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Ramos 1

Isabella Ramos

ENGL 1302 280

Professor Jason Dew

5 April 2023

Homework: Week 11

5 Questions about my first draft

1. Is my thesis statement clear?

2. Does my essay flow nicely and have good transitions?

3. Are my intro and conclusion focused on the main point of the essay?

4. Are there a lot of grammatical errors or phrases I should word better?

5. Do I get off topic anywhere?


1. What five things do you need to finish on your draft?

- Grammar check

- Peer Review

- Extra paragraphs

- Meet word count

- Add cited work

2. What five things do you want to change in your draft?

- I needed to make my conclusion better

- Fix intro

- Add transitions to each paragraph

- Add extra details to each paragraph


- Find better articles

3. What five things are perfect in your draft and you will not change them?

- The way that i organized the essay

- Most of it makes sense

- The title

- Proper MLA format

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