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Austria, Jiever Neil N.

March 28, 2023

BSEE 4-1 (3-3) Asynchronous III

1. What is Von Neumann and Harvard Architecture?


The theoretical concept of a von Neumann architecture machine—also known as a

computer with stored programs—was developed by the physicist and mathematician John von

Neumann (1903–1957). This machine serves as the foundation for nearly all modern

computers. A von Neumann machine consists of a central processor, an arithmetic/logic unit, a

control unit, memory, mass storage, and input and output.

The concept of a computer with a stored program that stores both program and

instruction data in the same memory is the foundation of the Von Neumann architecture. This

architecture is still used by most modern computers.

The theoretical design consists of:

 A central processor consisting of a control unit and an arithmetic/logic unit

 A memory unit

 Mass storage

 Input and output

A Von Neumann-based computer:

 Uses a single processor

 Uses one memory for both instructions and data.

 Executes programs following the fetch-decode-execute cycle

Basic Von Neumann Structure

As a result, modern computers are based on the von Neumann design. Similar to

Harvard architecture, it had separate bus and data address lines for reading from and writing to

memory. Since it was less muddled to carry out in genuine equipment, the von Neumann

configuration won.


The Harvard architecture, a type of computer design, divides its memory into two

sections to keep data and instructions separate. Additionally, distinct buses for data transfer and

instruction retrieval are included in the design. The result is that the CPU can simultaneously

acquire data and instructions. The fundamental concept of having distinct data and instruction

storage and signal pathways (buses) is upheld in the design. It is a kind of computerized PC

design. This sort of design basically arose to get around the Von Neumann Engineering's

general bottleneck.

The present Harvard design processors utilize a changed form to achieve better

execution. Operations like loading programs as data from secondary storage rather than RAM
can be carried out with some modified forms. Instructions are stored in read-only memory while

data is stored in read-write memory in some systems. This architecture is occasionally used in

the CPU to manage its caches due to its complexity and high cost, but it is less frequently used

with main memory. It is frequently used in embedded Digital Signal Processing (DSP) systems.

Computerized picture handling, sonar and radar signal handling, biomedical sign handling,

seismic information handling, and sound and voice signal handling are instances of DSP


Basic Harvard Architecture Structure

2. What is Architecture used in Intel and AMD?

Intel Architecture or "IA" refers to combination 16-32 bit and 32 bit or greater X86

microprocessors (including the X86 microprocessors) made or sold by Intel now or in the
future, such as but not limited to the i386-TM-, 486-TM-, Pentium-Registered Trademark-,

Pentium processor with MMX-TM- technology, Pentium Pro, and Pentium II processors, and

the instruction sets compatible with them. In other words, over 90% of the world’s computers

have brains that only understand the x86 instruction set for translating software instructions

into computer functioning. Consequently, most computer programs support, if not

exclusively, x86 microprocessors. The fact that AMD is their sole surviving competitor in the

x86 microprocessor industry is testament to the success of Intel’s aggressive business and

legal tactics: the market for almost any other computer hardware component is certain to

have a multitude of competitors from around the globe.

On the other hand, Current AMD architectures is Bobcat/Jaguar which is basically APU

architecture. Jaguar APUs are being used in PS4 as well as in Xbox One. Furthermore, Zen

processor Architecture of AMD, The historic “Zen” architecture was a shift in the design

approach to processors and represented an unimaginable uplift over previous AMD

products. There were three main goals with ‘Zen’ - the ultimate performance, the ultimate

scalability, and the ultimate efficiency.



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