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Central Philippine University


Jaro, Iloilo City

Name: _Wallace Dave Hajjy Lim__ Date: _December, 2022_

Course: _BSB Microbiology - 3_

Bio 3103 (General Ecology)

Laboratory Exercise No. 7
Aquatic (Freshwater) Food Chain, Food Web, Trophic Structure
And Species Interactions

I. Objectives:

1. To identify and different food chains and food web existing in a freshwater ecosystem.
2. To identify the different species interactions in a freshwater ecosystem.
3. To construct different food chains and food web in a freshwater ecosystem.
4. To construct a trophic structure out of the food chains and food web.

II. Materials:

Chosen freshwater ecosystem

Note book
Pencil/Ball Pen
Field working clothes and protective equipment

III. Procedure:

1. Look for any kind of freshwater (pond, river, stream, brook, etc.) ecosystem near to your
2. Record all the living components of your chosen ecosystem.
3. Take pictures of the said ecosystem and all the living components.
4. Identify the different food chains in that particular ecosystem.
5. Construct a food web out of the food chains identified.
6. Construct a trophic structure out of the food chains and food web identified.
7. Identify and discuss the different species interactions in a freshwater ecosystem.
IV. Results, Illustrations and Discussion:

Freshwater Ecosystem; Pond

V. Conclusions:

In conclusion, freshwater ecosystems are filled with various types of species that depend
on each other to survive. Mutualism can also exist, such as the case between zooplanktons,
phytoplanktons, and snails. For the most part, predator-prey interactions can be found in this
ecosystem, such as the relationship between aquatic insects, frogs, fishes, snakes, and stork.

Reminder: Observe physical distancing/minimum health protocol during data collection.

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