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English Activity Script

All: Good Morning to all my fellow classmates and Dear Teacher!

Aayush: Brother
Ananya: Sister
Aanya: Travel Agent
Aaron: Brother

Aaron: Hello Travel Agent

Aanya: Hi Sir, how was your trip?
Aaron: Our trip to Shimla was good but your service was not up to the mark.
Ananya Explain her about the bad services we faced while travelling and
during our stay in “Sansar Hotel”.

*Aayush interrupting the conversation

Aayush: Also tell her about the famous places which she didn’t take in her

Ananya: First of all we sat in a Non - AC bus and it was a public bus but you
promised that we will go in a Traveler.

Aanya: Sorry Ma’am for the inconvenience. We will make sure it doesn't
happen again.

Ananya: How do you expect from us that we will come again to you?? And
one more thing the hotel was 1 star. Did we pay you 20,000 RS for the rats,
torn curtains, and noisy Air Conditioner?
Aanya: Ma’am, Please calm Down.
Aayush: What Calm Down! You think we are barking? That you are telling us
to stop barking as if we are your pet?
Aanya: Sir, It is against our policy that the customer shouts after coming
into our office.
Aaron: What about the policy in which it is written same as in the
constitution of India that if you give bad service to your customer you pay
back the whole amount the customer gave you?
Aanya: Sorry Sir, We will return the amount back to you.
Ananya: But we are still not satisfied with your service.
Aayush: Then We should file a case against them!
Aanya: Please Sir, It will affect the reputation of our company.
Aaron: So what about the customer’s satisfaction?
Aayush: We got a Very small vacation and even in that you spoiled our fun.
Aanya: Sorry everyone! I will contact the hotel and refund you more money
than you gave us! Also, we could arrange a package with the best hotel and
best places to visit for you whenever you require.
Ananya: Thanks for the compliment! I hope you will put whatever you said
into action.
Aanya: Thx Mam and Sir for understanding our issue.
Aayush: I am still angry! You can calm down me by giving me 10 Scoops of
Chocolate, Vanilla and butterscotch flavours respectively.
Aaron: Just Ignore this person, he doesn’t exist.Thanks, Senior Travel
Agent for taking this matter seriously.

Thank YOU

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