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Denaga, Jenny A.


Activity: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants


Please refer to the following quote in answering the given questions below.

"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

- Sir Isaac Newton

1. What do you think Newton has seen?

I think Newton has seen his inventions and theories that are very known since today.
Based on the quote given by Isaac Newton, he says that because of all the learnings he learned
from all the great scientist and mathematicians that came before him, he discovered many
things and theory that is very helpful until today.

2. What do you think Newton refers to as giants?

I think the giants he was talking about in the quote are the great scientist and
mathematicians that came before him.

3. What do you think this quote tells you about Newton's character?

I think that Newton is a very humble and selfless person, he gives credit to those
scientists who contributed to his discoveries even without knowing it. He believed that
without their help, he wouldn't come up with those inventions and theories.

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