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THE NATURE OF PHILOSOPHY Although the endeavor to give Philosophy a precise

definition to make it distinct and systematic
General Objective:
discipline has failed (and will always fail), it is not
 Understand the meaning and nature of
however a futile endeavor. The various definitions
offer insights about the nature of Philosophy as a
 Appraise the importance of Philosophy
special field of human inquiry. They reflect the
Specific Objectives:
diversity of Philosophical concerns: from man and
 Explain the different definitions of
his society to his science, politics, economics and
even his Religion. The various descriptions of
 Discuss the nature of Philosophy:
Philosophy, from ancient to contemporary period
Philosophy as an activity.
could be viewed as reflective of the history and
Philosophy as a conceptual analysis
evolution of Philosophy itself. For our purpose, we
will consider the following widely held definitions
Ethics is a special branch of Philosophy that deals
of Philosophy:
with human conduct or Morals. Hence it is
1. The Love of Wisdom.
sometimes called Moral Philosophy. To understand
2. The love of exercising one's curiosity and
better the nature of ethics is to have a good grasp of
intelligence (Herodotus).
the nature of Philosophy.
3. The love of "wisdom" that can face the test of
What, then, is Philosophy?
critical discussions (Plato).
There is really no agreed definition of Philosophy
4. The collective name for questions that have not
only collections of different, and sometimes
been answered to the satisfaction of all that have
contradictory, claims. There are two reasons for
asked them (William James)
this: first, Philosophers in the past have sought to
We will consider each of these definitions and try
confine Philosophy within narrower boundaries,
to explain why they fail to grasp adequately the
because Philosophy tends to claim too much. The
true essence of Philosophy – and in so doing, we
quest is to search for the appropriate subject matter
will discover that Philosophy, as a life-activity,
of Philosophy and the method of investigations that
that need not to be defined but experienced.
is distinct to it. The second reason is the direct
Towards the end of this Chapter, it is expected that
consequence of the first. The attempt to narrow
we will formulate a practical perception of
down the meaning of Philosophy was a failure - the
Philosophy that will best reflect our conception of
original breadth of meaning of Philosophy remained
ethics. So, follow closely the discussions
reflective of its concerns over every facet of human
concerning the definitions of Philosophy below.
existence. From the ruins of such quest, are its
various definitions.
COMMON DEFINITIONS OF PHILOSOPHY philosophy, then there is a need to look for better
Love of Wisdom definition.
Some usually define Philosophy as the "Love of
Love of Exercising One's Curiosity and
Wisdom". The reason for this is etymological (i.e.,
based exclusively on the study of the origin or
Herodotus, instead of using the term Philosopia, has
historical development of the term). The Greek
used the term Philosophein in context in which it
word Philos is usually translated as Love, and
means nothing more than the desire to know or to
Sophia is ordinarily translated to English as
find out. Hence, Philosophy connotes the love of
Wisdom. The term Philosophy therefore crudely
exercising one's curiosity and intelligence. To
refers to the compound Philosophia and is thus
Philosophize is therefore to find pleasure in
translated into English as the "Love of wisdom".
wondering about the world, the universe, or about
Generally, this definition is good enough for
life itself. Unfortunately, this definition of
ordinary discussions, but it is inadequate if we
Philosophy proves to be very broad because it tends
desire a deeper understanding of the meaning of
to cover other fields of human inquiry. How can we
Philosophy. It is best to point out that the term
distinguish the difference of Philosophy from
Sophia had a much wider range of application than
Poetry, Sophistry, Cosmology, and other forms of
its English equivalent Wisdom. Wisdom is narrowly
inquiry that also display the love of exercising
defined as understanding what is true, right, or
curiosity? If, for example, a poet in his poem
lasting (The Grolier International Dictionary:
wonders about the beauty of a tree, does his
1978, Vol. II, p1469). But Sophia means more than
wondering make him a philosopher? Or if one
understanding of truth or of rightness but more on
wonders if the universe is static or expanding, does
the application of such understanding in the
it make him a philosopher? Certainly not. Clearly,
ordinary affairs of man. In the same way, Sophia is
more is needed to be said than simply saying the
more than
desire to know or to find out in defining Philosophy.
Intelligence because Sophia is more concerned with
Love Of "Wisdom" That Can Face The Test Of
the practical application of intelligence, that is,
Critical Discussions
wherever intelligence can be exercised in the
Plato, a well-known student of Socrates and the
practical affairs of man there is always room for
teacher of Aristotle, aimed at solving the problem
Sophia. One may understand truth but may refuse to
concerning the definition of Herodotus. According
be truthful; or one may proclaim that he is a lover of
to him Philosophy sought a "wisdom" that can face
wisdom but may refuse to do what is wise. For this
the test of critical discussions. As suggested in his
reason, the definition that philosophy is simply the
dialogue, Apology (the term dialogue in this
love of wisdom comes insufficient. If it is
statement is a general name referring to all the
insufficient, meaning the definition is not enough to
Books written by Plato because characters, or
cover distinctively the interest and purpose of
actors, are used to convey his opinions and ideas), Juan: And what is that something that marks Man
this criterion at once rules out almost every type of from other biped animals?
what is ordinarily called wisdom. As compared to Pedro: Unlike chicken, Man thinks.
Poetry and other forms of inquiry, Philosophy Juan: So how do you define Man now?
formulates a clear, articulate, and discussable Pedro: I propose another definition: Man is a
system of ideas and principles. Let us clear this rational animal (Synthesis).
point by comparing the wisdom found in poetry and The short dialogue above shows how the received
the wisdom offered by opinion is being criticized and how a refined
Philosophy. In poetry ideas are presented in the opinion is derived in considering the criticism. This
form of metaphors: “Life is like a garden of roses – process is called Dialectics (it is also called the
love is its water, hope, its sunshine” You don’t need Socratic Method, see Chapter 2).
to push yourself hard to understand what it means – For Plato, Philosophy is also the highest form of
because it could mean anything. Examples like this inquiry, just because it alone involves no
one, according to Plato, will make us doubt if the presuppositions and if ever it does try to speculate
poet himself understands what he is saying. On the or presuppose things, its speculations and
other hand, in Philosophy, a philosopher presents a presuppositions are controlled by the discipline of
clear thesis (a sort of an assertion about something – close criticism. Philosophy also concerns itself with
see example below) and allows other philosophers the relationship between eternal and temporal
to discuss it clearly and critically. Plato claimed for realities. This, Plato claims, can make knowledge
Philosophy a method, which according to him, is possible and distinct from mere beliefs and
exclusive to it. He called it Dialectics – that is, opinions.
Philosophy proceeds by criticizing received Many philosophers have thought that Plato had
opinions and deriving at the end a refined opinion adequately defined Philosophy. On the contrary, if
worthy of belief (i.e., Thesis + Antithesis = we reflect on the definition of Plato, we will realize
Synthesis). For instance: that the same problem arises – what is the difference
Juan: Pedro, how do you define man? of Philosophy with other forms of study that
Pedro: Man, walks using only two legs – thus, man emphasize critical discussions? For instance,
is a biped animal (Thesis) Science also puts its scientific ideas under critical
