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1st Quarter Week 6

I. Competency:
Identify meanings of content specific words
- denotation and connotation
Source: EN4V-IIIf-38
MELC, Essential English 4, English LM
II. Do It by Yourself

A. Know It First

To the Learner
You are already done with the four Modules. I would like to congratulate you for a job
well done! Let’s go further and dig deeper as we move on to another lesson.

Let’s Recall

Answer the “word equation” with the help of your dictionary in the column as provided.
Word Equation New word Meaning
1. life+less =
2. re+write =
3. mis+heard =
4. dis+honest =
5. peace+ful =

Great! It seems that you really understood your previous topic.

Let’s Learn Something New

Now, I want you to analyze how the word “chicken” is used in the different covers of the books shown
Does the chicken on the first book cover similar to the second book?
Now I want you to watch a video

According to the video, what is a denotation?

What is a connotation?

Let’s Try This

Exercise A
Direction: Words differ in meaning depending on their use in sentences. Take this activity for example. Read
the following sentences and do what is asked. Write your answer on a space provided.
Sentence A

Samira’s chicken won first place in the “Chicken Do Fast Eating Contest”. It was the heaviest
chicken challenge in the town.
Sentence B

“What’s the matter, are you chicken? Jimmuel’s friends asked him why he didn’t join the pole climbing
contest. They didn’t know that he is afraid of heights.

Answer the following questions.

1. What is the meaning of “chicken” in Box A? _____________
2. How about chicken in Box B? What word in Box B can help you get the meaning of chicken?
3. What is another word for afraid? ______________

Exercise B
Direction: Do the following tasks and answer the questions that follow.
Task 1: Draw a sad face on the box provided below and fill it with blue

Based from what you have drawn, what does blue color mean?
When someone says “I am feeling blue.” What does it mean?
Write your answer on the space provided below.

If you are feeling blue, it means that you are sad.

Good! You have given another meaning for the word blue. Let us move to the next task.
Task 2: Pick and feel a stone.
As you pick and feel a stone, how do you describe the stone?
Yes! It is a piece of rock and it is hard.
Stone can have another meaning.
What does stone mean in this sentence?
“My mother does not love me anymore. She has a heart of stone.”?

Stone here means to be unkind or cruel.

That will lead to us in this another activity. This will surely be easier. Go get your dictionary and ask help.
Ask help to Mr. Dictionary while singing “Row, row your boat”.
I hope you’ll enjoy.
Exercise C

Direction: Find the exact and accurate meaning of the given words below. Write your answers
on the bubble map organizer.

miser count

Wow fantastic! You are getting more confident with your answers.

Let’s Remember This

Now, let us discuss the meaning of the following concepts to help you understand the meaning
of the words on how it is used in the sentence.

Denotation- is the specific, and concrete meaning of a word. This is the meaning that can be found in a
dictionary. It represents the explicit and literal meaning of a word.
Example: warm (adjective)- having or giving out heat to a moderate degree.
“It’s too warm here. We should open a window.”

It only means that denotation is the exact and literal meaning of the word from the dictionary. Now, moving on
to connotation.

Connotation- is an idea or quality that a word makes you think about in addition to its meaning. It refers to the
emotions associated with a word. Sometimes it has social cultural implications. It can be positive or negative
(suggestive meanings).

Below are a few connotation examples:

He’s such a dog. - in this sense, the word “dog” connotes shameless or ugliness.
“There’s no place like home” – while home may refer to the actual building someone lives in, connotatively, it
most often refers to family, comfort and security.

This time, I want you to try the following. Let’s give it a try!
Write a simple sentence below the box using the words given as:
1. “red” as denotative

2. “cold” as connotative

B. Test Yourself

Let’s Do This

Activity 1
Directions: Write the connotative meaning associated with the following
animals? Write your answers on the right column provided.
Connotative Meaning
1. Tiger
2. Turtle
3. Dove
4. Shark
5. Snake
Activity 2

Directions: Choose the word that best fits the sentence. Draw a heart shape to the word that corresponds
to your answer.
(home, house) 1. A _______ is where family lives happily and harmoniously.
(hungry, starving) 2. Sammuel spent the whole day playing basketball with his friends. When he arrived at
home he was ______ to death.
(old, antique)3. Her _______ collection of bottles must be worth a fortune.
(small, minute) 4. It has been found out that the particles that are so _____, that can’t be seen by our eyes, can
cause allergies.
(thrifty, miser) 5. Roxanne spends wisely and saves his allowance. However, if there is someone in need, she
helps that person. Therefore, he is a ____ person.

What Have You Learned

Let me check how far you have learned from our topic.

Complete the paragraph by filling in the important details about your learning in this lesson.
I have learned from this lesson that there are two ways to understand the meaning of a word, first is the
__________________________ which means
____________________________________________________________________, and second
is_________________________ which means that ____________________________________

III. Assessment

Directions: Identify the underlined word used in the sentence whether denotation or connotation.
Write your answer on the space provided.
_____________ 1. He was angry with me because I had broken his pen.
_____________ 2. Huge waves rose in the angry sea.
_____________ 3. They fired at the house. The bullets buried themselves in the wall.
_____________ 4. “Three nights later old Major died peacefully in his sleep. His body was buried at
the foot of the orchard.
_____________ 5. Death is a true friend.
_____________ 6. Jameer is my best friend.
_____________ 7. In ancient times, the Romans brought slaves from the battles.
_____________ 8. “I was exposed as a slave of habit even in so trifling a matter as getting the first
cigarette out a new packer.
_____________ 9. Zanjoe’s peace of mind was shattered.
____________ 10. A glass pane of our window was shattered by a cricket ball.

IV. Answer Key

Test Yourself
1.courage, willpower, and personal strength
2.easygoing, patient, wise
4.untrustworthy, someone who means to take advantage of others
5.evil, betrayal, traitor

Activity 2
1. starving
2. antique
3. minute
4. thrifty

1. denotation
2. connotation
3. connotation
5. connotation
7. denotation
8. connotation
9. connotation
10. denotation

Prepared by:


Teacher III
Benito R. Villar Memorial School

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