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Dear hotel manager,

Thank you for your confirmation about the summer job in your hotel. I am very excited
for taking part in this opportunity

I am licensed in hotel management. However, I have not experience because I have

never worked before in any hotel. Although I specialised in languages like German and
French, so I have the ability of maintain a conversation in a very fluent way, I have
been living in Germany for a semester last year. I attached in this email my CV and all
my languages certificates.

On the other hand, I consider that I will learn many important things in the job because
I have seen that your hotel is one of the most well organized in the city, so I am looking
forward to improving my knowledge in this field and find the best strategies for
opening my own hotel in the future.

Finally, I wonder if I could ask a couple of questions. Is the meal included in the job or I
have to bring my own meal? Do you know if there is any type of public transport to go
to the hotel? And the last thing I need to know is if there is something necessary for
the job that I must bring.

I very much look forward to taking part in the course.

Yours sincerely,


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