacteria flask with an unlimited supply of nutrients.
8. After one hour, how many bacteria are likely to be in the flask
A. 500 bacteria
B. 2000 bacteria
C. 1000 bacteria
D. 4000 bacteria
9. How many bacteria will be found in the flask after 24 hours or 1 day?
A. 8 billion
B. 16 billion
C. 500 billion
D. 4 billion
10. The growth of the bacteria can be represented on an/a
A. exponential curve
B. K curve
C. S-shaped curve
D. none of the above
Week 7 Lesson 1
Worksheet 1
Topic/sub-topic: Population growth and natural resources
Answer sheet

1. A
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. D
7. B
8. C
9. A
10. A

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