Juan: But Chickens are also biped animals; does it tests and discussions. Clearly, then critical
mean that human beings and chickens are one and discussions are not exclusive to Philosophy.
the same? (Antithesis) Platonic idea that Philosophy deals with the
Pedro: They are both animals, yes. But they are not relationship of temporal and eternal realities is again
the same – because Man possesses something that not exclusive to Philosophy. Modern Science, for
makes him different from another biped example, seeks to discover General Principles or
animals like chickens. Laws of Nature that could explain all physical
phenomena. Since these Principles are said to be wondering about the cosmos continued for many
unchanging or at work since the beginning of time, centuries. However, during the time of the
what then is the difference of Philosophical Scholastics, or the Great Church Scholars, in the
concern, which is the relationship between the Medieval period, the answer takes a more
eternal and temporal realities, with that of Scientific systematic (but still unsatisfactory) form. The idea
Concern? concerning the cosmos is largely based in the
Another problem: Science, because of its method, is Aristotelian philosophy (i.e. man and Earth takes
believed to be free from presuppositions or the central position in the universe, one “scientific”
assumptions. If Philosophy is also without proof is the common sense observation that the Sun
assumption, then, Philosophy is not different with Revolves around the Earth), which, by this time, has
science, but Philosophy is said to be different, and it been incorporated in the doctrine (and dogmatically
is even believed to be higher than Science. If it is held) by the Roman Catholic Church through the
so, then what differentiate Philosophy with Science? teaching
There must be a precise definition that could of St. Aquinas (in his magnum opus “Summa
identify Philosophy as an independent branch of Theologica”). But since the inquiry about the nature
Human Knowledge. of the universe is essentially empirical and not
The Collective Name for Unanswered Questions speculative (empirical means something capable of
William James defined Philosophy as a collective being observed by the senses – material things like
name for questions that have not been answered to tables and chairs which we could observe around
the satisfaction of all that have asked them. To ask, us are empirical things). Many, like Galileo, believe
for instance, “What is the origin of the Universe?”, that the answer offered by the Church is inadequate.
“What is the meaning and purpose of life?”, “Is So, they continued to search– and after performing
there life after death?” “How should I live my experiments and surviving the harsh reactions from
life?”, etc. already constitutes a dealing with the Church, they found a better and more satisfying
Philosophy. If one is curious enough, he or she answer (man and Earth is insignificant in the order
would ask further - what happens to Philosophy if and vastness of the universe, as shown by empirical
unanswered questions are satisfactorily answered? observation that Earth revolves around the Sun and
James suggests that once answers are found, they not the other way around). This discovery, and
would form part of a special Science. One case to other theories that came after it, (like the Newtonian
prove this is the birth of cosmology or the scientific Physics, etc.) has paved the way for the formal birth
study of the universe. Ancient Philosophers (e.g. of Cosmology. With a satisfying answer found,
Thales, Anaximander, Democritus, and most Cosmology has ceased to be a special part of
notably Aristotle etc.) are the first ones to inquire Philosophy.
and speculate about the nature of the universe: What does our discussion show us? The far-
“What is the nature of the Universe?” The reaching implication of this definition is that
Philosophy, by trying to answer its own questions Philosophy. It is like understanding the meaning of
(thereby giving life to other branches of Human wonder, to understand the meaning of wonder is to
Knowledge), slowly digs its own grave. If all experience genuinely the sense of wondering - like a
unanswered questions are finally answered – child looking at the moon with great awe, and
Philosophy ceases to exist. Philosophy (unanswered asking for the first time, “mommy, where does the
questions) clearly depletes (by answering) its very moon come from?” Philosophy after all have been
own existence! However, the next important born at that very moment when the first humans
question is – Was James successful in adequately began to experience such childish wonderments –
defining Philosophy? Unfortunately, James’ and it is being born in us every time we allow our
definition, like our previous definitions, failed in minds to wander and to wonder amidst the
capturing the meaning of Philosophy. James’ everydayness of our human existence. But unlike
definition claims at once too little for Philosophy - simple wonderings, Philosophy demands more – it
because Philosophers do not restrict their attention tells us to act, to do something about our
only to science. Philosophers does not only ask wondering: “Is this action Right?” We should not
questions that could lead to the creation of special stop in our simple wondering – we should try our
science if answered, but it also asks the relationship best to find out. And if we discover that it is not
of these Sciences to Human Society (for instance Right, then “what should we do?” – to answer this
industrialization and the issues of deforestation, and question and to act appropriately is to experience
pollution, etc.), or the relationship of Science and Philosophy.
Human Morality (for instance the morality of POINTERS ON THE NATURE OF
human cloning). Again, defining Philosophy in this PHILOSOPHY
way is clearly problematic. Basing on our discussions let us now get two things
PHILOSOPHY AS A PERSONAL straight about Philosophy:
EXPERIENCE Firstly, Philosophy is not really a subject – it is an
There are still a lot of definitions that Philosophers activity. One does not simply study it - one does it.
have proposed to define categorically what As an activity, Philosophy requires the cultivation
Philosophy is. But time and time again, these of certain qualities in man, which among others,
definitions are all too narrow or too broad to state include the following:
the real meaning of Philosophy. This book will not 1. Ability to Wonder – The predisposition of the
attempt to join in the fray of giving Philosophy a mind to wonder and to be curious about everything,
conclusive definition. This is done with purpose. from the peculiar to the very ordinary. It also
Philosophy is meant to be experienced, not suggests the personal interest to speculate about
necessarily to be defined. All we need to do for us things (for instance the questions “What is the
to understand the meaning of Philosophy is to meaning of life?”, “What is the purpose of life?”,
experience it, that is, by living and doing “Is
there God?” etc.) abandoning it for a more reasonable one (for
2. Sense of Autonomy – The quality of the mind to instance, “I previously thought that my belief about
be independent or the freedom of the will from X is reasonable – now that what I believe about X is
external control and influence. For instance, a proven to be unsound, there is no more reason to
person hold my belief about X – so, I must get rid of it for
with a sense of autonomy would not blindly believe something better).
what authorities claim to be the truth (Even if the
And secondly, Philosophy is largely a matter of
one claiming the truth is my beloved pastor, before
conceptual analysis or thinking about thinking.
I accept his statement about X is true – he must
Philosophy is not merely about thinking; it is also
provide some good reasons why I should believe
about reflecting on the contents of our thoughts,
him) or would not simply follow instructions
reflecting about our reflections: “Are the things
which I believed to be good really good?” “Am I
(“My pastor told me to visit him alone tonight and
thinking about others morally?” Putting this in
pray privately with him in his room – only imbeciles
mind, we are now ready for our study of the activity
will follow that instruction - I am not dim-witted to
of life called Ethics or Moral Philosophy.
be easily tricked.”). Sense of autonomy also refers
to our willingness to subject even our cherished CHAPTER 2

