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Sheranda Charles

Mrs. Litle

Eng 1021

29 January 2023

Journal #2

Clouds Overhead A lot of individuals worry about being lonely when they are

introverted. The sensation that no one is around or all you have are your thoughts can be

described as alone. People can become overwhelmed by the solitude and boredom, but for me,

they are what fuel me. I can focus, do tasks, and experience actual peace when I am alone

myself. When I am without something to do or someone to talk to, the stress and tension of life

seem to fade away. My body and mind can recuperate from the tasks that have recently worn me

out when I am left to my own devices. Knowing that nobody is nearby allows me to relax and

decompress. Many people find this strange since they believe that spending time alone oneself at

home is uninteresting and a waste of time if you can go out and do activities. Being an introvert

is frequently mistaken for disliking hanging out with friends and doing exciting activities with

others, but that is completely false. This is probably because they are an extrovert, and I am an


I enjoy spending time with other people, and I frequently go out with friends, but there

comes a point where I need to be alone. An introvert should be understood as someone who

experiences loneliness on the most basic, healthy level. Since there are so many things happening

in the world nowadays, it can be difficult to know who to trust. Many people find it strange that I

occasionally want to be alone. I understand that it's not appropriate to spend all of my time alone,

but I need people to accept me for who I am. If I choose to be a loner, they must understand that

this is part of my personality and has always been a part of who I am.

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