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Batiancila, Jea Mae G.

August 18, 2022

BEED – 4A Activity 1

I. “If I have seen further than the others, it is by standing on the

shoulders of giants.”

1. What do you think Newton has seen?

- I believe, Isaac Newton was able to see new discoveries and insights into ideas
that can be applied to scientific progress.

2. Who do you think Newton refers to as “giants”?

- Other philosophers and scientists who paved the way for discovery are referred
to as ‘giants’ by Isaac Newton. They inspired him and greatly influenced him to
contribute to the field of science.

3. What do you think this quote tells you about Newton’s character?

- The quotes simply tell that Isaac Newton is very observant and distinct because
he couldn't discover things or propose scientific evidences without the aid of
other philosophers' ideas and aspirations. He was able to gain insight from those
who knew more than him before he began to wonder about the world, we lived in.

II. Questions/Answers

• Is it better to know or not to know?

- It is preferable better to know something than to know nothing. Knowing

is the acquisition of knowledge, and our knowledge will assist us in
understanding the way of life. Existence in the world without knowledge is
meaningless, and we should strive to better understand the various
aspects of life so that we will not become ignorant of our surroundings. It is
also always better to know because the only way to better understand
oneself is to know oneself. Moreover, if one is curious about something,
the only way to satisfy this desire for understanding is to know.
• Our identity is based on how we see the world.

- Our identity and how we perceive life. It reflects our inner selves as well
as our interactions with others. It is how we live as a result of how we
perceive the world. We live to have different experiences, which is why we
all see the world in different ways because we all have our own opinions
based on our "experiences," which help us understand life and how to view
different aspects of it.

• Should scientist be allowed to do anything that they can?

- The ultimate goal of a scientist is to both investigate natural laws and

promote human progress. As a result, they are not free to do whatever
they want. Scientists can do certain things, but they must be for the
betterment of our world. It will also put us in danger if they will do whatever
they want to experiment on.

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