ideals and beliefs under critical reflection and THE STUDY OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY

scrutiny (For instance, a person asking himself: General Objectives

“God is a benevolent God, but why did God allow 1. Develop insights on the nature of moral
evil to exists?”). Philosophy

3. Sense of Objectivity – The ability of the mind to 2. Appraise the significance of Philosophy in the

think reasonably and to render impartial judgments contemporary life

(For instance, “The fact that action X is wrong will Specific Objectives

remain to be wrong even if the person who commits 1. Explain the definition of Moral Philosophy

action X is my son”). Objectivity also refers to 2. Discuss the significance of Moral Philosophy.

open-mindedness and tolerance to ideas, opinion, or 3. Explain the Assumption of Moral Philosophy.

beliefs of others which we may not share (For 4. Explain the scope of Ethical study

example the belief that, “No one is for certain that INTRODUCTION
what we believe is always true – every opinion Juan: Tell me, what is your idea of justice? How
should therefore be heard and properly considered could we best act justly?
if we want to arrive at a more complete picture of Pedro: I believe that justice is giving one his due.
truth). It also refers to the courage in accepting the So, one way of acting justly is to return the
wrongness of personally held opinion and
borrowed property of others. Because returning special way – the manner of discovering the faults
their property is their due. imbedded in our beliefs is special because by
Juan: So, when you borrow my bolo, it is only just answering some questions we make the discovery
for you to return my bolo because it is my property. ourselves. We can see that Socrates, through his
Is that what you mean? method of investigations, displays humility in his
Pedro: Yes. That would be acceptable. desire to share what he knows: he never told people
Juan: If, after borrowing my bolo, I lost my sanity what to believe, but rather, he simply asked
and I become uncontrollably violent, would you still questions and left people realize the errors
return my bolo? imbedded in their own opinions. In this way,
Pedro: Of course not. You might use it to harm Socrates demonstrates the importance of
yourself and other people. applying the critical methods of rational inquiry,
Juan: But the bolo is my property, is it not? by tearing down man’s unfounded assumptions,
Pedro: Yes. man comes closer to the truth – about himself.
Juan: And returning my property is my due – is it This best reflects the true activity of ethics. It is not
not? all about saying what others ought to do, but, like
Pedro: Yes. the activity of a midwife, helping others give birth
Juan: And you defined justice as giving one his to their own ideas and know how to critically
due– am I correct? examine them, before acting from them. The pursuit
Pedro: Yes. of truth by the critical methods of rational inquiry is
Juan: But in the case we have just considered, you the way human beings ought to live their lives. It is
are not willing to return my bolo which is my in this context that we can readily agree with
property, and therefore my proper due. What then Socrates when he preached that man must examine
becomes of your definition? his life, because an “unexamined life is not worth
Pedro: (Silent) living”. Now, are you living an examined life?
Answering this one important question sheds light
The short dialogue presented in the introduction of
the nature and significance of our study of ethics.
this chapter shows how Juan tried to demonstrate
the contradiction of Pedro’s idea of Justice –
It all started when man began to wonder about how
without directly telling him about the contradiction.
he should treat and how he should live his life with
All Juan did is to ask questions. This process is
others. Man’s interest in the rightness of his actions
what we call
and his desire to live the good life provides the
the Socratic method. Questions are presented to
reason for the birth of another exciting branch of
guide us in thinking about our basic assumptions in
Philosophy. Philosophers called it “Ethics” or
life. It makes us discover our mistakes in a very
“Moral Philosophy”. Ethics comes from the Greek
word “Ethos”, which means “Character”. For the on questions such as: “What make my action right
Greeks, Ethics essentially deals with the or wrong, and how could I know it?” “How should
development of virtuous and moral character. They I live my life?” “How should I treat other human
believe that developing such character would make beings and how should I be treated?” etc. If we are
one know the “right thing” to do and live the to try reading these questions thoughtfully, we will
“right way of life”. But what precisely is the right have the impression that Ethics is not a chance topic
way of life? For Socrates, the great Greek moralist or something people of the past invented for the
(Probably the first western moralist), the answer is pleasure of discussing morality, but Ethics is
an examined life. Examined life is a life guided and something that was born out of human experience
enriched by self-awareness or a sort of self- and out of the necessity to know how we should
knowledge through critical self-examination. Self- fashion our existence vis-à-vis the existence of other
examination simply means that we should know human beings.
and know if they are permissible (morally These are cold facts about Ethics: Ethics cannot
agreeable, acceptable etc.) or not; we should know make a person wealthy. Never did we hear stories
what we believe in and know if they are right or about people becoming rich because of their
wrong; we should know who we are, what we are devotion to honesty and goodness (remember
and so on. For Socrates, the first Ethical Imperative anyone?). If there are few people who are lucky
we should observe (and try hard to live up with) is enough to be rewarded, and thus become few-
“Know thyself”. This leads us back to the nature of hundred-thousand-pesos richer, because of their
ethics: it is a tool that can help us in investigating honesty, the material gain is brought by mere
ourselves – anything and everything about what we accident or as an indirect consequence of being
assume to know of ourselves as moral beings. honest – not because of being honest per se (good
WHAT MORAL PHILOSOPHY IS for them they are rewarded, because not all honest
It is important to take note that we will use Ethics people are rewarded materially). It is not their
and Moral Philosophy to mean the same thing. So, honesty, but the fortunate consequence of them
expect that these two terms will be used being recognized and awarded, which made them
interchangeably in most of our discussions. For this richer.
book, let us define Ethics as a special branch of Ethics cannot make a person handsome or
Philosophy which deals with the study of the beautiful. Mother Nature blessed Socrates, the first
principles of right moral action. Hence, Ethics western moralist, with a poorly designed physique
aims to study the principles underlying the desirable that no lover of beauty will ever find appealing – his
types of human conduct and to prescribe the gifts of wisdom and moral excellence have failed to
principles and methods for distinguishing right from turn him into an Adonis, or anything close to Aga
