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Teacher: Ms.

Gabrielli Class: 2nd Grade Date: 4/21-4/27

Lesson Concepts & Motivation: Materials: Set-up:
-Singing and chanting in major and minor. -Chimes -Youtube open to Swan Lake
-Singing in duple and triple meter. -Laptop with Youtube open -Youtube open to Ain’t No Mountain High
-Chanting in duple meter. -Projector w/iPad Enough
-Listening, echoing, singing and chanting -Chimes on desk
-Movement: flow, macro, micro, hyperbeat -Projector turned on
-iPad set up under projector
Song/Chant/Activity/Objectives Step-by-Step Procedure Evaluation Time
S/C/A: Down By The Bay Position: Seated Circle Formative Assessment: 3-5 minutes
Tonality: Major T will listen to S match pitch
Meter: Duple -T says “Echo me” T will observe S follow directions
-T takes a prep breath
Objective(s): -T sings each song fragment of Down By The Bay
I will sing Down By The Bay -S echo each song fragment
I will echo the leader in Down By The
I will sing a song in major
I will sing in duple meter

MU.1.F.3.1 Demonstrate appropriate
manners and teamwork necessary for
success in a music classroom.

MU.K.S.2.1 Sing or play songs from


MU.K.O.1.1 Respond to beat, rhythm,

and melodic line through imitation.

MU.2.S.3.1 Sing songs in an appropri-

ate range, using head voice and main-
taining pitch.

MU:Pr6.1.Kb Perform appropriately
for the audience.
S/C/A: Transition - Chimes Position: Seated Circle Formative Assessment: 15 seconds
Tonality: N/A -T will observe S follow directions
Meter: N/A -T plays the chimes
-S stand up quietly
-I will listen for the chimes
-I will sit/stand when the chimes play
(Stand for this)
-I will wait for directions

DA.K.F.3.1 Follow classroom instruc-
tions given by the teacher.

S/C/A: Stick Figures Position: Standing Circle Formative Assessment: 5-7 minutes
Tonality: Minor Song: Ain’t No Mountain High Enough by Marvin Gaye -T will observe S imitate the stick
Meter: Duple figures
-T says “Do what I do” -T will observe S follow directions
Objective(s): -T performs motions (Ex: hand on top of head, clap, lift -T will observe S change motions
I will imitate the stick figures pre- both arms up, etc.) at the correct time
sented  -S imitate motions
I will listen to a song in major 
I will listen to the teacher count to 8 -T says “Listen to the drum tap to 4 and then the stick
(or 4, 2, etc.) figure is going to change”
-T displays stick figure and taps on the drum 4 times
SSS: -S imitate stick figure and listen
DA.K.F.3.1 Follow classroom instruc- -T switches to different stick figure (as many times as T
tions given by the teacher. wishes to)

DA.2.S.3.4 Maintain a demonstrated -T says I’m going to tap the drum 8 times now before you
rhythm in time to musical accompani- change”
ment. -T displays stick figure and taps on the drum 8 times
-S imitate stick figure and listen
DA.1.S.1.1 Discover movement -T switches to different stick figure (as many times as T
through exploration, creativity, self- wishes to)
discovery, and experimentation in
dance. -T says “Now we’re going to add some music. I am going
to tap on the drum 8 times. ”
DA.1.S.1.2 Explore how body parts -T presses play on song
move by using imitation and imagery. -T puts projector back on and presents the first stick fig-
NCAS: -S imitate stick figure
-T taps on the drum 8 times
-T displays another stick figure
-T repeats as many times as necessary
S/C/A: Look to the Window Position: Standing Circle Formative Assessment: 30 seconds
-T will observe S follow directions
Tonality: Dorian -T says “Do as I do” -T will observe S perform motins
-T takes a prep breath -T will observe S sit in a circle
Meter: 5/8 -T sings 1st phrase (“Look”) and performs motions
-S perform motions
-I will listen T sing Look To the Win- -T sings 2nd phrase (“Point”) and performs motions
dow -S perform motions
-I will listen to a song in Dorian
-I will listen to a song in 5/8 meter -T sings 2nd phrase (“Point”) and performs motions,
-I will perform the motions changing the last line to “sit”
-I will sit in a circle -S perform motions
-T and S sit on the floor after song is finished
MU.K.O.1.1 Respond to beat, rhythm,
and melodic line through imitation

DA.K.F.3.1 Follow classroom instruc-

tions given by the teacher.

