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TKT 1: Learning log

Name: Santiago Silva Units: 13-14

What did I learn in my classes?

I’ve learned about learner characteristics and it says that they

include a learner's motivation, learning style, learning strategies,
maturity and past language learning experience. Also, it mentions
that they are factors which influence learners' attitude to learning
a language, how they learn it, how they respond to different
teaching styles and approaches in the classroom. On the other
hand, I’ve learned about learner needs and it mentions that when
a learner learns a foreign language, he or she has various kinds of
needs which influence his/her learning. So, they could be personal
needs such as a need for praise, learning needs such as a need to
become more fluent, or professional needs such as a need to learn
English for giving presentations.

Which words MUST I remember? Write words and

definitions. At least 5 (per Unit).


Maturity: Fully grown or developed. If a learner is mature in

attitude, they behave in an adult way. A learner’s maturity
(physical, emotional and mental) influences a teacher’s
approaches and/or decisions.
Learning style: The way in which an individual learner
naturally prefers to learn something. There are many
learning styles. Three of them are below.
Learning strategies: The techniques which learners
consciously use to help them when learning or using
language, e.g., deducing the meaning of words from context;
predicting content before reading.
Kinaesthetic: A learner who learns more easily by doing
things physically. This type of learner may like to move
around or move objects while learning.
Attention span: How long a learner is able to concentrate at
any one time. Some learners have a short attention span and
they cannot concentrate for as long as other learners do.


Needs: The language, language skills or learning strategies a

learner still has to learn in order to reach their goals, which
are the things they want personally and professionally which
are connected to their learning.
Personal needs: Security, challenge, support, praise,
movement, goals, learning expectations, other psychological
or physical needs.
Learning needs: specific ways of learning, specific target
language, specific language subskills, exam strategies,
learner autonomy, working at a suitable level.
Professional needs: specific subskills, specific vocabulary
and grammar, specific functions, specific text types.
Learner autonomy: When a learner can set his/her own aims
and organise his/her own study, they are autonomous and
independent. Many activities in coursebooks help learners to
be more independent by encouraging them to find out more
about things in the book and helping them to organise their
learning, such as by suggesting they keep vocabulary lists.
What am I going to do to internalize this knowledge?

To internalize this knowledge, I’m going to analyze what are

some of my learner characteristics in order to know what is
my language learning process, it involves some of the
learning styles, if I’m visual, kinaesthetic or others even to
know what skills I can develop in a better way, and also
identify what are my learning strategies and put in practice
all of them to become more independent and autonomous
learner to get the second language successfully. And finally, I
think it would be perfect I can identify what are my personal,
learner and professional needs because each of them has an
specific goal fir example; my expectations, psychological or
physical needs and others which are important and influence
my language learning.

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