wrong and good from bad. Ethics is thus concerned Muhlach. If this is so, then what is the point of
studying Ethics? Why not scrap Ethics as an the norm (standard or pattern) by which relations
academic subject and devote the time to other among men are regulated, it provides basis for
practical and timely endeavors, right? – Wrong. If cooperation based on mutual respect and mutual
we expect to find earthly riches and physical beauty understanding, thus it contributes to the formation
in our study – then there is nothing to find in Ethics. of a just and orderly society where man can fairly
But if we desire to know how we could be a better earn a living and secure for himself his own
person, then Ethics can be a pot of Gold. necessities and comforts. The study of ethics is
The significance of Ethics lies on its offer to help made more important if we realize that we exist
man secure his moral elevation, and its offer to help with other people – who have dignity that can be
man to better his world. The reward of the study of degraded by our actions and decisions in life.
ethics is not necessarily material progress but moral Sometimes it is not important whether a person is
uprightness, “the discovery of true values of life” wealthy or not, at the end of the day money cannot
and the inspiration to live a moral life. Though it is buy lasting companionship, true friendship, love,
true that Ethics could not make one wealthy and and spiritual salvation. Sometimes it is not
beautiful, however, it could promise the rewards of important whether a person has a beautiful
self-respect and self-worth, of deeper understanding appearance or not, after all physical beauty is just an
and appreciation of love, of respect, of service, of appearance – it won’t last forever, it fades away
life and the world. In short, Ethics affords man the with ages. Sometimes it is more important to
opportunity to rediscover his humanity. And what is treasure a wealth and beauty that will make us truly
the value of ethics as an academic subject for loved by others. It is our moral goodness that will
students? The answer is quite simple, it makes us make others like us no matter who we are. It will
not only as better students but also as better future make us truly beautiful and satisfied.
members of our society. As one educator aptly puts SCOPE OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY
it “Students as future members and leaders of our Ethics is necessary Human - because the locus (or
society, are the ones who urgently need the study of the viewpoint) of the study of ethics revolves
ethics, (because) without ethics we will have college around man as a being who relates with his
graduates despite having earned degrees are bereft environment. But it does not necessarily mean that
of vital affirmation, firm conviction, and social Ethics only deals with Human Relationships or
commitment (Amable.1995. p9).” However, Ethics about anything that is exclusively Human. Ethics
is not only significant because it helps us achieve also focuses on the moral relationship of man with
our elevated ideals – the other reason for its other beings in the world (for example how we
importance is its practical use to our everyday social should treat animals, etc.), and even including his
life. Ethics helps us in making sound moral relationship with his material environment (Have
decisions especially on difficult cases where clear you heard about environmental ethics?). Generally,
and easy answers are lacking. Ethics also furnishes
there are four conceivable areas which are covered beings, which are also capable of experiencing
by Ethical study: pain, for the advancement of human knowledge?”
1. Man and “fellow” man – Ethics primarily deals 4. Man and his Natural Environment – The study
with the “oughts” or “shoulds” of human existence of ethics also covers how man should treat his
vis-à-vis existence of other human beings. Thus, the natural environment, it tries to provide a rational
questions, “How should I treat other people?”, “Is basis for environmental conservation and protection
helping other people in distress something I ought in view of the duty to respect the right of future
to do?”, etc. It investigates how should a person members of the moral community. “Man needs to
lives his life with others. Man (as an animal being) prosper, but is it Ethical to sacrifice the
becomes a human being or a person (that is, as a environment for the sake of progress and
moral being) because he does not exist in a state of development?”, “Confronted by necessity and
license (or absolute freedom) to do anything as he scarcity, what is more ethical- to use the scarce
pleases (For instance to murder a fellow human resources for the sake of the living or to conserve
being). His desires and actions, how he treats these resources for the sake of
himself and others is necessarily regulated by a the future and unborn generation?”
generally accepted precepts of morality that ASSUMPTIONS OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY
considers the welfare of other persons. Moral Philosophy proceeds from some basic
2. Man and his Society – Ethics also deals with the assumptions. Without assuming certain qualities
study of man, as a member of a moral community (a about the human nature, doing Moral Philosophy or
community of other rational beings). It investigates Ethics will be pointless, it would be a futile human
how man should relate with his community and vice endeavor. Assumption means fundamental beliefs or
versa. It prescribes how man should best contribute statements that are accepted to be self-evident.
to the welfare of his community and how his When we say self-evident it means that we accept
community should best foster his personal growth something to be true without the burden of proving
and improvement. “Is my action benefits the society or of proof. Things are self-evident when they are
in general?”, “Why should I respect the laws of my too obvious to be proven. For instance, our belief
community?”, “Is it right to prioritize the interest that our parents love us is self-evident – there is no
of the society over the interest of the individual?”, point to look for evidence to prove that they indeed
“Does my society respect my rights and dignity?”. love us. We simply assume it. Let us explain this
3. Man and other sentient beings – Ethics point. We might say that our parents do love us
investigates not only the moral aspect of human because they send us to school – but we are not sure
relationships, it also deals with the study of the enough to consider this as an absolute proof since
relationship that should exist between human beings they might be sending us to school not out of their
and other sentient creatures (i.e. lower forms of love to us but out
animal existence). “Is it ethical to use other sentient
of their sense of obligation. Doing things out of love assuming the existence of rationality and freedom in
is different from doing things out of obligation. The man, it is impossible to judge acts as ethical or
same applies to cases when they give us things we unethical, moral, or immoral. They (assumptions)
wanted – their act of giving us things we like is not provide for the very reason why we are held
an infallible proof that they love us – they can give responsible for our actions. That is, only through