MU:Cr1.1.Ka With guidance, explore
and experience music concepts (such
as beat and melodic contour).
S/C/A: Review Form - Swan Lake by Position: Seated Circle Formative Assessment: 10-12 min-
Tchaikovsky -T will observe utes
Tonality: Minor -T says “We talked about Form last time, who can tell me
Meter: Duple what the first section was?”
-S answer (Section A)
Objective(s): -T reviews hand sign for section
I will listen to a discussion about Form -T repeats previous three steps until Form ABAC-Coda is
I will learn/review the instruments dis- complete
-T says “Show me the hand signs as the video plays”
SSS: -T plays video
MU.2.O.1.2 Identify the form of a sim- -S watch and show hand signs for each section
ple piece of music.
-T showcases instruments in the video
MU.2.S.3.1 Sing songs in an appropri- -T selects an instrument and asks “What family is the in-
ate range, using head voice and main- strument from? What is the name of the instrument?”
taining pitch. -S answer

MU.2.C.1.1 Identify appropriate listen-

ing skills for learning about musical
examples selected by the teacher.

MU.1.F.3.1 Demonstrate appropriate

manners and teamwork necessary for
success in a music classroom.

MU:Re7.2.3a Demonstrate and de-
scribe how a response to music can be
informed by the structure, the use of
the elements of music, and context
(such as personal and social).
S/C/A: Transition - Chimes Position: Seated Circle Formative Assessment: 15 seconds
Tonality: N/A -T will observe S follow directions
Meter: N/A -T plays the chimes
-S stand up quietly
-I will listen for the chimes
-I will sit/stand when the chimes play
(Stand for this)
-I will wait for directions

DA.K.F.3.1 Follow classroom instruc-
tions given by the teacher.

S/C/A: Miss White - Iconic Represen- Position: Standing Circle Formative Assessment: 10-15 min-
tation -T will observe S perform mo- utes
Tonality: N/A -T says “Watch me” tions 
Meter: Duple -T takes a prep breath  -T will observe S perform the
-T performs chant  chant
Objective(s): -S watch and listen [1] -T will listen S say the chant
I will listen to Miss White -T will listen to S enter when cued
I will chant Miss White -T says “Say the chant with me and find the beat quietly.
I will match pitch contours Watch me for when to start”
I will pat the rhythm of Miss White  -T takes a prep breath
I will perform body percussion to Miss -T and S perform chant and find the beat (x2) [2,3]
-T says “Say the chant but pat the rhythm now”
SSS: -T takes a prep breath
MU.1.F.3.1 Demonstrate appropriate -T and S perform the chant and pat the rhythm (x2) [4,5]
manners and teamwork necessary for
success in a music classroom. -T takes out iconic representation cards from box
-T lays out I.R. cards in sequential order in front of them
DA.K.F.3.1 Follow classroom instruc- -T says “Okay, now you are going to say and pat the
tions given by the teacher. rhythm and I am going to point”
-T asks “Who is pointing at the cards?”
MU.2.H.3.1 Perform and compare pat- -S answer
terns, aurally and visually, found in -T asks “Who is saying the words and doing the mo-
songs, finger plays, or rhymes to gain a tions?”
foundation for exploring patterns in -S answer
other contexts. -T takes a prep breath
-S recite chant and pat the rhythm
NCAS: -T points with index finger to I.R. picture in sequential
MU:Pr6.1.2a Perform music for a spe- order (x2) [6,7]
cific purpose with expression and tech-
nical accuracy.

MU:Cr2.1.Ka With guidance, organize

personal musical ideas using iconic no-
tation and/or recording technology
T says “Great! Now I am going to do something differ-
-T flips I.R. picture #2 face down
-T says “Glue your hands. It’s my turn”
-T takes a prep breath
-T recites chant while pointing to corresponding I.R. pic-
-T stays silent (audiates) when pointing at I.R. card #2
(x2) [8,9]

-T asks “what was different that time?”

-S answers
-T says “Who can guess what I was doing in my head
while I stayed quiet?”
-S answers (continue until S respond correctly)
-T says “Exactly! When I speak the words in my head,
that is called to audiate. Everyone say ‘audiate’”
-S say “audiate” (x5)
-T repeats what it means to audiate

-T says “Now, let’s say the whole thing again but audiate
card #2 with me”
-T ask “What card are we audiating?”
-S answer
-T takes a prep breath
-T and S recite chant and perform motions, but audiate
I.R. card #2 (x2) [10,11]

-T turns I.R. card #3 face down

-T asks “Now which cards are we audiating?”
-S answer
-T takes a prep breath
-T and S recite chant and perform motions, but audiate
I.R. card #2 and #3 [12]
-T says “One more time. Watch"
-T turns I.R. card #1 face down
-T takes a prep breath
-T and S recite chant and perform motions, but audiate
I.R. card #1, #2 and #3 [13]

Announcements/Administrivia Lesson Post-Evaluation:

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