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Technology is something that makes our lives

easier and is mostly used by everyone. It is a tool
that allows us to reach almost anything we are
looking for. However,excessive use of technology
can cause serious problems for people.
While technology is very useful for people, its
excessive use is also harmful. Spending too much
time on technology and the internet can damage
our eyesight and affect our health. It can also take
up a lot of our time and distract us from our other
tasks and habits. At the same time, it can set a bad
example for us and encourage bad habits.
All these reasons we have mentioned are of
serious importance for human life. In order to
prevent these problems, we must spend as much
time as necessary on technological devices and the
internet. We should only use it when we need it
and for useful purposes. Otherwise, it would be
impossible to prevent these problems.

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