us things because of other reasons. So, to stop these assuming that we think, and we are free, we can say
pointless doubting whether our parents love us or that are actions are our full responsibility. Let us
not, we need to simply assume (that is, without explain further why this is so. For us to judge an act
proving it) that they love us. Most books concerning (for instance stealing) to be immoral, the act must
the study of ethics present a long list of be performed by a person who is aware about the
assumptions. But moral
we will consider only the two most important and wrongness of his act and who has freely decided to
most common assumptions of ethics. perform the act even if he knew that it is immoral. If
1. That man is a rational being – This means that we remove the elements of knowledge (rationality)
we assume that man is a thinking being. Man acts and freedom, it is no longer plausible to judge the
with purpose or man knows his reason for acting, act as immoral, hence the person committing it as
unlike a lowly animal (for instance a dog), which worthy of blame and punishment. Let us provide
acts merely from instincts and reflexes. As a specific examples to elucidate this point: In cases
rational being, man is also capable of moral wherein, a person is not aware that his act
judgments – he is aware of the intention and the constitutes stealing, he could hardly be judged as
consequences of his action, and capable of judging someone who has committed an unethical (albeit,
them as right or wrong or good or evil. In short, illegal) act. For instance, a tourist who thought that
man knows what he is doing because he is rational an item on display is a token to be given away (to
or a thinking creature. visitors) for free (but
2. That man is a free being – This assumption on the contrary it was for sale), and acting from his
means that man is a free agent who acts according belief (that the item is free) he took one, did he
to his own will and volition. In general, this commit stealing? It is not hard to see that he can’t
assumption tells that man has the capacity to be blamed for stealing. Of course, it is plausible to
exercise choice of actions. This assumption implies point out that the tourist is still blameworthy
the capability of man in choosing and doing what is because he failed to ask if what he thought (that the
good. If we take a closer look, we will see that these item is free) is accurate – but that is beside the
two assumptions provide basis or grounds for our point, the point is (assuming that he indeed
system of giving praise and blame, reward and sincerely thought that the item is free) we cannot
punishment. Without fairly accuse him of stealing. Another example
would be a toddler who pockets his playmate’s
chocolate bar. The toddler, because he or she is still - In natural level, the most perfect wisdom is
unable to discern the wrongness of taking the attained through metaphysics
property of others, cannot be blamed for stealing. - Metaphysics provides the foundation for a proper
The same problem arises when the element of perspective in particular sciences
freedom is removed in actions - In cases wherein a - It studies all things in the light of their ultimate
person is physically forced or who have acted under causes.
grave threat to perform an immoral act, he could - If we consider ultimate causes in a relative way,
hardly be blamed and justly punished for with respect to different aspects of reality, we can
committing the act. Consider the case of a kidnap speak of wisdom concerning each one of these
victim who is forced by his kidnappers to kill varied aspects.
another kidnap victim under the grave threat that 3. Wisdom and Science
failure to comply will surely result to his - Wisdom is science in so far as it shares what is
decapitation (beheading). That common to all sciences, that is, arriving at
person, if he chooses to comply, cannot be judged conclusions by demonstration, starting from some
fairly to have committed a heinous crime. principles.
These two elements (rationality and freedom) could 4. Wisdom and Ignorance
mitigate or aggravate the degree of moral - Wisdom is of paramount importance in directing
responsibility of persons. Moral responsibility is human existence towards its goal.
thus basically defined based on these two - Ignorance, cause varied obstacles that hinder the
assumptions. said task.
- Wisdom is not enough, however, it facilitates the
PHILOSOPHY: WISDOM attainment of moral uprightness.
1. Wisdom in Human Existence The Scientific Nature of Philosophy
- We define in general terms as a certain knowledge 1. Philosophy as Science
of the deepest causes of everything. - in so far as science is a “certain knowledge
- Wisdom enables man to discover the meaning of through causes”
his life and to act in upright way - In so far as science is knowledge attained by way
- In contrast, ignorance is the source of disorder and of demonstration.
errors in behavior which prevents man attaining * Diversity of opinions in Philosophy seems to be
happiness. an obstacle to the acceptance of philosophy as
- Thus, wisdom has a guiding and judging role science.
regarding other forms of knowledge since perfect * Pluralism and General Agreement
judgement about something can be attained only by 2. Unity and Multiplicity in Philosophy
considering its ultimate causes. - Philosophy is “science” composed of different
2. Types of Wisdom sciences.
- Denotes several disciplines having the same basic - They have their own autonomy; Philosophy does
perspective not prevent them from having their own methods of
- The nucleus of philosophy is metaphysics, which obtaining and judging their own conclusions.
studies the basic aspects of reality (its being) and its - Philosophy judges and guides the rest of the
ultimate causes. sciences, it determines the proper objects of
- Any specific aspect of reality can be the object of sciences.
Philosophical study THE METHOD OF PHILOSOPHY
3. Philosophy and Particular Sciences 1. Continuity with Ordinary Knowledge
-Philosophy studies reality in its deepest or most -Philosophy carries out its endeavours with ordinary
radical aspect and seeks its ultimate causes human knowledge.
-Particular science- studies specific aspects of -It begins from sense experience, through which it
reality and seek more immediate or proximate obtains abstract universal knowledge with the use of
causes. the intellect.
4. Philosophical Foundations of Particular -It advances knowledge by making use of
Sciences inferences.
- P.S. Study reality using their respective methods -Philosophy makes use in a systematic way of all
and perspectives, which are not Philosophical! But the, means available to human knowledge.
founded on Metaphysics. -Sense experience, induction, reasoning; the value
 Hence, it is possible for a particular science of
to build upon an erroneous metaphysical its Statements is based on evidence.
foundation. -It makes use of: O.K, Philosophy, Particular
 EX. Mechanism- Mechanical Machine- Science
Everything can be explained by the 2. Philosophy and Intellectual Evidence
movement of material parts. -Intellectual knowledge Starts from sense data:
 Marxism- reduces human phenomena to however, the intellect can reach the essences of
Economic factors and necessary laws of things.
History -From sensible images, we obtain universal

