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Technology has been an improvement to society, making people's lives easier to

complete tasks or give a better standard of living. However, technology befogs
society's realization on the amount of reliance they have on it and it has become
a problem. The younger generations that are raised with technology do not
notice the dependency they have on technology since they have used it all their
life.The tendency to be on technology can be a great harm in one's health.
Nowadays it is a requirement to have a computer when pursuing an education,
since most of the assigned work is through a type version. Indeed it's more
professional and sophisticated. The use of technologies not only affects
articulation but as well trouble in your sleep.Using technology before going to
sleep increases the percentage of restlessness since it causes an active mind
during the night interrupting a n individual sleep time, a loss of concentration
and to become sleepy throughout the next day. It can also cause headaches and
change in individuals mood to feeling frustrated and anxious.Technology
addiction is ruining the life of people. Technology must be put to good use. One
must limit its usage to avoid getting addicted to it. If we don’t stand against
technology addiction, the day isn’t far when it will prove harmful to our
existence parents should spend more time with their children and they should
also keep proper check and balance and they should not allow to use any kind
of electronic devices more then 1 or 2 hours a day. Rather than they should tell
their children the benefits of playing sports and doing other outdoor activities.

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