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r~rr - 1
lmp1irt :1m·L· 1lf /\i r Tra nsport :1t1 011 Safl:ty and Scc urit y-/\irport- /\irway s. - l' rotcct1 ng Puhlic
r r:1 11 :--pnrt:1t11rn - Screrni ng- Pcrso nnl'l ' s and 8 aggage·s Metal Dctecturs-X ra y lnspcl..l1on.),
P:1:-,:--1, L' :llld /\c tt ve Millimeters-Trace- Detec ti on Techniques .

l '\IT - 2
Tc-rrnrism Introduction- Ca uses of Terrorism - Ri val claim of' pa les tin e- Pa bt1ne
Lilwrati,111 Orga ni1ati crn - Nuclear Terrorism BBM/BB/\ - Aviation Manage ment 201 0-11 &
1111\\·:1rds- CPOP Pa ge 31 of' 39 -/\ircraft as Mi ss iles - 9/ 11 Terrorist /\ct and its Co nseq uence~.

l'~IT - 3
11 i_iacking Securit y meas ures- Airport Security Programmed and Steps tak en to Contend
\\'ith I lijack ing.- Cockpit doors- Sky Marshal Programme - Public Law about I lijacking - ..\tr
Transportation Security Ac t of 200 1 - Crimes against I lumanity .

U\IT - 4

Legislati ons and Regul ations - ICAO/ECAC - Transportation security administr:itwn -

Int ern atio nal aviati on sa fety assessment program . - Legislation after 9 Sep 200 I- Biologic 3l
&Chemi ca l Warfa re - Steps to Combat Terrorism - The Tokyo Convention & Ac t

U~ IT - 5

Techn ologic al Improvements on Aviati on Safety and Security -Introduction- Mil'ru,,·a,,

Holograp hi c Imagin g -Body or Fire Security Scann er -New Generation of vid eo Security Sy~t.:i:·,
-Biosimmer - Biometric Systems - The way on Drug an d Ex pl os ives .

TOTAL: 45 Period~

, Protecting Public Transportation

, Air Transportati on Security Act
, !\ viati on Safe ty /\ sscssment Progra m

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