 Behaviorism- everything in man can be judgements.

reduced to material factors. -Sciences: sense evidence, Philosophy: Intellectual

* Examples of Reductionist Doctrines evidence

5. Autonomy of the Sciences -Abstraction is the process by which the intellect

- Particular sciences do not carry out a strictly grasps essences of things, expressing through ideas

metaphysical study. or concepts.

-Ideas are universal; Images are individual, sensible
and concrete representation.
-Degrees of “immateriability by Thomas Aquinas: -It is known as Philosophy of being.
-physics: Matter, Mathematics: without Matter, -“Being” denotes everything “that is”. It is
Metaphysics: Everything something that has (habet) an act of being (esse) and
has specific manner of being.
3. Philosophy and Experimental Proof -It came from two greek words “meta” and
-Particular Sciences: Make use of Intellectual “physica” which means “beyond physical”
evidence -Aristotle defined it as “first Philosophy”
-Rely on experiments planned in such a way that the Continuation (DIVISION)
results obtained guide or decide solutions to the -It asks the questions such as: “what are space and
problems. time? What is a thing and how does it differ from an
-It frequently utilizes the hypothetical-deductive idea? Is a human being free to decide his fate or do
method. circumstances determine his actions?
-On the other hand, Philosophy makes use of -Materialist-made up entirely of matter vs. Idealist-
experience and it cannot afford to do away with it. mind
-However, starting from the date supplied by -To round up the discussion, let us consider the
experience, Philosophy applied reasoning and famous metaphysical theory of Plato’s theory of
proceeds to realm of essential causes arising in a ideas.
necessary way and deduces from them equally -Contrast between reality and appearance.
necessary conclusions. -World of Forms vs. World of Reality
-Example Analysis on Change: Composition of Act -Ethics- explores the nature of moral virtue and
and Potency evaluates human actions.
4. The Specialized Study of Philosophy -“Ethos”- means “character”
-Study of Philosophy Requires a certain Familiarity -Study of the nature of moral judgements.
with Philosophical Terms. -Religion v. Ethics
-However, one must watch the danger of creating -Fundamental distinction in Philosophical Ethics:
unreal problems. 1.The moral discourse or normative ethics- people
-To Understand Philosophy, one should ask himself ought to do. It asks the question: “How shall we
before tackling a particular topic: distinguish between right and wrong actions?”
What is the real issue involved here? 2.Metaethics or Moral Philosophy- It investigates
DIVISION OF PHILOSOPHY the principles governing human actions in terms of
Metaphysics- Field of Philosophy that tries to goodness, badness, rightness and wrongness. It asks
understand the nature of reality of being and the question: “What are the people doing when they
existence in their most general aspect. talk about what they ought to do?”
-It seeks the most intimate aspect of reality, that is, -Epistemology- the study of Human knowledge and
its BEING. the conditions that make knowledge possible.
-Deals with the nature, sources, limitations, and -Theodicy – the Philosophical inquiry into the
validity of knowledge. existence of God, His nature and His relation to
-Presents us with the task of explaining how we man and the rest of creation
know what we claim to know, how we can find out -Philosophy of Man – is a Philosophical Search for
what we wish to know and how we can judge a deeper understanding of what man is and what it
someone’s what we wish to know. means to be fully human.
-It asks these questions: What is knowledge ? What -Social Philosophy – Deals with the study of man
is truth ? How do we tell the difference between the in relation to his family, state, and the Church.
scientific knowledge and doubtful pseudo-science? -Political Philosophy- searches for the ultimate
What are valid sources of knowledge and truth? foundations of State, its ideal form and its basic
-Theories of knowledge: 1. Empirism 2. powers
-Aesthetics – the study of the beautiful 1.Philosophy is the Foundation of Humanity
-Philosophy of art, the establishment of criteria of 2.Philosophy is the origin of man’s activities and
beauty is the function as aesthetics. achievements.
-Q: What is beauty, therefore? Beauty is defined as 3.Philosophy discovers truth
the capacity of an object to yield feelings that are 4.Philosophy discovers man’s identity.
pleasant. 5.Philosophy discovers one’s end
-Aristotle: beauty is symmetry, proportion and an 6.Philosophy discovers the right process in the
organic order of parts in a united whole. attainment of one’s end.
-Plato- beauty in relation to what is good. 7.Philosophy enables man to learn more theoretical
-Kant and Schopenhauer- beauty becomes the knowledge
quality whereby an object pleases us regardless of 8.Philosophy is appreciation of learning.
its use, stirring in us a will-less contemplation, a
disinterested happiness. MEANING AND NATURE OF ETHICS
-Kant-no science of beautiful but only a critique. “People act immorally, but they do not do so
-Schopenhauer- intellect is for a moment deliberately.”
emancipated from desire and realizes those eternal – Socrates
forms. "And how will you inquire into a thing when you
-Cosmology- the study of inanimate beings such as are wholly ignorant of what it is? Even if you
the universe from philosophical viewpoint. happen to bump right into it, how will you know it
-Philosophical Psychology – the study of the life is the thing you didn't know?"
principle of living things specifically that of man. – Meno
1. Know the meaning of ethics;
2. Differentiate ethics to morality; question goes: “Why do we want to be moral?”
3. Study the postulates in ethics; There are varied answers to the question. Kant says
4. Compare ethics to other sciences that deal with because it is man’s rational duty. Mill and Bentham
man; and say because of pleasure and happiness. Fletcher
5. Learn about morality and human existence. says it depends upon the situation. Lawrence
Kohlberg says because of our fear of punishment.
INTRODUCTION Thomas Nagel says because of the intrinsic
How should we live? Shall we aim at happiness or impersonal standpoint any moral agent is supposed
at knowledge, virtue, or the creation of beautiful to do, every person
objects? If we choose happiness, will it be our own being a person among others.
or the happiness of all? And what of the more Ralph Barton Perry says because every human
particular questions that face us: Is it right to be person is a creature of values. Beauchamp, from his
dishonest in a good cause? Can we justify opulence end, argues that the human person wants to be
while elsewhere in the world people are starving? If moral because as a member of a certain society he
conscripted to fight in a war we do not support, adopts a particular moral way of life. Saints
should we disobey the law? What are our Augustine and Aquinas say because there is God.
obligations to the other creatures with whom we Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates say because of man’s
share this planet and to the generations of humans Karma to be one with the Brahman. Lao-Tzu and
who will come after us? Confucius say because of man’s deepest pleading to
Ethics deals with such questions at all levels. Its be in harmony with nature; And for Mohammed,
subject consists of the fundamental issues of because of Allah.
practical decision making, and its major concerns
include the nature of ultimate value and the Confronted with Nietzsche’s irreligious stance, any
standards by which human actions can be judged moral being should reflect seriously over the
right or wrong. question: “Why do we want to be moral?” Thus:
“Why do we need to be moral?” The realistic
Morality is life itself. It must not be considered as a question can be answered in a threefold manner.
mere extract from the crude of facts and events that First, we want to be moral because we want to win
happen to us daily. Neither must morality be the good opinion or impression of others concerning
considered as a product of brooding about one’s our self-image. Second, we want to be moral
own feelings, nor must it be construed as a matter of because we want to refrain from troubles, or
frills rather than fundamentals. consequently, punishment, which could result from
immorality. Third, we want to be moral because we
Until today there remains a need to reecho the basic are persons, persons who exist in the collectivity of
moral question that seems to remain intriguing. The persons. Thus, the fundamental reason why we want
to become moral is because we need to be moral; Descriptive or Speculative Philosophy is a
because for all we know, the moral law cannot be discipline in philosophy that posits the question:
dissociated from the Natural Law and the Eternal What is the nature (essence, substance) of reality?
Law of God. Metaphysics (philosophical science of beings) falls
under this.
But, why do we need to be moral, anyway? By their
etymological definitions, ethics is derived from the Normative Philosophy is a discipline in philosophy
Greek word ethos and morality from the Latin word that posits the question: What is good and what is
mosormoris. Surprisingly, both mean one and the bad? Or what is right action or wrong action? Ethics
same thing, i.e., custom. Would this mean that our or Moral Philosophy is categorized under this. It
need to be moral is just part and parcel of our includes the formulation of moral rules that have
custom so that if it is our custom to be immortal direct implications for what human actions,
then we can be immoral? institutions, and ways of life should be like.
Meaning of Ethics
A. Definition Practical Philosophy is a discipline in philosophy
Etymologically, ethics is derived from the Greek which reflects upon truth in relation to action. Logic
word ethos, or that which pertains to ethos, the belongs to this discipline. And Critical Philosophy
English translation of which is “custom” or is a discipline in philosophy that posits the question:
“character.” From this etymological meaning, ethics What is truth? Epistemology falls under this
is taken to mean as a philosophical science that discipline. So, ethics as a philosophical science is a
deals with the morality of human conduct or human normative philosophy. But what makes ethics as a
acts. normative philosophy a science?

