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The most important lesson of my life so far

this decision is when I chose to stop focusing on

what others say, that made me stop feeling
pressured by the acceptance of my schoolmates and
has helped me stop feeling less, this caused me too
many emotional problems and it was scary to be
myself for fear of falling ill or pitying others.

what has helped me the most to leave that thought

has been to concentrate on my studies and on mine
and not wanting everyone to like me.

we must stop thinking that we depend on others

because that generates insecurity and fear of

it is advisable not to try to make everyone like you

because it is evident that you want to do it and they
will only make fun of you

do not make fun of others out of commitment or to

be liked, since you will only be disliked and you
will be a bad person
be a good person even if you dislike him, don't
leave your pride because of your anger

act calm if you are a new student this could make it

easier for them to know you at first and then be as
you are

Be a person who gives his space, a moment ago I

told you to be nice, but don't be left either

be responsible and participatory but make sure you

have the right answers to stand out more

stop trying to be handsome, dress accordingly at

some point they will realize that you are pretty

don't worry about a relationship while you're in

exams or school is complicated

I do not recommend that you worry about what your

teacher or classmates tell you about you, for
example about your state of mind, that should not
matter to you, what is really important is studies and
good grades after being Friends

Do not get so distracted with the phone while you

are in the classroom, this can cause different calls
for attention, reports or scolding from teachers and
even a suspension for both scolding or calls for
attention and this will lower your grade, your
average and your conduct

Use your free time to perhaps entertain yourself for

a while, it's not bad between entertainment, this will
make you say a little bit and you can entertain your
mind and be more relaxed and not so stressed. Well,
with your friends I went out to walk their dogs, play
with their dolls. study if you want to continue
throwing the coconut

Losing focus on a relationship does not mean not

having any liquid having a love interest is fine but
not focusing so much on that not neglecting your
studies having a girlfriend yes but it does not mean
neglecting your studies your work your exhibitions
your final credits your exams OR your
responsibilities whether they are obligations what
time to walk the dogs exercise etc.

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