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 Learning styles: personal, preferred ways to take in, process & remember info.

 Learning styles relates to
 the physical sense we prefer to use to learn,
 our way of interacting with other people (personality: extroverted/
introverted )
 our style of thinking = cognitive style (Right / Left Brain Dominance) : Left
brain Hemisphere: controls language
Common learning styles
 Visual: learn best through seeing
 Auditory: learn best through hearing
 Kinaesthetic: learn best through using body
 Group: learn best through working with others
 Individual : learn best through working alone
 Reflective: learn best when given time to consider choices
 Impulsive : learn best when able to respond immediately
Note: Lrs with different learning styles learn in different ways & need to be taught
in different ways.
Learning strategies
 The way chosen and used by lrs to learn language. They include ways to:
 identify what we need to learn,
 process new language,
 work with other people to learn
 Using the right strategy at the right time helps us learn the language better and
become more independent / autonomous
 Different learners use different strategies.
 The strategies that lrs use successfully depend on
 their personality
 learning styles => there are no best strategies.
 Using strategies definitely makes learning more successful
 Lrs can be trained to use strategies.
- lrs’ feelings (being relaxed, feeling positive & unthreatened): as important
as their mental/cognitive abilities.
- Lrs need to feel that:
* what they are learning is personally relevant to them,
* they have to experience learning.
* their self-image needs to be enhanced.
Lg teachers must consider the above-mentioned factors when teaching their ss so as to
make them want to learn/ motivate them: keep criticism to a minimum, encouraging
* Lrs are emotionally involved in the learning.
* Lrs are encouraged to reflect on how learning happens.
* their creativity is fostered.

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