Ethics is a general term for what is often described B. The difference between Ethics and Morality
as the "science (study) of morality". In philosophy, Based on etymology, there is no difference between
ethical behavior is that which is "good" or "right." ethics and morality. As cited earlier, ethics comes
The Western tradition of ethics is sometimes called from the Greek word ethos meaning “custom.”
moral philosophy. Morality, on the other hand, comes from the Latin
word moor mores, which also means “customs.” In
Ethics is a philosophical science. This means that this regard, ethics is also called moral philosophy,
ethics is one of the many disciplines in philosophy. or precisely, the other name of ethics is moral
In general, we can speak of four divisions or philosophy.
disciplines in philosophy, namely: descriptive or Ethics, as a normative philosophical science, is a
speculative, normative, practical, and critical. theoretical science of good and bad or right and
wrong actions. So, ethics provides the principles on
the morality of human acts; it equips man with a 3. The spirituality and the immortality of the soul.
(theoretical) knowledge of the morality of human
acts. We know, however, that knowing is different ETHICS COMPARED WITH OTHER
from doing. It does not necessary follow that man SCIENCE THAT DEAL WITH MAN
does what he knows.
I. Ethics and Psychology
This means that ethics does not actually guarantee Psychology is the science of mind and behavior. Its
that man will be moral or goof. One can only immediate goal is to understand behavior and
become moral (or good human person) when one mental process by researching and establishing both
applies ethics. In other words, when one does the general principles and specific cases. It is a
theories of ethics one actually performs the theory descriptive philosophy that treats of man’s intellect,
meaning one is actually doing ethics. This is freewill, and conduct while ethics, are self-
morality: the praxis of the theory (Ethic). If regulatory guidelines
morality, therefore, is the practice of ethics, for making decisions.
morality, then, should be properly called Applied It is also a branch of philosophy that deals with the
Ethics. good for the individuals. It is a guide man’s intellect
to know moral truths and man’s will to translate his
While ethics (as a theoretical science) provides intellectual knowledge of moral truths into action
principles or bases of right or wrong and good or (conduct). Psychology, generally, deals with human
bad actions, morality actualizes the theory. As behavior. It posits the question: “How does man
ethics outlines theories of right and wrong and good behave?” Ethics on the other hand, asserts the
or bad actions, morality is nothing else but a doing question: “Why man ought to behave?”
of ethics.
II. Ethics and Sociology
C. Postulates in Ethics Sociology is the scientific study of human social
Postulates are proven facts that need to be behavior. Sociology tries to determine the laws
presupposed. Some examples of postulates are: the governing human behavior in social contexts. It also
Theory of Relativity of Theory of Gravitational Pull deals with human relations, however, presuppose
and other established scientific theories. Ethics need proper setup or order in society. These proper orders
not prove them; instead it takes them as they are postulate the moral laws or order of right and wrong
because they are already proven by other sciences. action, which is ethics. Ethics is the practicing of
In moral philosophy, there are three basic moral reasoning. Therefore, ethics and sociology
postulates: are closely related with each other.
1. The existence of God;
2. The existence of intellect and free will; and III. Ethics and Logic
Logic is the formal systematic study of the ethics and moral theology to be joined together in
principles of valid inference and correct reasoning. some fashion is essential for each one to work.
Logic is the branch of philosophy that deals with
man’s correct thinking. Logic examines general VI. Ethics and Economics
forms which arguments may take, which forms are Man supports himself by earning a living. Earning a
valid, which are fallacies. Ethics on the other hand, living to support his expenses makes man an
deals with man’s correct doing and correct living. It economic being. Economics as a science deals with
also means the continuous effort of studying our the study of wages, labor, productions, and
own moral beliefs and our moral conduct, and distribution of wealth. At the heart of these
striving to ensure that we, and the institutions, we relationships between and among parties cannot
help each other to shape, live up the standards that exist. There are three ways in which ethics enters
are reasonable and solidly-based. Therefore, like economics.
sociology, logic is closely associated with ethics, First, economist has ethical values that help shape
since a person who does not know how to think the way they do economics. This builds into the
correctly can never live his life rightly: core of economic theory a particular view of how
the economy does work and how it should work.
IV. Ethics and Anthropology Second, economic actors (consumers, workers,
Anthropology is the social science that explores the business owners) have ethical values that help shape
study of human in all social, cultural and physical their behavior. And lastly, economic institutions and
aspects. Anthropology deals with man’s origin and policies impact people differentially and thus ethical
the behavior of primeval man. Ethics, on the other evaluations, in addition to economic evaluations,
hand, deals with the principle of right conduct as are
applied to all men at all time. Important.

