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Alexia Aguilar

Dr. J. Martinez

English 1301.212

4 May 2023

Teaching Strategies and Student Performance in a Borderless Class

The way a teacher teaches a student can have much impact, meaning choosing the

appropriate teaching strategies since it can affect the student's performance. The environment of

the classroom can also affect the way a student can learn or is taught. The article “Teaching

Strategies and Students’ Performance in Mathematics in a Borderless Classroom” by Roblon,

Angelie, et al. talks about when Covid hit, many people’s education was impacted; consequently,

it became harder to teach math to specific students. The authors use ethos, pathos, and logos to

show the effectiveness of teaching strategies.

When Covid hit, many things changed, people started to turn everything online, and

places shutting down. As a result of the pandemic, the schools had to go virtual as well.

Educators were having a hard time getting the student attention and slowly gave up and just tried

their best, and some even ended up quitting. Parents needed to help their children

education-wise. In the article, the teacher asked for parents to help the children so they could

learn, and some parents did help, but not all.

In some cases, not all students had electronics, such as a computer, to log in to class, or they did

not have WiFi to attend class. Teachers teaching math became more challenging and more

complicated, especially if they were away from guiding them in person. Some students would

cheat and pretend they know what they are doing just because they do not want to hear the

teacher or seem unintelligent compared to other students. The school became challenging
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because it was harder to understand a teacher when they were trying to teach, and it was much

easier to get distracted, and with young ones there in the house, it was loud. WiFi would go down

of how much more people would use it all at once. The researcher states some emotions of the

educator and the student when they first went online. They used fifteen mathematics instructors

to help with this research.

In the article, the research researchers studied fifteen mathematics instructors to show was

to help students learn math while being in an online school. First, they put a survey out, and they

responded while asking them questions while doing the survey. The professors provided a

recording of the lecture, and the educators gave them a chance for their students to try it out. By

them bringing and asking professionals such as the educator shows ethos. They use the teachers'

perspective and the information that they have seen thor out the years as an expert view. Most of

the information that was given was similar saying to what other educators were seeing in their

classrooms. Of the researchers showing a pre-recorded class shows the effectiveness because it

helps many of the students who had learned using those types of strategies. Showing practice

showed improvement in a student's grades, including homework, activities in the material, and

asking the student to show their answers to the class and a (Roblon et al. 2502), also giving them

an option if they want to do it online or traditional base on their preference. Using examples and

writing notes on the side helped them too, and it allowed them with their self-improvement. The

author shows pathos that educators are trying their best to help their students with what they need

to do to be able to learn and use the word “ self-improvement” to show that students feel good

about themselves knowing that they are doing something compelling. They care about their

student education, and they want them to pass and get good grades to be able to move on and
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continue their education. They are learning and not struggling anymore with math. They show

that they care about the student's education and try to find ways to help with their learning.

The author says allowing the students to choose their own teaching strategy allows their

students to master the topic, and when they move on, they will know what they have learned in

the previous lecture (Roblon et al. 2503). This shows logos showing that when students have the

freedom to choose the way they learn helps improve, and it shows that not everyone learns in the

same way because everyone learns differently. They do research, and the researchers show in the

article Table 2 (Roblon et al. 2503) showing the results and the different strategies that the

students use. There are three study types: Recording of lectures, Providing Interactive Activities,

and Writing the Steps and Examples on Slides; from the results, Writing the Steps and Examples

on Slides worked for most of the students. By having them show the results, they can go and

explain to future educators, or the educators can take that information and learn from it. They can

use that information in their class to show improvement and make it easier for their students to

learn, which shows effectiveness to their learning and being able to take what they can from that


In the article, they mention about a borderless classroom. It says that “strategies used in

the borderless classroom are found to be significantly affecting the student performance…”

(Roblon et al. 2505), so what they are doing is working for them, and other schools should they

the same thing to see if there is an improvement in there scores or school performances. They

have shown a significant amount of good scores, and the teaching styles have significantly

impacted the student's educations. This shows ethics because teachers have seen and chosen this

method. After all, it works for them. They themselves say that the teaching style they are using is

shows better performance (Roblon et al. 2505). The positive impact makes the students want to
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keep going, and it shows a good effect on the students to keep on learning more things, knowing

that they themself the student will do good on the subject.

Overall when analyzing the rhetorical analysis of “Teaching Strategies and Students’

Performance in Mathematics in a Borderless Classroom” by Roblon, Angelie et al. have shown

the effectiveness of teaching strategies. The right strategy can improve a student's education and

performance. When the environment is changed or the subject becomes more brutal, the educator

tries to find different strategies to help that student so they can learn and do good in an exam.

The way a teacher present themselves to a student impacts them in their education life. Letting

students pick the way they study and not forcing them to do it a specific way helps a student

learn faster and get the material better.

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Work Cited

Roblon, Angelie, et al. “Teaching Strategies and Students’ Performance in Mathematics in a

Borderless Classroom.” International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and

Education Research, vol. 3, no. 12, 2022, pp. 2498–2508.

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