VII. Ethics and Law

V. Ethics and Moral Theology
Theology is faith seeking understanding. Moral Ethics deals with morality, and when we speak of

theology, then, makes us begin to try and morality, we mean primarily the moral law. Law

understand more about our faith by making us may be defined as crystallized ethics. Law and

question whatever morality presuppose the concepts of right and

everything in our human story lines up with wrong, good and bad, even the rules of conduct.

happiness and meanings. Moral philosophy (Ethics) Law covers the external actions of man. In the

and Moral Theology presuppose God’s existence: making of law, the items covered in that Law is the

they too have the same end, the attainment of man’s external action and behavior of a person. We speak

ultimate goal: God. The necessity for theology, of ethics, as the study of motivation and intension,
including the internal disposition of the person.
Therefore, law is external-oriented while ethics c. Man has willed. Man is free to act or not to act.
focuses on the internal disposition of a person. Men will equip man with the power to choose either
good or bad and right or wrong actions. Man’s will,
therefore, requires man a decision which obligates
Categorically, there is morality only in the context
him to be responsible for the consequences of his
of humanity. There is no morality outside the
context of humanity. In simple terms, we say there
is morality because there is man.
II. Man as an Animal
Is MAN really an animal? To many people the
I. Man as the only Moral Being
answer must seem obvious. To ask the question at
Man is the only moral being (homo moralist) whose
all is naive. Of course he is! Yet there are many
intimate world, consciousness and conduct function
informed people who would say with more caution,
in terms not only of utility, but also of beauty and
"Yes, man is an animal, hut he is far more than an
good. Since the formation of Homo sapiens in
prehistoric times, its nature has acquired a moral
A few animals can stand erect, and some apes can
even run erect for short and a few species are able to
Charles Darwin wrote that the moral creature can
oppose their thumbs in grasping things. So it could
reflect on its past deeds and their motivations, to
be said that man is, after all, only quantitatively
approve of some and to condemn others. Man is the
different, different in degree but not essentially
only creature that could be so defined; it is the
different in any classificatory sense.
greatest difference between humans and lower
By appetency, we mean the drive to seek or strive
for something. Thus, man, being an animal, is also a
Man is the only being by virtue of the following
subject of these drives. Man desires food when
hungry and seeks water when thirsty. Sex is one of
a. Man is being of action. Man acts and knows his
them. And in as much as man is an animal, he also
acts. Because he knows he acts, he knows he is
subject to the instinctive sexual drive.
responsible for his actions.
b. Man has intellect. His intellect enables him to
III. Man as a Rational Animal
know what is right or wrong and good or bad.
It has been said that man's animalist is distinct in
Because he is capable of knowing, he is therefore
nature from his rationality, though they are
mandated to face the consequences of his actions.
inseparably joined, during life, in one common
Thus, morality of human acts can be applied only to
personality. "Animalist" is an abstraction as is
those who have knowledge of right or wrong or
"rationality". As such, neither has any substantial
good or bad actions.
existence of its own. To be exact we should have to
write: "Man's animalist is rational"; for his difference between intellects and will properly, let
"rationality" is certainly not something superadded us consider another diagram:
his "animalist".

Man is one in essence. In the Scholastic synthesis, it

is a manifest illogic to hypostasize the abstract
conceptions that are necessary for the intelligent Through his intellect, man knows what is right or
apprehension of complete phenomena. wrong actions. Through his will man can choose
between good and bad actions.
A similar confusion of expression may be noticed in Man’s intellect makes him capable of understanding
the statement that man is a "compound of body and right or wrong actions; his will makes him capable
soul". This is misleading. Man is not a body plus a of doing (or expressing) his choice, either good or
soul — which would make of him two individuals; bad actions.
but a body that is what it is (namely, a human body) Man’s intellect enables him to search for truth while
by reason of its union with the soul. As a special his will, for good. When man is in possession of
application of the general doctrine of matter and truth then he can practice what he knows (wisdom)
form which is as well a theory of science as of while his exercise of good makes him virtuous. In
intrinsic causality, the "soul" is envisaged as the the fundamental moral option between right or
substantial form of the matter which, so informed, is wrong and good or bad actions, man is will-bound
a human "body". to choose what is right and what is good.

It is in this sense that the Scholastic phrase E. Concrete Basis of Morality

"incomplete substance", applied to body and soul There are still other questions that we have to
alike, is to be understood. Though strictly speaking consider: “Is morality absolutely based only on the
self-contradictory, the phrase expresses in a categories of intellect and will?” “Is morality
convenient form the abiding reciprocity of relation merely a cerebral affair?” “Is morality anchored
between these two "principles of substantial being" only in the sphere of concepts?”
Morality is not a mere cerebral affair; it is applied
D. Intellect Compared with Will
ethics. Therefore, it is also real or concrete. It
Intellect and will go hand in hand as complementary becomes real, perhaps, through the following:
factors as they are a. When one encounters a moral experience
intrinsically endowed in man as moral agent. In b. Moral experience could ensue(result) when one
order that we can view the encounters a moral problem; and
c. A person encounters a moral problem when free will; and, the spirituality and the immortality of
problem injects him moral obligation. the soul.

SUMMARY Ethics can be compared to other sciences, such as

Ethics comes from the Greek word “ethicos” psychology, sociology, logic, anthropology, moral
meaning “custom or character”. From this, ethics is theology, economics and law.
therefore derived as philosophical science that deals
with morality of human conduct or human acts. Moreover, there is morality because there is a man.
Man can be explained further in terms of the
Also, Ethics is a philosophical science. In general, following: man is the only moral being, man as an
there are four disciplines in philosophy, namely: animal, and, man as a rational being.
descriptive or speculative, normative, practical, and
critical. There are differences between intellect and will in
different views. Lastly, there are concrete basis of
Ethics is also a normative science, because it morality to be able that it will become real.
systematically establishes standards or norms of
human conduct.
In etymological point of view, there are no
differences between ethics and morality. However,
by the way of applying the concept of theory and
practice, there are some differences that can be

The differences are the following: because ethics is

a normative science, then it will provide the
principles on the morality of human actions; if
morality is the practice of ethics, then morality
should be called Applied Ethics; and, because ethics
is a theoretical
science, then morality is nothing else but a doing of

There are three basic postulates of ethics. They are:

the existence of God; the existence of intellect and

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